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2025-02-12 Board of Public Works

1 87076 Public Comments for Items not on the Agenda.Limited to three (3) minutes.
3 87077 Consider a Report of the City Engineer regarding the results of a review of water resource impacts and the necessity of permits for public works construction projects on this agenda.Water Resource Report.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. Water Resource Report.pdf

5 86918 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard Project (University Avenue). (District 5, District 11)Sponsors:Bill Tishler And Regina M. Vidaver11x17 Project Overview Map.pdfNoise Variance Letter - Final R1.pdfAttachments:The Board of Public Works is scheduled to hold Public Hearings virtually on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

Attachments: 1. 11x17 Project Overview Map.pdf, 2. Noise Variance Letter - Final R1.pdf

6 87018 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14923. (District 14)Sponsors:Isadore Knox Jr.14923 BPW mailing.pdf14923 display.pdfAttachments:The Board of Public Works is scheduled to hold Public Hearings virtually on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

Attachments: 1. 14923 BPW mailing.pdf, 2. 14923 display.pdf

7 87074 Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Meyer Avenue Assessment District - 2025 (District 11).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS15219_BPW Display.pdf15219_BPW Notes.pdf15219 MeyerAve_AssmtLtr BPW.pdfAttachments:The Board of Public Works is scheduled to hold Public Hearings virtually on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.

Attachments: 1. 15219_BPW Display.pdf, 2. 15219_BPW Notes.pdf, 3. 15219 MeyerAve_AssmtLtr BPW.pdf

8 86836 Change Order No. 4 to Contract 9358, Bartillon Shelter, to Miron Construction Co., Inc., for $152,606.00, and a completion date of 12/10/25. (District 12).9358 CO 4.pdfAttachments:REPORT BY CITY ENGINEERINGRECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 9358 CO 4.pdf

9 87073 Change Order No. 19 to Contract 8595, Madison Public Market, to Joe Daniels Construction Co., Inc., for $212,348.65 and a completion date of 5/31/25. (District 12).8595 CO 8595.pdfAttachments:REPORT BY CITY ENGINEERINGRECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 8595 CO 8595.pdf

10 87093 Change order No. 16 to Contract 8716, East-West Bus Rapid Transit Main Body, to Zenith Tech Inc, balancing quantities for a total net change of $0 and extending the completion date to May 16, 2025 (District 3, District 4, District 5, District 6, District 8, District 9, District 11, District 12, and District 19)8716 CO 16.pdfAttachments:The main BRT project, Contract 8716, has several accounts that relate to “standard cost categories” defined by the Federal Transit Administration, and city budgets. With the upcoming invoice, Pay Estimate 20, three accounts will be over: SCC 30 – Support (charging and restroom facilities, various items, $49,154), SCC 10 – Guideway (concrete pavement, $77,582), and SCC 40 – Site Work (street lighting electrical wiring, $327). The overruns in these three accounts can be offset by underruns in SCC 40 – Site work. The result is a no-cost change order that adjusts these four accounts. In addition, the contract is being extended to early summer 2025 in order to give the contractor time to make minor corrections and finishing touches, some of which require warmer temperatures.RECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 8716 CO 16.pdf

11 87098 Change Order No. 4 to Contract 8735, E. Wilson St. and E. Doty St. Reconstruction Assessment District - 2023, to R.G. Huston Co., Inc., for $118,784.04 (over project contingency). (District 4, District 6).8735 CO 4.pdfAttachments:REPORT BY CITY ENGINEERINGRECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 8735 CO 4.pdf

12 87105 Change order No. 4 to Contract 8717, Mineral Point Road Widen Sidewalk (for East-West Bus Rapid Transit), to Parisi Construction, for $30,285.72 and a time extension to 5/16/25. (District 9, District 11, and District 19).8717 CO 4.pdfAttachments:REPORT BY METRO TRANSITRECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 8717 CO 4.pdf

13 86775 Amending the Engineering Bicycle & Pedestrian and Planning Adopted Capital Budgets to transfer existing GO budget authority from Engineering - Major Streets to Planning for the Percent for Art Aggregate Fund related to the Pheasant Branch Greenway Enhancement Project (District 9).Sponsors:Nikki Conklin And Marsha A. RummelLead agency is Finance Committee (2/17/25) with additional referral of the Board of Public Works (2/12/25)RECOMMEND TO ADOPT
14 86814 Vacating and discontinuing portions of Braxton Place public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the said lands to be included the replatting parts of Lot 1 and 2 of CSM No. 1596 . Being located in part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 9 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (District 13)Sponsors:Tag EversBraxton Place Street Vacation Exhibit_06-03-24.pdfRelated Certified Survey Map.pdfLis Pendens-Braxton Place Discontinuance.pdfVicinity Map.pdfAttachments:As part of the upcoming redevelopment of the Triangle, Braxton Pl. is to be reconstructed by the development, leaving excess right-of-way. The vacation of the excess right-of-way will be included as part of the new Lot by a CSM conditionally approved by the Common Council (RES-24-00405), and, once vacated, will be utilized by the Triangle redevelopment as part of the conditionally approved demolition and conditional use site plan approved by the Plan commission (File ID’s 82942 and 82943)Lead agency is Board of Public Works (2/12/25), with additional referrals of the Plan Commission (2/3/25) and Transportation Commission (2/5/25).Plan Commission moved to Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval and Transportation Commission moved to Return to Lead with the Recommendation for Common Council to Adopt.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. Braxton Place Street Vacation Exhibit_06-03-24.pdf, 2. Related Certified Survey Map.pdf, 3. Lis Pendens-Braxton Place Discontinuance.pdf, 4. Vicinity Map.pdf

15 87045 Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)Sponsors:Nikki ConklinCorridor Plan - Staff Presentation.pdfSauk Creek Corridor Plan Report_2-5-2025.pdfCorridor Plan Map- Graphical Overview.pdfAttachments:Lead and only agency is Board of Public WorksREPORT BY CITY ENGINEERINGRECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. Corridor Plan - Staff Presentation.pdf, 2. Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Report_2-5-2025.pdf, 3. Corridor Plan Map- Graphical Overview.pdf

16 87065 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 320 S. Brearly Street CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9629 (District 6)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9629 Exhibit.pdfAttachments:The developer, Brearly Street Property Group LLC, has been conditionally approved for a one-lot certified survey map (CSM), demolition of a commercial building, and construction of a six-story mixed-use building with 124 apartments at a location currently addressed as 306 and 310 S Brearly Street. Upon recording of the CSM, the new lot shall be addressed as 320 S Brearly Street. Public improvements required to serve the project include a private water service, storm sewer connection to public storm sewer in the E Wilson Street corridor to be constructed in 2025 with a separate Public Works project, construction of new public sanitary sewer in the E Wilson Street corridor from the project limits and connecting into the public sanitary main located in S Paterson Street. Trees shall be planted along the S Brearly St frontage as directed by the City Forester. Street, terrace, and sidewalk repairs shall be constructed as directed by the City Engineer. Traffic control plans and street occupancy permits as required by Traffic Engineering along S Brearly Street and E Wilson Street. The developer shall be responsible for communication and construction coordination with the City Public Works storm water project.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 9629 Exhibit.pdf

17 87069 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 17 of the Subdivision known as Village at Autumn Lake and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9579 and 9580 (District 17)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9579 9580 Exhibit.pdfAttachments:The developer, VAL, LLC, is proposing the construction of Phase 17 in the Village at Autumn Lake. This phase contains lot from Village at Autumn Lake Replat No 8 located east of Felland Road and north of Lien Road. The phase consists of construction of public improvements including public streets, sidewalks, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water main to serve 36 single-family homes. A bike/pedestrian trail shall be constructed in Outlots 77 and 78. Contract No. 9579 shall cover all public right of way construction (excluding surface paving). Contract No. 9580 shall cover surface paving of the phase.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 9579 9580 Exhibit.pdf

18 87057 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (including bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In 4649 Verona Road, Private Contract No. 9231 (District 10).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9231 Street Schedule A complete.pdf4649 Verona Rd Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf4649 Verona Road Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 9231 Street Schedule A complete.pdf, 2. 4649 Verona Rd Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf, 3. 4649 Verona Road Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf

19 87058 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In Acacia Ridge Phase 9, Private Contract No. 9260 (District 9).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9260 Street Schedule A complete.pdfAcacia Ridge Ph 9 Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdfAcacia Ridge Ph 9 Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 9260 Street Schedule A complete.pdf, 2. Acacia Ridge Ph 9 Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf, 3. Acacia Ridge Ph 9 Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf

20 87059 Accepting sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and street improvements (excluding bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In Western Addition to 1000 Oaks Phase 4, Private Contract No. 9221 (District 9).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSWestern Add to 1000 Oaks Ph 4 Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdfWestern Add to 1000 Oaks Ph 4 Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf9221 Street Schedule A excluding bituminous.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. Western Add to 1000 Oaks Ph 4 Sanitary Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf, 2. Western Add to 1000 Oaks Ph 4 Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf, 3. 9221 Street Schedule A excluding bituminous.pdf

21 87060 Accepting street improvements (including bituminous surface pavement) constructed by Private Contract In 3201 Anderson Street - MATC Parking, Private Contract No. 2243 (District 17).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS2243 Street Schedule A complete.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 2243 Street Schedule A complete.pdf

22 86919 Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the John Nolen Drive Reconstruction Assessment District -2025. (District 4, District 13)Sponsors:Tag Evers And Michael E. VerveerRECOMMEND TO ADOPT
23 87070 Declaring the City of Madison's intention to exercise its police powers establishing the Davidson St, Park Ct, Maher Ave, Gary St Reconstruction Assessment District - 2025. (District 15)Sponsors:Dina Nina Martinez-RutherfordRECOMMEND TO ADOPT
24 87075 Assessing Benefits for 3400 Block East Washington Ave Sewer Replacement. (District 12)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS14920_Final Assessments.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 14920_Final Assessments.pdf

25 87056 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for South Madison Demolitions and Site Restorations. (14th AD)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9627_BPW_PlansPhotos.pdfAttachments:This project includes hazmat remediation and demolition of structures, removing site features and site restoration grading and reseeding of six parcels located at 810 & 818 W. Badger Rd., 814 & 826 North Ave., 1810 South Park St., and 1901-1915 South Park St. The total estimated cost of the project is $1,710,000. These sites are to be redeveloped in the future by the Community Development Authority (CDA) and City of Madison.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. 9627_BPW_PlansPhotos.pdf

26 87061 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Chip Sealing 2025 - South. (District 14)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSDraft Chip Seal 2025 - South.pdfAttachments:The City’s chip sealing contracts are an important and cost effective method of preserving City streets and extending the life of pavements. Streets are chip sealed on a systematic cycle throughout the City to have 2 regions of the City completed each year, and streets included with the contracts are prioritized based on pavement rating. The estimated cost of the project is $1,650,000.00RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. Draft Chip Seal 2025 - South.pdf

27 87062 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Chip Sealing 2025 - West. (District 9, District 11 and District 19)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSDRAFTChip2025-West.pdfAttachments:The City’s chip sealing contracts are an important and cost effective method of preserving City streets and extending the life of pavements. Streets are chip sealed on a systematic cycle throughout the City to have 2 regions of the City completed each year, and streets included with the contracts are prioritized based on pavement rating. The estimated cost of the project is $1,900,000.00RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. DRAFTChip2025-West.pdf

28 87063 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Repairing and Sealing Pavement Cracks - Local Streets 2025. (City Wide)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSDRAFTcracksealing-2025.pdfAttachments:The City’s crack sealing contracts are an important and cost effective method of preserving City streets and extending the life of pavements. Streets are crack sealed on a systematic cycle throughout the City to have streets in half of the City completed each year, and streets included with the contracts are prioritized based on pavement rating. Streets in particularly good condition are only crack sealed and some streets are crack sealed in one year to be followed by a chip seal the year after. The estimated cost of the project is $105,000.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. DRAFTcracksealing-2025.pdf

29 87064 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Repairing and Sealing Pavement Cracks - Major Streets 2025. (City Wide)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSDRAFTcracksealing-2025.pdfAttachments:The City’s crack sealing contracts are an important and cost effective method of preserving City streets and extending the life of pavements. Streets are crack sealed on a systematic cycle throughout the City to have streets in half of the City completed each year, and streets included with the contracts are prioritized based on pavement rating. Streets in particularly good condition are only crack sealed and some streets are crack sealed in one year to be followed by a chip seal the year after. The estimated cost of the project is $110,000.RECOMMEND TO ADOPT

Attachments: 1. DRAFTcracksealing-2025.pdf

31 87097 January 2025 BPW Change Order Report.Non-BPW Change order report_ 01_01_25 to 01_31_25.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. Non-BPW Change order report_ 01_01_25 to 01_31_25.pdf

32 87071 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 8769, North Shore Drive Path And East Madison Bikeways: Safe Streets. (District 4, District 12, District 15)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS8769BidOpeningTab.pdf8769 award.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND AWARD TO S&L UNDERGROUND, INC.

Attachments: 1. 8769BidOpeningTab.pdf, 2. 8769 award.pdf

33 87072 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9616, Truax Apartments PV - Roofing Alterations. (District 12)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9616BidOpeningTab.pdf9616 award.pdfAttachments:The City was awarded approximately $1.5 million in federal funds to install solar at the CDA Truax Apartments. The roofing alterations included in this contract are beyond the capacity of City staff, but are vital to complete in order to continue with the installation of the solar at this site. With current cost projections on this project actually coming in lower than expected for the bulk of the work, there is ample budget remaining to proceed with awarding this contract, despite just the single bid over estimate. Given the time constraints and relatively unique nature of the work as a public works contract, re-bidding this contract is not expected to receive much additional attention from bidders or lower prices and would delay the schedule of the larger solar installation project. RECOMMEND AWARD TO NATIONS ROOF NORTH, LLC

Attachments: 1. 9616BidOpeningTab.pdf, 2. 9616 award.pdf

2025-02-12 Board of Park Commissioners

2 87009 Approval of the January 8, 2025 Board of Park Commissioners meeting.BPC 01.08.25 Draft Minutes.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. BPC 01.08.25 Draft Minutes.pdf

3 86966 Public Comment (3 minute speaking limit for items not on the Agenda)
7 87010 February 2025 Superintendent's ReportFebruary 2025 Superintendent's Report.pdfFebruary 2025 Customer Service Report.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE REPORT

Attachments: 1. February 2025 Superintendent's Report.pdf, 2. February 2025 Customer Service Report.pdf

8 87011 Report of the January 13, 2025 Facilities, Programs, and Fees Subcommittee; and December 8, 2024 and January 23, 2025 Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee.FPF 01.13.25 Draft Minutes.pdfLRP 12.18.24 Minutes.pdfLRP 01.23.25 Draft Minutes.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE MINUTES

Attachments: 1. FPF 01.13.25 Draft Minutes.pdf, 2. LRP 12.18.24 Minutes.pdf, 3. LRP 01.23.25 Draft Minutes.pdf

10 87016 Accepting Report from staff regarding 2024 Fee Modifications2024 Fee Modification Chart for FPF and BPC.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE REPORT

Attachments: 1. 2024 Fee Modification Chart for FPF and BPC.pdf

11 87102 Review of Events Administratively Approved by Staff2025 Administrative Approval events - quarterly report.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE REPORT

Attachments: 1. 2025 Administrative Approval events - quarterly report.pdf

12 86713 Approving Revised 2025 Lakeside Offices Boardroom Fees2025 Shelter Fees with New Proposed Lakeside Offices Boardroom Fee Revisions.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND APPROVAL FROM THE JANUARY 13, 2025 FACILITIES, PROGRAMS AND FEES SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING

Attachments: 1. 2025 Shelter Fees with New Proposed Lakeside Offices Boardroom Fee Revisions.pdf

13 86983 Authorizing the termination of the existing Ground Lease and executing a new Ground Lease for the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street, within James Madison Park. (District 6)Attachment A - 9916 Ground Lease for Land 4913196.pdfAttachment C - 9916 2025 Ground Lease Rent Schedule.pdfAttachments:RETURN TO LEAD WITH RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE

Attachments: 1. Attachment A - 9916 Ground Lease for Land 4913196.pdf, 2. Attachment C - 9916 2025 Ground Lease Rent Schedule.pdf

14 86985 Approving request from Dane County to install food scrap kiosks at Vilas and Warner Parks (District 12, District 13) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION
15 86944 Request from City Engineering to construct sidewalk and path improvements in Brittingham, Olin and Law Parks as part of the North Shore Drive Path and John Nolen Drive Engineering Projects. (District 4, District 13) 11860-John Nolen Dr - BPC Parks Exhibits.pdf15104-North Shore Dr Path -BPC Parks Exhibit.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND APPROVAL

Attachments: 1. 11860-John Nolen Dr - BPC Parks Exhibits.pdf, 2. 15104-North Shore Dr Path -BPC Parks Exhibit.pdf

16 86984 Informational Report on Policies Regarding Alcohol in Madison Parks (Citywide)Alcohol Policies in City of Madison Parks Presentation.pdfAttachments:INFORMATIONAL

Attachments: 1. Alcohol Policies in City of Madison Parks Presentation.pdf

17 86965 Accepting Report from Staff regarding Projects and Programs Supported by the Madison Parks Foundation (Citywide)2024 Projects and Programs Completed in Partnership with the Madison Parks Foundation.pdfAttachments:RECOMMEND ACCEPTANCE OF THE REPORT

Attachments: 1. 2024 Projects and Programs Completed in Partnership with the Madison Parks Foundation.pdf

18 87040 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Spaulding Restaurant Enterprises Inc d/b/a Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12)WPCRC Alcohol Service Agreement (Esquire) (2025-2030).pdfAttachments:RETURN TO LEAD WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE

Attachments: 1. WPCRC Alcohol Service Agreement (Esquire) (2025-2030).pdf

2025-02-11 Common Council

1 85922 Consent Agenda Document (2/11/25)Legislative History 10/31/24Council OfficeRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ACCEPT - REPORT OF OFFICERAt this time, a consent agenda will be moved with the recommended action listed for each item EXCEPT:1) Items which have registrants wishing to speak. 2) Items which Alder(s) have separated out for discussion/debate purposes.
2 86428 Transportation Division Presentation: The history and future of Madison transportation
3 86147 Public Hearing - New License Tacomadre LLC • dba Taco Madres 2827 Atwood Ave • Agent: Jose Vicente Zecua Estimated Capacity (in/out): 75/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 30% alcohol, 70% food Police Sector 602 (District 15) LICLIB-2024-01015 App.pdfLICLIB-2024-01015 Supplemental.pdf2827 Atwood Ave map.pdfLICLIB-2024-01015 App UPDATED_12-16-2024.pdf.pdfNordstrom Comments.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 11/18/24Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (12/18/24), Common Council (1/14/25)12/10/24COMMON COUNCILRefer For Public Hearing to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE12/18/24ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEETake Off The Table12/18/24ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEETable12/18/24ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - PUBLIC HEARING to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/14/25COMMON COUNCILRe-refer for Recessed Public Hearing to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO RE-REFER - RECESSED PUBLIC HEARING to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERoll Call Vote Ayes (4): Martinez-Rutherford, Verveer, Farley, Knox No (1): Barushok Abstain (1): Westra

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2024-01015 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2024-01015 Supplemental.pdf, 3. 2827 Atwood Ave map.pdf, 4. LICLIB-2024-01015 App UPDATED_12-16-2024.pdf.pdf, 5. Nordstrom Comments.pdf

4 86515 Public Hearing - New License Sabor Y Tradicion Inc • dba BigSur Cantina 7436 Mineral Point Rd • Agent: Humberto Macias Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/16 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 25% alcohol, 75% foodPolice Sector 125 (District 9) LICLIB-2024-01082 App.pdfLICLIB-2024-01082 Supplemental.pdf7436 Mineral Point Rd map.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 12/18/24Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (1/15/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILRefer For Public Hearing to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - PUBLIC HEARING

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2024-01082 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2024-01082 Supplemental.pdf, 3. 7436 Mineral Point Rd map.pdf

5 86516 Public Hearing - New License Midwest Pizza LLC • dba Rocky Rococo 1618 W Beltline Hwy • Agent: James Voeck Estimated Capacity (in/out): 167/0 Class B Beer • 3% alcohol, 97% food Police Sector 308 (District 14) LICLIB-2024-01081 App.pdfLICLIB-2024-01081 Supplemental.pdf1618 W Beltline Hwy map.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 12/18/24Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (1/15/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILRefer For Public Hearing to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - PUBLIC HEARING

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2024-01081 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2024-01081 Supplemental.pdf, 3. 1618 W Beltline Hwy map.pdf

6 86517 Public Hearing - New License Wisco Cheese & Cheers LLC • dba TBD 4905 Commercial Ave Suite B • Agent: Keval Patel Estimated Capacity (in/out): 20/0 Class B Beer • 20% alcohol, 80% food Police Sector 609 (District 3) LICLIB-2024-01071 App.pdfLICLIB-2024-01071 Supplemental.pdf4905 Commercial Ave map.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 12/18/24Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (1/15/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILRefer For Public Hearing to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - PUBLIC HEARING

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2024-01071 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2024-01071 Supplemental.pdf, 3. 4905 Commercial Ave map.pdf

7 86854 Approving Plans, Specifications, And Schedule Of Assessments For Shawnee Pass Assessment District - 2025 and Approving Plans and Specifications for Nakoma Rd. Sidewalk and Storm Sewer Improvements (District 10).Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa Cole11822EN-Shawnee Pass Exhibit BPW.pdf11822EN-Nakoma Sidewalk Exhibit BPW.pdf11822SWR-Box BPW Plan Sheet.pdf11822_ShawneePass_ExampleAssmtLtr.pdfNakoma and Manitou Storm Sewer Public Meeting letter.pdf86854 RegistrantsReport.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/23/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSCommon Council Public Hearing (2/11/25)1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - PUBLIC HEARING

Attachments: 1. 11822EN-Shawnee Pass Exhibit BPW.pdf, 2. 11822EN-Nakoma Sidewalk Exhibit BPW.pdf, 3. 11822SWR-Box BPW Plan Sheet.pdf, 4. 11822_ShawneePass_ExampleAssmtLtr.pdf, 5. Nakoma and Manitou Storm Sewer Public Meeting letter.pdf, 6. 86854 RegistrantsReport.pdf

8 87042 Report of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 2-11-2025; action 2-25-2025). Legislative History 2/5/25Mayor's OfficeReferred for IntroductionConfirm 2/25/25
9 85935 Confirming the Madison Common Council meeting formats through June 17, 2025: 2/25/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 3/11/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 3/25/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 4/15/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/6/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 5/20/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/3/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) 6/17/25 - Hybrid (Virtual & CCB 201) Legislative History 10/31/24Council OfficeRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ACCEPT - REPORT OF OFFICER
10 86149 Change of Agent Walnut Hollow Ent LLC • dba The Plaza Tavern & Grill • 319 N Henry St New Agent: Erica DeRosa Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 4) 64264-64026 Agent Change App.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 12/18/24ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERefer to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 64264-64026 Agent Change App.pdf

11 86151 Entity Reorganization Walnut Hollow Ent LLC • dba The Plaza Tavern & Grill 319 N Henry St Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 4) Add two new officers, remove one officer 64264-64026 Officer Change App.pdfWalnut Hollow Ent Paperwork.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 12/18/24ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERefer to the ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEE1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 64264-64026 Officer Change App.pdf, 2. Walnut Hollow Ent Paperwork.pdf

12 86498 Change of Agent Madison Operating LLC • dba Texas Roadhouse • 7104 Watts Rd New Agent: Mikaela Beske Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 1) LICLIB-2023-00156 Agent Change App.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2023-00156 Agent Change App.pdf

13 86499 Entity Reorganization Monona Catering LLC • dba Monona Catering LLC One John Nolen Dr Class B Combination Liquor & Beer(District 4) Add one new officer, remove one officer 51345-41633 Officer Change App.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 51345-41633 Officer Change App.pdf

14 86718 Change of Licensed Premises Refuel Pantry Inc • dba Refuel Pantry 4905 Commercial Ave • Agent: Lakhbir Singh Class A Beer, Class A Liquor, Class A Cider Police Sector 609 (District 3) Request to remove part of license premises to allow another license to occupy that space. LICPCH-2025-0065 App.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. LICPCH-2025-0065 App.pdf

15 86719 Business Name Change Mos Espa LLC • Current dba: Woody and Anne's 2236 Winnebago St Class B Combination Liquor & Beer (District 6) New dba: Jan's Bar LICLIB-2022-00537 dba Change App.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/15/25ALCOHOL LICENSE REVIEW COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2022-00537 dba Change App.pdf

16 86627 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14487. (District 6)Sponsors:Marsha A. Rummel9335_P-15 Night Work Map.pdf9335 Noise Impact.pdfResident emailAttachments:Legislative History 1/8/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (Public Hearing - 1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILRefer For Public Hearing to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICERA motion was made by Clausius, seconded by Ald. Guequierre, to RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER the temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 12:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14487. The motion passed by voice vote/other.

Attachments: 1. 9335_P-15 Night Work Map.pdf, 2. 9335 Noise Impact.pdf, 3. Resident email

17 86628 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a 2-year, competitively selected service contract with Quercus Land Stewardship Services, LLC for ecological restoration. (District 11)Sponsors:Bill TishlerSummary RFB Restoration Services.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/8/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Finance Committee (1/21/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSAdditional referral to Finance Committee1/14/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSReferred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE1/21/25FINANCE COMMITTEEReturn to Lead with the Recommendation for Common Council to Adopt to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. Summary RFB Restoration Services.pdf

18 86646 Approving Addendum No. 1 to Village at Autumn Lake - Outlot 64 SWM, Contract No. 9534 (District 17)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9534 Original Exhibit.pdf9534 Proposed Reimbursement_Removals.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/9/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/15/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9534 Original Exhibit.pdf, 2. 9534 Proposed Reimbursement_Removals.pdf

19 86783 Accepting street improvements (sidewalk) constructed by Private Contract In 1705-1713 S High Point Road, Private Contract No. 9189 (District 20).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9189 Sidewalk Schedule A.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/17/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9189 Sidewalk Schedule A.pdf

20 86787 Accepting street improvements (sidewalk) constructed by Private Contract In 401 N. Pleasant View Road PUD (Attic Angel), Private Contract No. 2250 (District 9).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS2250 Sidewalk Schedule A.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/17/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 2250 Sidewalk Schedule A.pdf

21 86790 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements required to serve Phase 16 of the Subdivision known as Village at Autumn Lake and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contracts 9577 and 9578 (District 17).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9577 9578 Exhibit VAL Ph 16.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/19/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9577 9578 Exhibit VAL Ph 16.pdf

22 86791 Accepting storm sewer, street, and terrace improvements constructed by Private Contract for Madison College Protective Services - 1702 Hoffman Street, Private Contract No. 2284 (District 17).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSMadison College Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/19/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. Madison College Storm Schedule A Unit Cost.pdf

23 86831 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 3322 Agriculture Drive CSM and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9620 (District 16)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9620 Exhibit 3322 Ag Dr CSM.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9620 Exhibit 3322 Ag Dr CSM.pdf

24 86833 Accepting bituminous surface pavement constructed by Private Contract in Eagle Trace Phase 6 - Surface Paving, Private Contract No. 9069 (District 9).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9069 Streets Schedule A bituminous.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25).1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9069 Streets Schedule A bituminous.pdf

25 86838 Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Bridge Repairs - 2025. (District 3, District 12, District 13)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBPW Display.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25).1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. BPW Display.pdf

26 86839 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 637 W Mifflin Street and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9622 (District 4)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9622 BPW Exhibit.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25).1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9622 BPW Exhibit.pdf

27 86840 Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 702-750 University Row and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9353 (District 19).Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9353 BPW Exhibit.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9353 BPW Exhibit.pdf

28 86843 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9550, Yahara Hills Golf Course Pump Station and Irrigation Improvements (District 16)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9550 BidOpeningTab.pdf9550 award.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9550 BidOpeningTab.pdf, 2. 9550 award.pdf

29 86844 Awarding Public Works Contract No. 9583, CCB Remodel - DCR104 & 108A (District 4)Sponsors:BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS9583BidOpeningTab Jan162025.pdf9583 award.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSBoard of Public Works (1/29/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/29/25BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKSRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 9583BidOpeningTab Jan162025.pdf, 2. 9583 award.pdf

30 86225 Report of Operator License Applications February 11, 2025. See attached report for list of operatorsAttachments:Legislative History 11/20/24Clerk's OfficeRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO GRANT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. new operators

31 86178 Authorizing the City Attorney, in consultation with the Mayor, to join the City as amicus in any cases related to environmental sustainability, environmental justice, or climate change which promote or impact Madison's policy of being an environmentally sustainable and resilient community where all Madisonians can thrive now and in the future.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, MGR Govindarajan, Michael E. Verveer, Regina M. Vidaver And Tag EversLegislative History 12/5/24Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionCommon Council Executive Committee (2/11/25), Sustainable Madison Committee (1/27/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEAdditional referral to Sustainable Madison Committee1/14/25COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEReferred to the SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEE1/27/25SUSTAINABLE MADISON COMMITTEEReturn to Lead with the Recommendation for Common Council to Adopt to the COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE1/28/25COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER
32 86825 Amending Section 33.01(6) of the Madison General Ordinances related to Alder appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees to change the appointment terms.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway And Yannette Figueroa ColeLegislative History 1/22/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionCommon Council Executive Committee (2/11/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the COMMON COUNCIL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Attachments: 1. 86825-6922AlderTermsBCCs-TishlerAmendment.pdf

33 87043 Re-approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Winston at Churchill, LLC located at 4205 Portage Road (District 17).Sponsors:Planning Division4205 Portage Rd CSM (Revised_11-13-24).pdfCSM Approval Letter_02-06-24.pdfLink to Resolution 24-00109 (ID 81948)Attachments:Legislative History 2/5/25Department of Planning and Community and Economic DevelopmentRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT UNDER SUSPENSION OF MGO 2.055 - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 4205 Portage Rd CSM (Revised_11-13-24).pdf, 2. CSM Approval Letter_02-06-24.pdf, 3. Link to Resolution 24-00109 (ID 81948)

34 86600 Amending the Public Health Budget to Accept Grant Funds from Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and create a 1.0 FTE Public Health Nurse and 1.0 FTE NFP Coordinator Position for the NFP Program Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa ColeLegislative History 1/6/25Health DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Board of Health for Madison and Dane County (2/5/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the FINANCE COMMITTEEAdditional referral to Board of Health for Madison and Dane County1/14/25FINANCE COMMITTEEReferred to the BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTY2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER2/5/25BOARD OF HEALTH FOR MADISON AND DANE COUNTYReturn to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval to the FINANCE COMMITTEE
35 86789 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a two (2) year, competitively selected service contract with three (3) one (1) year renewal options with Shine United, LLC for marketing and advertising of Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center at a price not to exceed $175,000 per year. (District 4)Sponsors:Michael E. VerveerLegislative History 1/17/25Monona TerraceReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER
36 86792 Recreate the 1.0 FTE position #4092 of Librarian 2 (CG33, R1) as a Maintenance Mechanic 2 (CG15, R9).Sponsors:Director of Human ResourcesFinComm Memo Maintenance Mechanic 2.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/21/25Human Resources DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. FinComm Memo Maintenance Mechanic 2.pdf

37 86805 Authorizing the settlement and payment of a tax refund for tax years 2022 and 2023 for SLJ-II LLC v. City of Madison, Dane County Circuit Court Case number 2023CV001685. Authorizing entry into settlement agreement and approving payment of approximately $217,168 from City resources to effectuate the settlement, $81,606 represents the City’s approximate portion of the settlement for both tax years. (District 17)Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-ConwayLegislative History 1/21/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER
38 86820 Authorizing a noncompetitive contract with OPN Architects, Inc. to provide professional architecture and engineering services for Fire Station 06 at the proposed Community Development Authority’s South Park Street and West Badger Road Redevelopment Project (District 14).Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway And Isadore Knox Jr.Non Competitive Selection Report.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/21/25Engineering DivisionRefer to the COMMON COUNCILFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. Non Competitive Selection Report.pdf

39 86826 Amending the 2025 adopted operating budget for the City of Madison Fire Department to accept $12,463.05 from the Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs, Division of Emergency Management for the City of Madison Hazmat Regional Emergency Response/WHMRS Equipment Grant.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway And Isadore Knox Jr.Award letter_WHMRS equipment grant (SFY 2024).pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/22/25Fire DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. Award letter_WHMRS equipment grant (SFY 2024).pdf

40 86853 SUBSTITUTE Amending the Economic Development Division’s (EDD) 2025 Adopted Capital Budget to transfer $3,780,000 from the TID 51 capital program (program #99011) to the Land Banking program (program #12640) and authorizing the City’s execution of a Purchase and Sale Agreement with J & R Properties of Wisconsin LLC for the purchase of the property located at 1814 S. Park Street for land banking purposes, authorizing the expenditure of funds for environmental assessment, title work, closing costs, holding costs, and demolition work for the same property, all totaling $4,330,000, and authorizing the indemnification of the Seller. (District 14)Sponsors:Isadore Knox Jr. And Satya V. Rhodes-Conway1814 S. Park St. PSA- City Final 12.27.24.pdf86853-version1.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/23/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEERECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT (15 VOTES REQUIRED) - REPORT OF OFFICER

Attachments: 1. 1814 S. Park St. PSA- City Final 12.27.24.pdf, 2. 86853-version1.pdf

41 86656 Accepting the report titled “2025 Progress Update - City of Madison Comprehensive Plan”Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-ConwayDraft 2025 Comp Plan Progress Update 2025_0107.pdfTransportation Commission presentation 2025_0122.pdfPlan Commission Presentation 2025_0203Attachments:Legislative History 1/8/25Department of Planning and Community and Economic DevelopmentReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (2/3/25), Transportation Commission (1/22/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/14/25PLAN COMMISSIONRefer to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION1/14/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the PLAN COMMISSIONAdditional referral to Transportation Commission1/22/25TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONReturn to Lead with the Following Recommendation(s) to the PLAN COMMISSIONAccepting the report with the three technical changes mentioned to 1c (adding DOT as a lead agency), 9c (removing Traffic Engineering as a lead agency), and 9d (adding DOT as a lead agency).2/3/25PLAN COMMISSIONRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT WITH CONDITIONS - REPORT OF OFFICEROn a motion by Alder Field, seconded by Alder Duncan, the Plan Commission recommended to the Common Council to accept the Report with the following edits: Add Madison DOT as a lead agency for Action 1c., remove Traffic Engineering as a lead agency for Action 9c., and add Madison DOT as a lead agency for Action 9d.

Attachments: 1. Draft 2025 Comp Plan Progress Update 2025_0107.pdf, 2. Transportation Commission presentation 2025_0122.pdf, 3. Plan Commission Presentation 2025_0203

42 86762 A. Diallo - Vehicle Damage - $4,788.70Legislative History 1/28/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the Risk Manager2/4/25Risk ManagerRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO DISALLOW - REPORT OF OFFICER
43 86767 E. Munoz Perez - Bodily Injury - $39,283.55Legislative History 1/28/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the Risk Manager2/4/25Risk ManagerRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO DISALLOW - REPORT OF OFFICER
44 86795 R. Schlesinger - Property Damage - $193.89Legislative History 1/28/25COMMON COUNCILReferred to the Risk Manager2/4/25Risk ManagerRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO DISALLOW - REPORT OF OFFICER
45 86835 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe Routes to School Planning (Project Agreement 1009-22-14) authorized for funding through the Wisconsin DOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford, Amani Latimer Burris, Derek Field And Yannette Figueroa ColeLegislative History 1/22/25Traffic Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionTransportation Commission (2/5/25), Finance Committee (2/3/25), Common Council (2/11/25)1/28/25COMMON COUNCILRefer to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONAdditional referral to Finance Committee.1/28/25TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONReferred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE2/3/25FINANCE COMMITTEEReturn to Lead with the Recommendation for Approval to the TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION2/5/25TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONRECOMMEND TO COUNCIL TO ADOPT - REPORT OF OFFICER
46 86851 Amending various sections of Chapter 37 of the Madison General Ordinances related to Public Stormwater System, including Erosion Control, to update certain Stormwater Code provisions. Sponsors:Nikki Conklin86851 BodyAttachments:Legislative History 1/23/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. 86851 Body

47 86923 Amending various portions of Section 29.40 of the Madison General Ordinances to update language and requirements of the Building Energy Savings Code.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway And Nasra WehelieLegislative History 1/31/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionSustainable Madison Committee (2/24/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
48 86989 Creating Section 28.022-00703 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 321 Russell Street from PD (Planned Development) District to TSS (Traditional Shopping Street) District. (District 6)Sponsors:Marsha A. Rummel321 Russell Street.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 321 Russell Street.pdf

49 86990 Creating Section 28.022-00704 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 77 Sirloin Strip from TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2) District to TR-U1 (Traditional Residential-Urban 1) District. (District 14)Sponsors:Planning Division77 Sirloin Strip.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 77 Sirloin Strip.pdf

50 86991 Creating Section 28.022-00705 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 922-926 North Fair Oaks Avenue from TR-C1 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 1) District to CC-T (Commercial Corridor-Transitional) District. (District 12)Sponsors:Planning Division922-926 N Fair Oaks Ave.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 922-926 N Fair Oaks Ave.pdf

51 86992 Creating Section 28.022-00706 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 3222-3238 East Washington Avenue and 3229 Ridgeway Avenue from TR-C1 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 1) District and TR-C4 (Traditional Residential-Consistent 4) District to TR-U2 (Traditional Residential-Urban 2) District. (District 12)Sponsors:Planning Division3222-3238 E Washington Ave.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 3222-3238 E Washington Ave.pdf

52 86993 Creating Section 28.022-00707 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to A (Agricultural) District and creating Section 28.022-00708 of the Madison General Ordinances to change the zoning of property located at 6303 Portage Road and 4821 Hoepker Road from Temp. A (Temporary Agricultural) District to TR-P (Traditional Residential-Planned) District. (District 17)Sponsors:Planning Division6303 Portage Road.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionPlan Commission (Public Hearing - 3/3/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 6303 Portage Road.pdf

53 86994 Amending various sections of the Madison General Ordinances to correct inconsistencies and improper references in the Madison General Ordinances, constituting a 2025 City Attorney Revisor’s Ordinance.Sponsors:CITY ATTORNEYLegislative History 2/4/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionCommon Council Executive Committee (2/25/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
54 87044 Amending or repealing various sections in Chapters 8, 10 and 33 of the Madison General Ordinances related to reorganization of City Boards, Commissions and Committees. Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa Cole, Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Tag Evers, John P. Guequierre, Sabrina V. Madison, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford And Bill Tishler87044 BodyStaff Report 020525.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/5/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionCommon Council Executive Committee (2/25/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 87044 Body, 2. Staff Report 020525.pdf

55 86856 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a competitively-selected contract on behalf of the City with Graef-USA, Inc. to provide consulting engineering services for maintenance of City of Madison Parking Division facilities. Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa Cole And Michael E. VerveerLegislative History 1/23/25Parking UtilityReferred for IntroductionTransportation Commission (2/19/25), Finance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
56 86861 Approving a Certified Survey Map of property owned by Weir Slurry Group, Inc. located at 2701 S Stoughton Road (District 16).Sponsors:Planning DivisionApplication.pdfLetter of Intent.pdfProposed CSM.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/28/25Planning DivisionReferred for IntroductionCommon Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. Application.pdf, 2. Letter of Intent.pdf, 3. Proposed CSM.pdf

57 86863 Authorizing a non-competitive purchase of goods from Jefferson Fire & Safety, Inc., as a sole source provider of 3M Scott fire and safety products serving Dane County, WI that is trained and authorized to provide these products.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, John W. Duncan And Isadore Knox Jr.2025 Madison Sole Source Letter.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/24/25Fire DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. 2025 Madison Sole Source Letter.pdf

58 86918 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District West Interceptor Rehab-Segoe Road to Shorewood Boulevard Project (University Avenue). (District 5, District 11)Sponsors:Bill Tishler And Regina M. Vidaver11x17 Project Overview Map.pdfNoise Variance Letter - Final R1.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/30/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (Public Hearing - 2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. 11x17 Project Overview Map.pdf, 2. Noise Variance Letter - Final R1.pdf

59 86954 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a non-competitive Purchase of Services Contract with The Welch Group for government affairs and strategic advocacy services for one year with the option of two one-year renewals. Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-ConwayNon-Competitive Selection Request - The Welch Group.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/3/25Mayor's OfficeReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Non-Competitive Selection Request - The Welch Group.pdf

60 86967 Recreate the hourly classification of Consultant in the salary schedule of CG17, R00 with an updated pay range of $30-$70 per hour, and eligibility for COLA increases.Sponsors:Director of Human ResourcesPB Memo Consultant Hourly 2-2025.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/3/25Human Resources DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Personnel Board (2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. PB Memo Consultant Hourly 2-2025.pdf

61 86973 Approving business outreach efforts and authorizing the use of $25,000 from the EDD Capital Project # 13072 Small Business Equity and Recover (SBER) Program.Sponsors:Sabrina V. Madison, Nasra Wehelie And John W. DuncanLegislative History 2/3/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Economic Development Committee (2/19/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
62 86983 Authorizing the termination of the existing Ground Lease and executing a new Ground Lease for the residential structure located at 704 East Gorham Street, within James Madison Park. (District 6)Sponsors:Marsha A. RummelAttachment A - 9916 Ground Lease for Land 4913196.pdfAttachment C - 9916 2025 Ground Lease Rent Schedule.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/3/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Board of Park Commissioners (2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Attachment A - 9916 Ground Lease for Land 4913196.pdf, 2. Attachment C - 9916 2025 Ground Lease Rent Schedule.pdf

63 86986 Amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #44 by $500,000 to fund small business development programs, amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #46 by $750,000 to fund small business development programs, amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget for TID #51 by $850,000 to fund small business development programs, and amending the 2025 Economic Development Division Capital Budget to transfer $1,170,000 from the TID 51 capital program (program #99011) to the Land Banking program (program #12640) to fund demolitions of Land Banked properties at 1810 S. Park Street, 1901 S. Park Street, 814 North Avenue, and 826 North Avenue (District 3, District 9, District 11, District 14, District 15, District 19).Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, John P. Guequierre And Derek FieldLegislative History 2/4/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
64 86987 Authorizing a non-competitive selection contract with Water Well Solutions Wisconsin, LLC for the repair and replacement of water supply equipment at Unit Well 26Sponsors:John W. Duncan, Amani Latimer Burris And Regina M. VidaverItem 1 - Memo - Non-Competitive Selection Contract.pdfItem 2 - Non-Competitive Selection Request Form.pdfItem 3 - Draft Contract.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Water UtilityReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Item 1 - Memo - Non-Competitive Selection Contract.pdf, 2. Item 2 - Non-Competitive Selection Request Form.pdf, 3. Item 3 - Draft Contract.pdf

65 86995 Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #36 (Capitol Gateway), City of Madison (District 6, District 12).Sponsors:Marsha A. Rummel And Amani Latimer Burris13120 TID 36 2025 Project Plan Amendment 2025 2-3.pdf13120 TID 36 Legal Description.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (3/3/25), Plan Commission (2/17/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 13120 TID 36 2025 Project Plan Amendment 2025 2-3.pdf, 2. 13120 TID 36 Legal Description.pdf

66 86996 Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #44 (Royster Clark), City of Madison. (District 6, District 12)Sponsors:Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford And Derek Field13132 - TID 44 2025 Project Plan Amendment 2025 2-3.pdf13132 TID 44 Legal Description.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (3/3/25), Plan Commission (2/17/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 13132 - TID 44 2025 Project Plan Amendment 2025 2-3.pdf, 2. 13132 TID 44 Legal Description.pdf

67 86997 Approving roadway geometry for the Mineral Point Road (Commerce Drive to S. High Point Road) & S. High Point Road (Mineral Point Road to north Greenway Drainage Property) (District 1)Sponsors:John W. DuncanMineralPtRd-OverallExhibit.pdfMineralPtRd-60%Plans.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (2/26/25), Transportation Commission (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. MineralPtRd-OverallExhibit.pdf, 2. MineralPtRd-60%Plans.pdf

68 86999 Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreements with the University of Wisconsin-Madison to Address the Removal of Certain On-Street Parking Spaces on Monroe Street and N. Brooks Street (District 5, District 8).Sponsors:Juliana R. BennettParking Removal Agreement Camp Randall (Draft).pdfParking Removal Agreement (Draft).pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Parking UtilityReferred for IntroductionTransportation Commission (2/19/25), Finance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Parking Removal Agreement Camp Randall (Draft).pdf, 2. Parking Removal Agreement (Draft).pdf

69 87003 Submitting the appointment of Connie Thompson for confirmation of a five-year term as Monona Terrace Director.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-ConwayThompson Contract Final 2025.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Human Resources DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Thompson Contract Final 2025.pdf

70 87005 Submitting the appointment of Matthew B. Mikolajewski for confirmation of a five-year term as Director of Economic Development.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-ConwayLegislative History 2/4/25Human Resources DepartmentReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
71 87013 Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute agreements with the Village of Cottage Grove for the operation and maintenance of traffic control signals and street lights at various locations.Sponsors:Satya V. Rhodes-Conway And Barbara Harrington-McKinneyCottage Grove Traffic Signal Operation and Maintenance Agreement.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Traffic Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionTransportation Commission (2/19/25), Finance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. Cottage Grove Traffic Signal Operation and Maintenance Agreement.pdf

72 87014 Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan and Boundary for Tax Incremental District (TID) #46 (Research Park), City of Madison. (District 11, District 19)Sponsors:John P. Guequierre And Bill Tishler12940 TID 46 Legal Description.pdf12940 TID 46 Research Park 2025 Project Plan and Boundary Amendment 2025 2-3.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (3/3/25), Plan Commission (2/17/25), Common Council (3/11//25)

Attachments: 1. 12940 TID 46 Legal Description.pdf, 2. 12940 TID 46 Research Park 2025 Project Plan and Boundary Amendment 2025 2-3.pdf

73 87015 Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) #51 (South Madison), City of Madison. (District 14)Sponsors:Isadore Knox Jr.13121 TID 51 2025 Project Plan Amendment.pdf13121 TID 51 Legal Description.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (3/3/25), Plan Commission (2/17/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. 13121 TID 51 2025 Project Plan Amendment.pdf, 2. 13121 TID 51 Legal Description.pdf

74 87018 Approving temporary construction work with associated noise impacts between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for work associated with City of Madison cured in place sewer main lining project #14923. (District 14)Sponsors:Isadore Knox Jr.Legislative History 2/4/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (Public Hearing - 2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)

Attachments: 1. 14923 BPW mailing.pdf, 2. 14923 display.pdf

75 87040 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into a contract with Spaulding Restaurant Enterprises Inc d/b/a Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club for exclusive alcohol beverage services at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC) from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, with the possibility of two successive two-year renewal terms. (District 12)Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa ColeWPCRC Alcohol Service Agreement (Esquire) (2025-2030).pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/4/25Parks DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Board of Park Commissioners (2/12/25), Common Council (02/25/25)

Attachments: 1. WPCRC Alcohol Service Agreement (Esquire) (2025-2030).pdf

76 87041 Authorizing the Chief of Police to enter into an agreement for traffic regulation enforcement between the City of Madison Police Department and the owner(s) of a privately owned, manufactured or mobile home community, located within the City of Madison.Sponsors:Isadore Knox Jr.Legislative History 2/5/25Police DepartmentReferred for IntroductionPublic Safety Review Committee (2/12/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
77 87045 Adopting the Sauk Creek Corridor Plan. (District 9)Sponsors:Nikki ConklinSauk Creek Corridor Plan Report_2-5-2025.pdfCorridor Plan Staff Presentation.pdfCorridor Plan Map- Graphical Overview.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/5/25Engineering DivisionReferred for IntroductionBoard of Public Works (2/12/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. Corridor Plan - Staff Presentation.pdf, 2. Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Report_2-5-2025.pdf, 3. Corridor Plan Map- Graphical Overview.pdf

78 87066 Directing City staff to explore and/or pursue specified changes to the City of Madison Board, Committee, and Commission System.Sponsors:Yannette Figueroa Cole, Satya V. Rhodes-Conway, Tag Evers, John P. Guequierre, Sabrina V. Madison, Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford And Bill TishlerStaff Report 020525.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 2/5/25Attorney's OfficeReferred for IntroductionCommon Council Executive Committee (2/25/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. Staff Report 020525.pdf

79 87067 Authorizing the City of Madison to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for a Ready for Reuse Brownfields Cleanup zero-interest loan in an amount not to exceed $329,000 for the purpose of assisting in the remediation of contaminated soil at Huxley Yards (2007 Roth Street). (District 12)Sponsors:Amani Latimer BurrisLegislative History 2/5/25Economic Development DivisionReferred for IntroductionFinance Committee (2/17/25), Common Council (2/25/25)
80 86937 Public Hearing - New License The Marquette Hotel LLC • dba The Marquette Hotel and Cafe 414 S Baldwin St • Agent: James Montgomery Estimated Capacity (in/out): 49/32 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 37% alcohol, 62% food Police Sector 408 (District 6) LICLIB-2025-00104 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00104 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00104 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00104 Supplemental.pdf

81 86938 Public Hearing - New License The Green Room Public House LLC • dba The Green Room 2001 Atwood Ave • Agent: John Hardy Estimated Capacity (in/out): 60/0 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 80% alcohol, 20% food Police Sector 410 (District 6) LICLIB-2025-00103 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00103 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00103 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00103 Supplemental.pdf

82 86939 Public Hearing - New License Kleuter Master Tenant LLC • dba Hotel Indigo Madison - Palette Bar & Grill 901 E Washington Ave • Agent: Zacharie Gray Estimated Capacity (in/out): 145/60 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 36% alcohol, 64% food Police Sector 408 (District 6) LICLIB-2025-00093 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00093 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00093 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00093 Supplemental.pdf

83 86941 Public Hearing - New License Ichiban Sichuan Madison LLC • dba Ichiban Sichuan Madison 610 S Park St • Agent: Yizhu Weng Estimated Capacity (in/out): 150/0 Class B Beer, Class C Wine • 5% alcohol, 95% food Police Sector 203 (District 13) LICLIB-2025-00088 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00088 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00088 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00088 Supplemental.pdf

84 86942 Public Hearing - New License DL East Aquisition LLC • dba Dream Lanes East 13 Atlas Ct • Agent: Robin Goldberg Estimated Capacity (in/out): 800/50 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 22% alcohol, 26% food, 52% other Police Sector 600 (District 3) LICLIB-2025-00082 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00082 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00082 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00082 Supplemental.pdf

85 86945 Public Hearing - New License 224 Ohio LLC • dba Ohio Tavern 224 Ohio Ave • Agent: Ross Hubbard Estimated Capacity (in/out): 49/30 Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 40% alcohol, 60% foodPolice Sector 601 (District 15) LICLIB-2025-00095 App.pdfLICLIB-2025-00095 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIB-2025-00095 App.pdf, 2. LICLIB-2025-00095 Supplemental.pdf

86 86946 Public Hearing - New License Kings Operating WI LLC • dba Pump N Shop 108 5551 Eastpark Blvd • Agent: Alecia Kraut Class A Beer, Class A Liquor Police Sector 520 (District 17) LICLIA-2024-01122 App.pdfLICLIA-2024-01122 Supplemental.pdfAttachments:Legislative History 1/31/25Clerk's OfficeReferred for IntroductionAlcohol License Review Committee- Public Hearing (2/19/25), Common Council (3/11/25)

Attachments: 1. LICLIA-2024-01122 App.pdf, 2. LICLIA-2024-01122 Supplemental.pdf

87 86867 AFICS for G. Cushing - Vehicle Damage - $5,200.10
88 86886 S. Martin - Personal Injury - $4,000.00
89 86976 K. Stone - Property Damage - $150.00
90 86979 D. Kohn - Personal Injury - $2,594.06
91 86982 J. Strand - Property Damage - $700.00
92 87008 E. Mulcahy-Akins - Personal Injury - $20,923.00
93 87021 J. Lattimore - Personal Injury - $10,000.00
94 86925 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for University Row Apartments, LLC (0709-184-2001-2 and 0709-184-2002-0) - excessive assessment - $193,188.9986925Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86925Claim.pdf

95 86926 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for Bird Dog Hospitality IV, LLC - excessive assessment - $65,510.5086926Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86926Claim.pdf

96 86927 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for Madison on Broadway LLC - excessive assessment - $8,658.9386927Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86927Claim.pdf

97 86928 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for Summit Credit Union (Parcel No. 0810-221-0202-4) - excessive assessment - $23,377.7086928Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86928Claim.pdf

98 86929 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for Mirus Madison LLC - excessive assessment - $55,317.2986929Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86929Claim.pdf

99 86930 Eric Hatchell, Foley & Lardner LLP., attorney for 4612 Hammersley Rd. Madison LLC - excessive assessment - $10,575.7686930Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86930Claim.pdf

100 86931 Vincent J. Falcone, von Briesen & Roper S.C., attorney for Marcus Hotels, Inc - excessive assessment - $104,962.3686931Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86931Claim.pdf

101 86932 Vincent J. Falcone, von Briesen & Roper S.C., attorney for 1255 Fourier LLC - excessive assessment - $157,706.7486932Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86932Claim.pdf

102 86933 Scott Matthews, owner of 5324 Loruth Terrace - excessive assessment - $3,643.2786933Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86933Claim.pdf

103 86934 Monica Wedgewood, Stroud, Willink & Howard LLC, attorney for Hy-Vee Inc (Parcel # 251-0810-332-0909-1) - excessive assessment - $114,493.9786934Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86934Claim.pdf

104 86936 Todd R. Barron, Barron Corporate Tax Solutions, representative for Vernon Price, LLC - excessive assessment - $61,695.0086936Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86936Claim.pdf

105 86957 Kristina E Somers, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for Slipstream Group, Inc - unlawful taxation - $29,900.3286957Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86957Claim.pdf

106 86962 Don M Millis, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for CPC Madison LLC (Parcel 0708-252-0419-5) - excessive assessment - $27,55286962Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86962Claim.pdf

107 86963 Don M Millis, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for CPC Madison LLC (Parcel 0708-252-0401-2) - excessive assessment - $46,43386963Claim.pdfMadisonHotelPropertyLLC-Assessment.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86963Claim.pdf, 2. MadisonHotelPropertyLLC-Assessment.pdf

108 86964 Don M Millis, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for Madison Hotel Property Investment LLC - excessive assessment - $316,71986964Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86964Claim.pdf

109 86968 Shawn E Lovell, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for 110 Bedford LLC - unlawful taxation - $23,89186968Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86968Claim.pdf

110 86969 Shawn E Lovell, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for 110 Bedford LLC - excessive assessment - $60,22586969Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86969Claim.pdf

111 86970 Shawn E Lovell, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for 1423 Monroe LLC - excessive assessment - $14,22386970Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86970Claim.pdf

112 86971 Shawn E Lovell, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for 1423 Monroe LLC - unlawful taxation - $11,76686971Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86971Claim.pdf

113 86972 Don M Millis, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c., attorney for SLJ II, LLC - excessive assessment - $111,00886972Claim.pdfAttachments:

Attachments: 1. 86972Claim.pdf

2025-02-05 Transporation Commission
(agenda  youtube  transcript)

1 86935 Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda for the February 5, 2025 Meeting
2 86835 Authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute a first amendment to the existing Three Party Design Engineering Services Contract between the City of Madison, Toole Design Group, LLC, and the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Safe Routes to School Planning (Project Agreement 1009-22-14) authorized for funding through the Wisconsin DOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).
3 86814 Vacating and discontinuing portions of Braxton Place public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the said lands to be included the replatting parts of Lot 1 and 2 of CSM No. 1596 . Being located in part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 9 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (District 13)

Attachments: 1. Braxton Place Street Vacation Exhibit_06-03-24.pdf, 2. Related Certified Survey Map.pdf, 3. Lis Pendens-Braxton Place Discontinuance.pdf, 4. Vicinity Map.pdf

4 86126 Quarterly Traffic Safety Reports

Attachments: 1. TC Report - 2024 Q3.pdf, 2. TC Report - 2024 Q4.pdf

5 52830 Members of the Transportation Commission who are also members of other transportation-related Boards, Committees or Commissions provide relevant updates from those Boards, Committees or Commissions.
6 60440 General announcements by the Chair (for information only; not for discussion)
7 60439 Commission member suggestions for items on future agenda (for information only; not for discussion)

Attachments: 1. Future Agenda Items from TC Members 12-11-24.pdf

2025-02-05 Urban Design Commission

1 86031 Urban Design Commission Public Comment
2 86797 706 John Nolen Drive - Comprehensive Design Review of Signage (CDR) in Urban Design District (UDD) 1. (District 14)Owner: Madison Property Hotel Investment, LLC Applicant: Luke Severson, Sign Art Studio Final Approval is Requested UDC is an Approving Body

Attachments: 1. 706 John Nolen Plans 2-5-25.pdf, 2. 706 John Nolen Dr Zoning Memo 2-5-25.pdf

3 86494 3915 Lien Road - New Two-Story Building with Drive-Thru in Urban Design District (UDD) 5. (District 3)Owner: Repvblic Madison Outparcels, LLC Applicant: Mylena Oliviera, Plaza Street Partners Initial/Final Approval is Requested UDC is an Approving Body *To be Referred to the February 19, 2025 Meeting*
4 86817 668 State Street - Report of the Facade Grant Staff Team. (District 2)UDC is an Approving Body

Attachments: 1. 668 State Facade Grant 2-5-25.pdf, 2. 668 State St UDC Facade Grant Memo 2-5-25.pdf

5 86824 Amending the Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan CommitteeResolution amending the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee Report to remove or change plan recommendations related to building heights and views to and from the Lamp House, a locally designated landmark UDC is an Advisory Body

Attachments: 1. Lamp House Plan Amendments Staff Comments_01-28-25.pdf, 2. Link to 2014 Report of the Lamp House Block Ad Hoc Plan Committee, 3. Public Comments 2-4_2-5-25.pdf

6 84857 2150 Marty Road & 7751 Mid Town Road - Residential Building Complex for Midpoint Meadows Multi-Family Development. (District 1)Owner: Meadow Investors, LLC c/o DSI Real Estate Group Applicant: Greg Held, Knothe & Bruce Architects, LLC Final Approval is Requested UDC is an Advisory Body

Attachments: 1. 2150 Marty Rd 7751 Mid Town Rd Plans 08-28-24.pdf, 2. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town UDC Report 08-28-24.pdf, 3. Marty Mid Town Report 08-28-24.pdf, 4. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town UDC Plans PART 1 11-20-24.pdf, 5. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town UDC Plans PART 2 11-20-24.pdf, 6. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town UDC Memo 11-20-24.pdf, 7. 2150 Marty & 7751 Mid Town Road UDC presentation 11-20-24.pdf, 8. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town Report 11-20-24.pdf, 9. 2150 Marty Rd 7751 Mid Town Rd Plans 2-5-25.pdf, 10. 2150 Marty 7751 Mid Town UDC Memo 2-05-25.pdf, 11. 06 - 2025-02-05 - Midpoint Meadows - UDC Final Presentation.pdf

7 86796 9453 Spirit Street (formerly addressed as 305 Bear Claw Way) - Residential Building Complex. (District 9)Owner: Paragon Place at Bear Claw Way II, LLC Applicant: Kevin Burow, Knothe & Bruce Architects, LLC UDC will be an Advisory Body

Attachments: 1. 9453 Spirit Plans 2-5-25.pdf, 2. 9453 Spirit St UDC Memo 2-5-25.pdf, 3. 07 9453 Spirit Presentation.pdf

8 86815 3222, 3230, 3238 E Washington Avenue + 3229 Ridgeway Avenue - New Multi-Family Residential Building in Urban Design District (UDD) 5. (District 12)Owner: Travis Fauchald, Volker Development Applicant: Kevin Burow, Knothe & Bruce Architects, LLC UDC will be an Approving Body

Attachments: 1. 3222-3238 E Washington 3229 Ridgeway Plans 2-5-25.pdf, 2. 3222-3238 E Washington 3229 Ridgeway UDC Memo 2-5-25.pdf, 3. 08 3222-3238 E Wash 3229 Ridgeway UDC Info Presentation.pdf

9 86816 3535-3553 University Avenue + 733-737 N Meadow Lane - New Mixed-Use Building in Urban Design District (UDD) 6. (District 5)Owner: University 3000, LLC Applicant: Patrick Terry, JLA Architects + Planners UDC will be an Approving Body

Attachments: 1. 3535-3553 University 733-737 N Meadow Plans 2-5-25.pdf, 2. 3535-3553 University 733-737 N Meadow UDC Memo 02-05-25.pdf, 3. 09 - University_Meadow_Informational UDC Presentation.pdf

2025-02-03 Plan Commission

1 60306 Plan Commission Public Comment Period

Attachments: 1. Klebba Public Comment re Demolition Policy_05-23-22.pdf, 2. McKinley Maple Grove Comment_07-30-22.pdf, 3. Winston Public Comment_02-27-23.pdf, 4. Lehnertz Public Comment_04-07-23.pdf, 5. Judy Public Comment_04-17-23.pdf, 6. Schluederberg Public Comment_05-15-23.pdf, 7. Plasterer Public Comment_06-01-23.pdf, 8. Wagner Public Comment_09-12-23.pdf, 9. Building Height Limits Comments_09-17__09-21-23.pdf, 10. Klebba Public Comments re Gentrification_09-27-23.pdf, 11. Ellickson Comments_11-02-23.pdf, 12. Reinke Public Comments on LEED and Ted Talk link_11-03-23.pdf, 13. Erickson Comments 11-21-23.pdf, 14. Green Public Comment_Apartment & Alternatives_03-19-24.pdf, 15. PC Registrants_3_14_24.pdf, 16. Roeber Comment 06-05-24.pdf, 17. Smale Public Comment 06-06-24.pdf, 18. Caulum Public Comment 06-09-24.pdf, 19. Still Public Comments 06-08-24.pdf, 20. Faust Public Comment 06-09-24.pdf, 21. Mockert Public Comment 06-09-24.pdf, 22. Comments on the 20240610 PC Meeting.pdf, 23. Erickson Public Comment 06-21-24.pdf, 24. Calden Public Comment 06-24-24.pdf, 25. Green WAP Final Comments 06-26-24.pdf, 26. Gravatt Public Comment 07-17-24.pdf, 27. Caz Marie Public Comment 08-13-24 re 603 S Whitney Way, 28. Lehnertz Comment 08-26-23.pdf, 29. Alter Public Comments 08-27-24.pdf, 30. Boulanger Public Comment 09-08-24.pdf, 31. Women Sports Help Society Public Comment 09-16-24.pdf, 32. Women's Sports Help Society Public Comments 11-01-24.pdf, 33. Saleh Comments: Camp Randall Sports Center (CRSC) Redevelopment Project & UW Madison Cross Country_Track & Field_11-25-24.pdf, 34. Brown Comments: Save Wisconsin Track & Field - Change Camp Randall Facility Plan_12-02-24.pdf, 35. Growney Selene Comments_12-04-24.pdf, 36. Alder Harrington McKinney Email re: Hill Valley_12-06-24.pdf, 37. Women's Sports Help Society Public Comment 12-19-24.pdf

2 86814 Vacating and discontinuing portions of Braxton Place public street right-of-way within the Triangle Plat to allow the said lands to be included the replatting parts of Lot 1 and 2 of CSM No. 1596 . Being located in part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 23, Township 7 North, Range 9 East, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin. (District 13)

Attachments: 1. Braxton Place Street Vacation Exhibit_06-03-24.pdf, 2. Related Certified Survey Map.pdf, 3. Lis Pendens-Braxton Place Discontinuance.pdf, 4. Vicinity Map.pdf

3 86656 Accepting the report titled “2025 Progress Update - City of Madison Comprehensive Plan”

Attachments: 1. Draft 2025 Comp Plan Progress Update 2025_0107.pdf, 2. Transportation Commission presentation 2025_0122.pdf, 3. Plan Commission Presentation 2025_0203

4 86522 7869 Big Sky Drive (District 9): Consideration of a conditional use in the Commercial Center (CC) District for an auto body shop.

Attachments: 1. Locator Maps.pdf, 2. Application.pdf, 3. Letter of Intent.pdf, 4. Project Plans.pdf, 5. Staff Comments.pdf

5 86521 5001, 5005, and 5013 Femrite Drive (District 16): Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a storage building and two single-family residences.

Attachments: 1. Locator Maps.pdf, 2. Application.pdf, 3. Letter of Intent.pdf, 4. Demolition Photos.pdf, 5. Demolition Plan.pdf, 6. Staff Comments.pdf

2025-01-23 Joint Campus Area Committee

1 62342 Joint Campus Area Committee Public CommentFor items not on the agenda.

Attachments: 1. 2022-10-27_Registrants.pdf, 2. 2022-11-29_Registrants.pdf, 3. 2023-06-22_Registrants.pdf, 4. 2024-03-28_Registrants.pdf, 5. 2024-06-27_Registrants.pdf, 6. 2024-07-25_Registrants.pdf, 7. 2024-09-26_Registrants.pdf, 8. 2024-10-25_Registrants.pdf

2 85171 Grainger First Floor Renovation & AdditionDiscussion and possible action on a recommendation to the UW Design Review Board.

Attachments: 1. 2024-09-26_Grainger_Informational.pdf, 2. 2025-01-23_Grainger_Final.pdf

3 51256 University of Wisconsin-Madison Project Updates- Bus Shelters - Camp Randall Memorial Sports Center (SHELL) Replacement - Campus Utility and Energy Study - Engineering Drive Utilities - Engineering Education/Research Building - EV Infrastructure Study - Fleet - Fluno Center - Grainger Hall First Floor Renovation - Irving & Dorothy Levy Hall (L&S Building) - Kohl Center Addition - Lakeshore Nature Preserve Frautschi Center - Lakeshore Path - Pre-Design Plan - Lakeshore Path Limnology Bypass - Lifesaving Station Erosion Control - Lot 67 Solar Study - LVM (Elvehjem) Facade Repair - Material Science Engineering - Morgridge Hall - Computer, Data, & Information Sciences - Near East Play Fields - Science Hall REnovation and Repairs - South Central Utility Project - Steenbock Library Active Learning Space - Student Affairs Framework Plan - Vet Med Addition and Renovation - Vilas Hall Accessibility Improvement - WIMR East Wedge Project

Attachments: 1. 2018-05-30_JCAC-Map.pdf, 2. 2018-05-30_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 3. 2018-07-11_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 4. 2018-10-10_UW Project Updates.pdf, 5. 2018-11-07_UW Project Updates.pdf, 6. 2019-03-13_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 7. 2019-06-12_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 8. 2019-09-11_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 9. 2019-10-30_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 10. 2019-12-11_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 11. 2020-01-29_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 12. 2020-02-27_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 13. 2020-04-29_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 14. 2020-05-28_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 15. 2020-07-29_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 16. 2020-09-30_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 17. 2020-10-29_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 18. 2020-11-30_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 19. 2021-02-09_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 20. 2021-04-13_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 21. 2021-06-08_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 22. 2021-07-13_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 23. 2021-09-02_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 24. 2021-10-07_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 25. 2021-12-14_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 26. 2022-01-27_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 27. 2022-02-24_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 28. 2022-03-24_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 29. 2022-04-28_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 30. 2022-04-28_UW_Construction_Map.pdf, 31. 2022-07-28_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 32. 2022-08-25_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 33. 2022-10-27_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 34. 2022-11-29_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 35. 2023-01-26_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 36. 2023-02-23_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 37. 2023-03-23_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 38. 2023-05-25_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 39. 2023-06-22_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 40. 2023-07-27_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 41. 2023-08-24_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 42. 2023-09-28_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 43. 2023-12-12_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 44. 2024-01-25_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 45. 2024-02-22_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 46. 2024-03-28_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 47. 2024-04-25_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 48. 2024-06-27_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 49. 2024-07-25_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 50. 2024-09-26_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 51. 2024-10-24_UW_Project_Updates.pdf, 52. 2025-01-23_UW_Project_Updates.pdf

4 66581 UW Health Project Updates- University Hospital Emergency Department Improvements: Vertical Care Unit - University Hospital D2 Module Addition

Attachments: 1. 2021-09-02_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 2. 2021-10-07_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 3. 2021-12-14_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 4. 2022-01-27_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 5. 2022-02-24_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 6. 2022-03-24_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 7. 2022-04-28_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 8. 2022-05-26_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 9. 2022-07-28_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 10. 2022-10-27_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 11. 2022-11-29_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 12. 2023-01-26_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 13. 2023-02-23_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 14. 2023-03-23_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 15. 2023-07-27_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 16. 2023-08-24_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 17. 2023-09-28_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 18. 2023-12-12_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 19. 2024-01-25_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 20. 2024-02-22_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 21. 2024-03-28_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 22. 2024-04-25_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 23. 2024-06-27_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 24. 2024-06-27_PublicComments.pdf, 25. 2024-07-25_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 26. 2024-09-26_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 27. 2024-10-24_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf, 28. 2025-01-23_UWHealth_Project_Updates.pdf

5 51257 City of Madison Project Updates- 623 N Lake St (Legistar #86728) - N Midvale Blvd resurfacing - N Franklin Ave & Lynn Terr reconstruction

Attachments: 1. 2019-06-12_2018 Annual Report web.pdf, 2. 2019-01-27_2019 Annual Report.pdf, 3. 2020-09-30 Highland Ave. Sidewalk & Lighting.pdf, 4. 2020-09-30 Highland Ave Rendering.pdf, 5. 2020-09-30 Walnut St Mural Concepts.pdf, 6. 2020-02-27_JCAC_Rules_Adopted.pdf, 7. 2020 Annual Report_FINAL_2021-02-03_web.pdf, 8. 2022-02-24_800_Block_Regent.pdf, 9. 2023-03-23_StudentHousingSummary.pdf, 10. 2022 Annual Report_FINAL.pdf

2025-01-23 Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee

2 86753 Approval of the Minutes of the December 18, 2024 Park Long Range Planning Subcommittee Meeting

Attachments: 1. 12.18.24 Draft Minutes.pdf

3 86754 Public Comment (3 minute speaking limit for items not on the Agenda)
4 74555 Parks and Open Space Plan Update

Attachments: 1. Parks Planning 6.2023 v3.pdf, 2. P1776_Questionnaire_Review_V01.pdf, 3. Parks Planning 09.2023 v4.pdf, 4. 2023-11-29_P1776_Proposed Timeline_ V01.pdf, 5. POSP Update Progress Memo Dec 23.pdf, 6. Issue Papers POSP 2024(9).pdf, 7. 1.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.pdf, 8. POSP Recommendations_Strategies.pdf, 9. POSP Update Progress Memo Jan 24.pdf, 10. 2018 Compared to 2012.pdf, 11. POSP Update Progress Memo Feb 24.pdf, 12. 1.2 History of Madison Parks.pdf, 13. 2025 POSP Park Shelters Reservations Map.pdf, 14. 2025-2030 POSP Park Athletics Reservations Map.pdf, 15. Final_Chapter 4 Parkland Inventory.pdf, 16. 2_Existing_City_Parks_OpenSpace_Optimized.pdf, 17. 3_ExistingParks_CityOwned_ByType_Optimized.pdf, 18. 4_Existing_Other_Parks_OpenSpace_Optimized.pdf, 19. Chapter 3 Plan Purpose, Vision and Mission Statement.pdf, 20. Final 3-12-24_Chapter 4 Parkland Inventory.pdf, 21. Park Shelter Existing Conditions_3_12_2024.pdf, 22. Pickleball Existing Conditions.pdf, 23. POSP Update Progress Memo March 24.pdf, 24. Tennis Existing Conditions.pdf, 25. Rec Biking Existing Conditions.pdf, 26. POSP Update Progress Memo April 17.pdf, 27. Chapter 3 for LRP Review 4.12.2024.pdf, 28. Chapter 5 for LRP Review 4.12.2024.pdf, 29. 74555 Climate Resilience Issue Paper _LRP Version.pdf, 30. Future of Golf Review Draft _ LRP Version.pdf, 31. Volunteers in Parks Issue Paper _ LRP Version.pdf, 32. Comments from Steve_Grant_ Catie.pdf, 33. POSP Update Progress Memo June.pdf, 34. Updated_UW Survey Summary_Madison POSP 2025-2030_7-12-24.pdf, 35. POSP Acquisition Recommendations (1).pdf, 36. Table of Contents Comparison Aug 2024.pdf, 37. POSP Lake Access Recommendations.pdf, 38. Volunteers in Parks Issue Paper _ Aug 2024 LRP Version.pdf, 39. POSP Update Progress Memo August.pdf, 40. POSP Strategy Accomplishments LRP Version Sept 2024.pdf, 41. POSP Update Progress Memo September.pdf, 42. Sustainability and Adaptability LRP Version Sept 2024.pdf, 43. Draft Engagement Summary October 2024.pdf, 44. POSP Strategy Accomplishments LRP Version Sept 2024.pdf, 45. POSP Update Progress Memo October.pdf, 46. Sustainability and Adaptability LRP Version Oct 2024.pdf, 47. Issues Papers Introduction November 2024.pdf, 48. November POSP Status Update.pdf, 49. POSP Update Progress Memo November.pdf, 50. Section 8.1 - Adoption Procedure.pdf, 51. 3.5 Recreation Needs Analysis.pdf, 52. POSP Update Progress Memo Dec 2024.pdf, 53. POSP Draft Recommendations Discussion .pdf, 54. Recommended Strategies Discussion.pdf, 55. POSP Update Progress Memo Jan 2025.pdf, 56. Parks Operational Resources.pdf

5 86756 Confirming the February meeting date for Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATION
6 86378 Annual Statement of Interest Due INFORMATIONAL

2025-01-16 Downtown Coordinating Committee

1 61242 Public Comment

Attachments: 1. 6-30-20 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 2. 9-17-20 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 3. 10-15-20 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 4. 1-21-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 5. 2-18-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 6. 3-18-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 7. 4-15-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 8. 7-15-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 9. 10-21-21 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 10. 2-17-22 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 11. 4-28-22 DCC PublicComment-RegistrantsReport.pdf, 12. Public Comment Zache 1-19-23, 13. 2-16-23 DCC Public Comment-RegistrantsReport.pdf

2 86694 Report of Mall Concourse Maintenance and Special Events 2025
3 86660 Changes Proposed to Madison Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Attachments: 1. Memo to BCCs 12.23.24.pdf, 2. Link to CCEC Discussion Item - Legistar File 72568

4 81580 State Street 2024 Pedestrian Mall Experiment-Revised Draft of State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report

Attachments: 1. State Street Pedestrian Mall Experiment Report - Draft 241104.pdf, 2. 240919 State Street DCC.pdf, 3. 240718 State Street.pdf, 4. 240516 State Street.pdf, 5. [public] TC 1-30-2024 comments on multiple agenda items.pdf, 6. 240131 TC update.pdf, 7. 240118 Art project report.pdf, 8. 240118 State Street furniture.pdf, 9. 240118 StateSt Survey_all responses.pdf, 10. 231204_StateStreet_ppt.pdf, 11. 241121 State Street DCC.pdf, 12. State Street Report Draft 250110.pdf, 13. Public Comment 250116.pdf

5 79916 Secretary's Report-Mifflin Plaza Update -Statement of Interest Forms

2025-01-09 Community Development Authority

1 86593 Public Comment (January 9, 2025 CDA Board Meeting)COMMUNICATIONSDISCLOSURES AND RECUSALSMembers of the body should make any required disclosures or recusals under the City's Ethics Code.DISCUSSION ITEMS
2 86592 Reminder of Madison General Ordinance 3.35(9)(b) Statement of Interest
3 86594 Update on Triangle Development
4 86595 Update on CDA Strategic Plan
5 86596 Report on Housing Authority OperationsADJOURNMENT

Attachments: 1. CDA Section 8 Monthly Report 2024.pdf, 2. 2024 Monthly PHA Occupancy Report.pdf