Transcript 0:28 e 0:58 e e 1:58 and that's um I can't get my 2:04 camera to to come on okay my brother-in-law had that happen on our 2:09 family Zoom call the other day all of a sudden he just couldn't get his camera to come on so we we know we know you're 2:17 there so any idea why I don't he couldn't figure it out I've I've 2:26 gone shows them there um have you have you tried clicking the 2:33 little carrot next to your video button 2:39 then you should be able to select a camera hang on let me try oh I didn't even know that was there 2:49 Ariana um for me it's my video and if you click the little 2:56 upwards carrot arrow button you C that um for me I have an integrated webcam so 3:03 that's what's selected for me right now but I'm not sure what your options would be 3:14 buto okay so so it doesn't give you an option to select a different camera 3:22 no is your your camera isn't covered is it no okay sometimes that happens to me 3:29 I understand yeah strange and I don't have it's the camera is off of my 3:37 computer I guess we won't get to see you tonight then bill but we'll just hear you how's 3:46 that it looks are at o' and one two three four five six 3:55 seven we have a quorum so I will call the February 5th 2025 meeting of the 4:01 Transportation Commission to order um Ariana if you'd like to read the instructions sure Welcome to our virtual 4:09 meeting we're going to cover a few basic items before beginning if you lose connection at any point during the meeting you can reconnect by clicking 4:15 the link or calling the number in your original email to members and City staff members if you are able please activate 4:21 your video and keep it on for the duration of the meeting staff if you are able please activate your video when you are speaking use the raised hand fee 4:28 when you would like to be recognized as to speak or ask questions staff click raise hand when you are asked a question 4:33 the chair will do their best to call on committee members in the order in which hands are raised lowering your hand will take you out of the queue members of the 4:40 public who have registered to speak the name you entered in Zoom must match the name you entered in registration you will remain muted until called upon the 4:47 clerk will tell you when your time is up after speaking a member of the body may ask you a question if you need to share 4:52 documentation with with the commission please send it to the email listed on today's agenda chair the floor is yours 5:00 thanks Ariana Aiden if you could call a roll please sure 5:07 um Juliana Bennett might be excused for tonight due to the other meeting um MGR 5:14 go vinder Rajan Dina Nina Martinez Rutherford 5:23 present Barbara Harrington mckenny I don't see uh an kovic here 5:32 Robbie Weber here Denise 5:40 jff I don't see yeah it's un it's unusual that we haven't heard from 5:45 Denise maybe she's having technical issues or something Pepe baros is excused for 5:53 tonight Chris mccahill here bill brummer here Harold cams 6:01 here Kaylee Jameson here and Lynn 6:06 Olen 6:12 here okay everybody let's see since we're missing three people both Kaylee and Lyn 6:20 would be able to make motions and vote Alder Martinez R thank you I was going to ask H how 6:27 good we are on Quorum in case I need to pop off around um a little bit later in the meeting just 6:38 so at this point we have eight and we need six for Quorum okay so if you could 6:45 just check in before you you leave because sometimes we do have other 6:51 people coming and going so thank you no thank you for checking appreciate 6:57 it okay uh um everybody have a chance to look at the minutes from the last 7:06 meeting Harold move approval of the 7:11 minute Bill a second okay there's a motion in a 7:17 second is there any discussion okay I'm going to assume a 7:23 unanimous consent vote unless anybody wishes to vote no or obain 7:32 I don't see any hands so the motion is carried 7:37 unanimously hey we had a number of emails that were saved under item one 7:43 and I understand we do have somebody registered to speak under item number one which is um public comment for items 7:50 not on tonight's agenda is that correct Aiden that is correct yep um okay we 7:58 have Sarah of South Midvale Boulevard opposes and wishes to 8:05 speak okay go ahead Sarah it's just so you know Midvale Boulevard was pulled 8:11 from the agenda tonight so it will uh likely be on a future agenda but it is 8:17 not on the agenda tonight but we're we're certainly you're certainly welcome to let us know your thoughts under this 8:23 item number one well would the commission like to hear my comment or 8:28 should I say it for the week when it is on the agenda absolutely you're W you're welcome to tell us this evening and 8:35 you're welcome to come back and tell us again when it is on the agenda okay well thank you very much I 8:41 very much appreciate that I just wanted to raise my concern that the plan for Midville Boulevard seems to be creating 8:47 a conflict between bikers and the residents and drivers on that road that doesn't actually exist um at the city's 8:56 informational meeting last week or the week before um you know the city wasn't able to fortunately there hadn't been 9:03 any recorded bike accidents at Midvale and the city hadn't you know didn't have 9:08 any counts for how many bikers are currently using Midvale so they didn't really have any evidence that there's 9:14 demand for bike facilities on Midvale um residents who called into the meeting 9:20 also weren't reporting that they were seeing very many bikers and the city said their philosophy was you know if 9:26 you build it they will come and I'm concerned that that would attract bikers into a dangerous situation when there 9:33 are safer Alternatives available um the city said that they didn't think that the Midvale project would lower speeds 9:40 of traffic um and of course Midvale has a lot of ambulance traffic that you know 9:46 wouldn't be lowering its speeds and shouldn't be lowering its speeds at any rate um and so it just doesn't seem like 9:52 there's the need to have additional bike facilities on Midvale especially because 9:57 there's already bike Lanes on seag a couple blocks to the west and then a couple blocks to the east bikers could 10:04 use Owen and Blackhawk or one of the other through side streets that are much more low traffic um and both of those 10:11 alternatives are very close to Midvale and wouldn't be encouraging bikers to be 10:17 on a high traffic and highspeed road um so it just seems like the plan is 10:23 creating a conflict between bikers and the residents that you know wouldn't need to exist 10:29 the residents would be burdened by the loss of parking but there wouldn't be a concrete benefit to bikers that they 10:36 don't already have now and then the final point I wanted to make was the city had mentioned that they might be 10:42 doing an assessment on the residents for the project and I think that you know 10:47 everyone on the street would be very much opposed to that and it really wouldn't be fair because the city said 10:52 that there's over 23,000 vehicles per day using Midvale obviously that's not 10:57 all the residents the residents weren't the ones that caused wear on wear and tear on the road and you know they're 11:03 not the one the reason why the city is doing the project the city is obviously doing the project just to create a 11:09 general benefit for commuters using the road so it wouldn't be Equitable or lawful to make the owners contribute to 11:16 the cost of the project when it's just a general project that benefits the public so thank you for hearing my 11:23 comments yeah no problem we're we're always interested in hearing from the public I just wanted to make sure 11:28 everybody realized that it was going to be on the agenda and then at the very last minute staff decided that it would 11:35 be better to wait uh to hear um to absorb and um be able to respond to all 11:44 the um feedback that they got at the public information meeting on January 30th so does anybody have a comment or a 11:52 question for um oh Denise is in the attendees could you please move her over 11:58 Ariana to the panelist yep can do that thank you um and we're 12:04 still good for um we still have two people missing I believe so we're still 12:10 good for Kaylee and Lyn to vote um so in any event um it's it's great to get this 12:18 feedback and and we're we're always interested and we'll certainly look to hear more once um the plans are further 12:25 developed with regard to midw so does anybody have any any comments for um or 12:31 questions for the registrant I'd like to say thank you for 12:38 your comments okay thanks Lynn um we always appreciate hearing from the 12:46 public and it doesn't hurt to remember to say that thank you um anybody else 12:52 have any comments or questions for the registrant okay thanks very much uh for 12:59 coming and um you're welcome to come back again certainly when the item is on 13:05 the agenda are there any disclosures or recusals this 13:15 evening okay seeing none we have two items proposed for the consent agenda 13:22 Aiden I I don't think we do but do we have anybody who's registered to speak on either item two or three 13:29 we do not no okay um does anyone wish to 13:35 have item two or three separated from the consent 13:46 agenda okay seeing No Hands we have item two legistar 86835226 13:59 School planning project and item 3 8 6814 uh related to vacating and 14:06 discontinuing portions of Braxton plac public Street RightWay within the triangle plan 14:14 um there a motion to approve the consent agenda Phil make a motion to accept uh 14:23 the consent agenda for it three okay so there's a motion to approve items two 14:30 and three on the consent agenda Alder Martinez truford I will second that okay there's a motion in a 14:37 second okay I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote unless anybody 14:43 wishes to vote no or 14:51 abstain okay I'm seeing no hands so the consent agenda is passed with unanimous 14:57 vote all right uh item number four we had to defer the 15:04 third quarter uh Traffic Safety report because we just had so much going on and um so 15:11 Lieutenant Hannah was gracious enough to do both quarter three and quarter four this evening um so um I look forward to 15:21 hearing about them um and thanks so much for all the work Lieutenant Hannah that 15:26 you put into it and uh um we'll look forward to hearing your 15:33 report thanks can you hear me okay we can yes 15:40 excellent I just want to thank all of you for accommodating my schedule um I was in Australia and that uh led to some 15:46 timing issues so thank you so much I'm sorry that third quarter is delayed but I appreciate that immensely um I'm not 15:53 going to go too deeply into the third quarter report other than to talk about the fatalities that happened in the third quarter um that doesn't mean that 16:00 you can't ask me questions but I'll start there the rest of the stuff is pretty straightforward um as you've seen 16:05 from other um quarterly reports so I will try to share 16:17 this can everyone see that uh 16:23 yes all right let me 16:29 well you'll have to see the side too I guess um so in the third quarter uh there were three traffic 16:35 related fatalities um when I say traffic related it doesn't mean that uh the 16:41 incident itself was the um the fault of the driver it just means it happened on 16:47 a road and it evolved a vehicle and you'll see why that's important in one of the uh the incidents um maybe in this 16:53 quarter or the next quarter uh so the first third quarter 16:58 fatality occurred on July 1st that's a Monday happened at 910 9:10 a.m. on the 17:04 Belt Line uh it was westbound Belt Line traffic was uh 17:10 stopped and backed up because people were exiting onto Midville Boulevard um 17:16 the suspect unit number one was traveling westbound as with the other drivers that driver admitted that she um 17:23 briefly looked down at her phone and while she was distracted her vehicle collided with number two unit number two 17:29 which in turn collided with number three uh the driver of unit 2 was 17:35 initially conscious and alert at the scene and then suddenly went uh pulseless pulseless non-breathing um she 17:42 was transported to the hospital where she was pronounced deceased unfortunately um the tox 17:49 reports uh no alcohol but I think we're still pending on the drug reports so I 17:54 don't have anything to report that uh in that right now but as far as the conditions of the road 18:01 and the uh environment it was dry it was Daylight um they were all going straight 18:07 on the Belt Line the weather conditions were clear um I won't go into all of the details here each car had a had one 18:16 occupant um you can see the cars that they were all in um the suspect was 16 years old 18:24 unfortunately she sustained a minor injury and uh her airbag deployed but again no e ethanol or drugs detected at 18:33 the time I think we're still waiting on tox screen um but her actions obviously were inattentive driving and she was 18:39 traveling at a high rate of speed the victim the female who was um 18:47 deceased was a 77-year-old white female um obviously she was just stopped in 18:52 traffic uh when she was struck from behind and finally the Third vehicle 18:58 involved in the incident uh belonged to a 23-year-old white male um he also was 19:03 stopped in traffic and again he was struck from behind uh from unit two after unit 2 got struck by unit 19:13 one the second third quarter fatal crash occurred at Packers Avenue in Tennison 19:19 Lane on July 4th at 4:30 a.m. um the vehicle that was involved 19:25 was traveling Northbound on Packers Avenue between bunting Lane and in Tennyson Lane uh that vehicle was stolen 19:32 and being operated at a high rate of speed um the driver lost control struck a No Parking sign and then struck a tree 19:40 um it was the backseat passenger that was actually uh pronounced deceased at the scene the driver in the front 19:46 passenger ran from the vehicle uh they were later located and 19:54 arrested um that night it was uh it was dry obviously dark dark in the morning 20:01 of uh it was 4:30 a.m. so it was pretty dark but there were some lights over there roadway was straight weather 20:08 conditions clear and the suspect was the driver 20:14 obviously the 20-year-old black female she sustained a minor injury um there 20:19 were tests given and THC was uh detected but no 20:25 alcohol and again uh she was traveling too fast when she lost control of that 20:32 vehicle and for passenger or front passenger was a 23-year old black male 20:37 he suffered a minor injury um again uh he was 20:43 also uh also had THC on board but again no alcohol and finally the um victim of 20:51 this crash was an 18-year-old black male um he was in the back seat so obviously 20:57 um no air bag we don't believe he had his uh seat Bel on or anything and we 21:03 suspected drugs and I believe that his test came back with THC present as 21:09 well and finally the third fatal crash in this in the third quarter occurred on Saturday September 21st 3:41 p.m. uh 21:19 stoton Road and Rita Road motorcycle he went into the ditch uh he was traveling 21:25 Southbound on North stoton Road at approximately 50 to 60 m per hour he failed to navigate the slight turn in 21:31 the road and went into the ditch after losing control he was pronounced deceased at the 21:38 scene uh it was a dry day daylight uh he was on a curve the WEA weather conditions were cloudy but certainly um 21:46 were not a factor in this in this incident he was a 64y old white male um 21:53 the tests were given there was no alcohol um I do have an update on this drug test THC was present um and 22:00 obviously his speeding and failure to be in control LED to this this 22:05 incident and at that point that brought the fatal crashes um in 22:10 2024 in the third quarter up to 22:17 7 anyone have any questions about any of 22:22 that I know you've had a while to see these um uh bill go ahead 22:29 uh Lieutenant when you I I think we've talked about this before but the question is because I work at the tops 22:37 lab and and and one of the things we do using the crash data 22:42 is when you get a a return uh from the from the crime lab on on drug and 22:50 alcohol uh in fatals do you go back and insert that into the crash report that 22:56 that it was uh those drugs and alcohol were involved in 23:02 those fatal crashes yes we do our traffic investigators who um are in charge of 23:07 investigating all fatal crashes go back and they update the MV 4000 to indicate 23:13 what really happened right you know at when we for those that you don't that don't know the mb4000 at the time is the 23:21 information that we have at the I think that's good to get that you 23:26 know because those those records do is it just the fatals or do you also go 23:31 and look at if there's severe injury crashes um you know we don't is it just 23:37 the fatals that you really yeah I'm I'm in charge of the traffic investigators that really if it's great bodily harm or 23:45 a fatal accident uh they investigate those otherwise um the other crashes I 23:51 really don't know about assuming that they are asked by court services to update um their MV 4000 should some 23:58 something happened but for the most part it's uh you know it's Rick and and Brandon of uh doing those reports and 24:06 and making them correct okay thank you of course thanks Bill um Alder Martinez 24:12 reord go ahead thank you lieutenant Hannah I'm 24:17 curious about the THC that's present in these 24:22 individuals when that's accounted for is that um impairment due to THC or is that 24:29 just that it's present in the blood system it's just that it's present we use that as a factor that might be a 24:35 reason for the cause of the crash um it's pretty typical that they will do a a blood test um 24:42 on at least the suspect and sometimes the victim um in this case again I I 24:47 can't uh say that it was the cause um but it may have been a 24:54 factor I'm just curious just because I know it stays in the blood for a while 25:01 and the thing I'm really curious about is how we're substantiating the 25:06 impairment factor with it and not just oh it was there in the system does that 25:12 make sense yeah absolutely I mean for this one you know obviously it's not a criminal investigation because it was 25:19 just the U motorcycle driver involved um if it was somebody else obviously the 25:24 investigators would look a little bit closer as to when that person may have consumed or smoked or whatever it is um 25:33 the illegal substance so we we try to figure that out based on the um 25:40 information given by the suspect if they give that information and then information from uh medical 25:46 professionals who can tell us you know if if it was a substantial amount or 25:51 maybe when it was ingested um you know that stuff gets a little bit a little bit hard to determine with 25:59 some of those drugs quite frankly so it's that's why we list it as just a factor um to consider certainly not 26:06 blaming it on the THC um but it's it was present and uh that's that's what we 26:11 have to acknowledge thank you very much that clarification of 26:17 course okay anybody else have any comments or questions at this 26:24 point okay goodness you're all taking it on me tonight I appreciate that uh let 26:31 me pull up the fourth quarter here can youall see that uh yes okay 26:39 excellent um let me just get to the important part again um I'll let 26:46 you look at the other stuff um and you can tell me you've had it for a while so I hope if you have any questions please 26:52 bring them up to me but again we'll just talk about the fatal crashes uh for the fourth quarter and again important to 26:58 remember remember it's it's traffic related Road related vehicle related but it doesn't necessarily mean that it was 27:04 the fault of the driver um it's just the circumstance that that occurred so there 27:10 were two traffic related fatalities in the fourth quarter the first one occurred at stoton 27:16 Road at Highway 30 this was a motor vehicle versus a motor vehicle versus a motor vehicle um the two victim Vehicles 27:23 were on the highway 30 exit ramp to stoton Road they had a green and we're 27:28 proceeding through that light uh to take a left turn on the southbound stoton 27:34 road so hopefully you can all picture that uh the suspect vehicle was traveling Northbound on stoton road uh 27:42 he drove through the red light struck both vehicles um one vehicle or one victim was pronounced deceased at the 27:48 scene and the other victim was treated and released uh the suspect was uh taken 27:54 to the hospital with minor injuries uh which were not life-threatening 28:00 so again the conditions uh revolving around that crash it was dry it was dark 28:06 at that time of the morning I I believe the two victims were heading to work um 28:12 obviously the environment played no uh was no factor in this roadway did not 28:17 play a factor the weather was clear um each of the vehicles had just one 28:24 occupant the suspect was a 35-year-old white male again he had minor injuries but he was held at the hospital for 2 28:30 days for observation um we suspected drugs tests 28:36 were given um I do not have the update on that yet actually I'll take that back 28:42 the I believe the alcohol test came back at a 228 if I'm remembering correctly 28:48 and yes that's it um so he was heavily intoxicated he had been working at a bar 28:53 he's a bartender um at a bar that I don't know the name of so that can't answer that question if you have that um 29:00 and was coming home or driving home clearly quite intoxicated from from his 29:08 job uh the victim that was deceased at at the scene was a 37y old white male um 29:16 he again was just going to work and was taking a left turn from Highway 30 onto southbound ston 29:22 Road and the third victim was the 48-year-old Hispanic male with minor injuries treated at the scene 29:28 and released and 29:33 the final fatal crash of the Year occurred on Monday the 9th of December 29:39 at 6:58 p.m. uh this was a motor vehicle versus a pedestrian and it occurred on 29:45 the Belt Line and this is the incident that I'm referring to when I say that it's traffic related but um this 29:51 certainly was not the fault of the um of any driver on the Belt Line um I want 29:58 want to make that clear uh this individual The Pedestrian jumped from the concrete divider uh that was next to 30:04 the fle uh Flex Lane he jumped was standing in the flex lane and then he 30:09 jumped over the barrier um he was reported to be bundled up in a bunch of blankets he was facing towards the other 30:15 side of the bout line looking like he had the intent to cross the bout line and he actually was struck by a vehicle 30:21 as he ran across the roadway and that vehicle was traveling at speed um which was at least 55 mil per hour 30:29 hour so a a tragic incident that unfortunately the the driver will have 30:34 to think about forever um it's just one of those things I guess 30:40 uh it was dry it was dark um but the weather conditions were clear um there were two occupants in vehicle number two 30:48 which was the vehicle that um struck him uh struck the individual the P 30:53 pedestrian unit number three was um damaged because it actually crashed into unit number two um after that that 31:01 incident and there were four people in that car the deceased individual was a 31:08 23-year-old American Indian or Alaskan native um again test given pending 31:15 results I don't know the results of this one um but the action his sudden movement into traffic was what caused 31:22 this crash um the driver that unfortunately struck 31:28 the The Pedestrian was a 45-year-old Hispanic male he did not have injuries um airbags seat belt all deployed and 31:35 used not suspected that he was using drugs or alcohol um that's all we know about him that's 31:42 all I know about him and the other car again it was just damaged because of the the final crash I 31:48 don't have the information on that individual like bill has a question for you Jen go ahead uh thanks uh these 31:57 these kind of crashes this last one it always brings up the the possibility of 32:03 what is the mental state of the individual on these kind of cases do you 32:08 try or do any any background at all to see if it's a potential 32:13 suicide yeah absolutely I mean I believe that there was um he was with somebody that night who was near the Beltline as 32:20 well um without going into too much detail they did get a statement from that individual and there were some not 32:27 only possible drug um factors involved in this incident but also some mental 32:33 health issues but yeah we we do a full report or an investigation to figure out 32:38 you know what exactly happened here what was the State of Mind of the individual and all of that just yeah it's very very 32:45 unfortunate and that the driver that struck the individual is the one that's going to you know live with the rest of 32:52 their lives but absolutely I know in our records sometimes I and I don't know 32:58 if if suicide is determined by the I think the medical examiner has to make 33:04 that call if they make the call that it was do then does the does the uh does 33:10 the the crash get removed as a it does it does it does get removed as 33:18 a traffic fatality yeah that's yeah if that is determined and again I know it's 33:24 tough I know it's tough and medical examiner has to be involved yes Corner yes I mean all the all the factors here 33:31 seem to point in that direction and obviously Brandon and Rick would would do an amendment to that that mb4000 and 33:39 indicate what the yeah what the factors were that caused this y okay thank you 33:44 of course anyone 33:50 else any other comments on the uh fatal crashes that Jen described or any other 33:58 comments or questions about the rest of the reports bill yeah I have a on the rest of the 34:04 reports and it isn't just uh one particular quarter or not um Lieutenant 34:12 do we you think it would be worthwhile I I'm I don't want to say curious but I'm interested in that we we look at our 34:20 test off officers and we're getting and I suspect we're getting a lot of of U uh 34:28 citations from those from that work K you had any have you looked at any I 34:34 don't necessarily want to see it every time or anything like that but just a sample of a quarter or something how 34:41 many of the the uh citations let's say speed uh citations were for the quarter 34:48 were issued by the test officers versus other officers that are on 34:55 patrol yeah I actually have that information and that would not be a problem for me to include that in the report if you're interested yeah I think 35:02 it's it's good because I I'm kind of interested as to what the officers um 35:07 you know their their their schedules and their you know they all a lot of them are on call or there's their call after 35:14 call call yes but when it is available and can they do enforcement 35:20 and I think that's what the commission is looked interested in is you know how much uh work can they devote to uh speed 35:31 let's say or or traffic enforcement on their not as not part of a test unit 35:37 correct I I wish that they could dedicate a little more time obviously traffic complaints are probably the number one complaint that we get at the 35:44 Madison police department um unfortunately because our Patrol officers like you said are call to call 35:50 to call so call driven they don't have a lot of discretionary time to do traffic enforcement though when they do uh there 35:57 are several that um that really enjoy it and and and do Focus their time on that 36:04 um the bulk of the of the citations are obviously coming from our test team um 36:10 just because that's that's their job and then all of them are running um the grants that we run the the grants 36:17 consist of four to five people and a lead officer which is normally a test 36:24 officer who's running the laser I yeah I guess I would be interested in knowing whether it's uh 50% or 75% or whatever 36:32 you know where the citation coming from yeah absolutely I I can add that in the next report for you okay thank you of 36:40 course thanks Bill harl go ahead yes thank you um I also have a question 36:45 about the Hazardous violations data so I noticed that in 36:51 2024 after numbers have been pretty flat they're really up this year so I see 36:57 like total hazardous are like 9,200 compared to 7,400 and most of that seems to be 37:04 driven by the increase in speeding tickets like going up from three and a half thousand to like 5100 can you say a 37:11 little bit about what's driving that increase do you have more capacity to do enforcement or is it Behavior change or 37:19 little both um it really depends on you look how it it kind of fluctuates a 37:25 little bit on each quarter um just because the amount of grants that we are able to run um the grants 37:32 have been very productive lately and the officers I'm going to tell you right now Madison has a speed problem I know 37:39 that's nothing new to all of you um but we've got people flying in this town in fact the other night there was an OWI 37:45 Grant and they clocked a 16-year-old who was late for curfew at 107 oh 37:52 107 um and I wish I wish that that was more shocking to me but we see such high 37:59 speeds in the city that it's I I don't know what else to do I know we're we're working on the 20 is plenty um I I don't 38:07 know how much of a factor that will be in in some people's driving behaviors for whatever reason everybody seems like 38:14 they're in a really big hurry um all of our speed all of our grants are run as speed grants um and so that's usually 38:21 the driving behavior of the speed um is the reason for the Stop and then it leads to other things maybe they didn't 38:27 their seat Bel on or maybe they were intoxicated or maybe they had a you know a passenger who was not uh 38:34 wearing their seat belt because the driver is responsible for that or an unrestrained child like it just leads to 38:39 other things um but we have I wish I could figure out how to slow people down 38:46 it's just something we're seeing more and more um I wish I had the answer I 38:52 just don't the the the grant information that you can probably see you know our 38:57 officers are pulling people over and I've mentioned this before at speeds that are around 15 miles an hour over 39:05 the speed limit so we're not it's not Cheap Tickets this is egregious driving 39:11 behavior in areas where there are bikers there are pedestrians other vehicles you 39:17 know this kind of behavior is is putting everyone at risk so um we we are aware 39:23 of it we're doing the best we can um I wish I had more test officers but that's a topic for another day um but we're 39:32 aware and we're trying to do the best we can with it does that answer your question I know it's kind of a roundabout no I mean I think it answers 39:39 my question like yeah I was really curious in the year-over-year change because I know that yeah you can only do 39:45 so much enforcement and so part of what's reflective in the number is how much enforcement you can do versus part 39:51 of it is reflected in people's behavior if nobody would speed your numbers would go to zero if you zero enforcement your 39:58 numbers would go to zero and obviously neither of those are the case and so I just I just noticed the numbers for 2024 40:05 were quite a bit higher than for 2022 and 2023 for the whole year yeah I think 40:10 we're we're we're just putting more attention to it obviously after covid 40:15 you know we've been ramping up ever since then um so you see the increase in numbers probably from 2020 where we we 40:21 didn't do very many if any traffic stops because of what was going on but you know certainly it is something we are 40:27 paying attention to um speeding obviously is you know one of the highest factors in fatality crashes um so 40:36 there's a lot of things going on here that we wish we could put a stop to but we'll do the best we can with with the 40:41 resources we have thank you very much of course thanks Harold Alder Herington 40:48 McKinny go ahead uh thank you madam chair um thank you very much for the report and um the speeding across the 40:56 city you absolutely correct it is a problem I think that that is the not think that 41:03 happens to be the major complaint that um residents in my district have and um 41:11 the 20 is is plenty um but I find myself on the Belt Line after 10:00 and 41:18 literally it's a speed way I mean sometimes I have to pull over because 41:25 people are just going so fast P yeah and um I know this is just a comment because 41:31 it's related to you know resources and how many you know officers that you can 41:36 have but um because even when there are officers out there with the radar gun I 41:43 mean they're still speeding uh because they can't be out there all the time 41:49 right and um I don't I'm just um um um acknowledging the fact that 41:57 speeding is a major problem and if they're speeding that way on the Belt 42:03 Line they're speeding through our communities as well and our residents 42:08 are really getting very very upset about that um I would like to compare the um 42:15 the figures with last year and this year am I able to find that in the document 42:21 or if you can direct me to get that cuz I that was a great question I'd like to look at comparison from year to year to 42:30 see where those increases are um that's the end of my comments thank you madam chair yeah um you should be able to take 42:37 a look at years previous to look at the Hazardous um tickets that we write there's they're all broken down as to 42:43 what they were written for whether it was speed or red light violation or failure to yield all of that will 42:49 probably give you a pretty good idea of of what we're looking at um and also did you get my email today regarding McKenna 42:59 muted Alder Alder you're muted okay thank you madam chair no I did not I've been uh 43:06 committed all day but I will look for that because that is in the center of where our our concerns are so I 43:13 definitely will look at that perfect and I want to use that as an example sometimes um roadways in the city don't 43:21 lend themselves to doing um enforcement just because of the way they are curved 43:28 maybe and I know what you're talking about by El there um and so Josh went out there um but again it's hard to set 43:34 up and get an actual speed and write that ticket that it that 43:42 will stand up in court um if that makes sense so some of these roadways like the 43:47 Belt Line too I mean it is very very hard with how much traffic is on the Belt Line to adequately clock um these 43:56 folks who are speeding first of all and then second of all trying to up to them with the speeds 44:03 they're going at and the amount of vehicles that are on the Belt Line so um some of these roads we'd like to we wish 44:10 that we could do a little bit more but please understand that the way some of these roads are um laid out doesn't 44:15 necessarily Me Lend to some enforcement some good 44:21 enforcement is that all you had then Alder her and Tim McKinny okay Alder Martina rer go ahead 44:29 yes thank you again T um Lieutenant Hannah one more question um I'm curious 44:36 about I'm curious if you have heard from other municipalities either within the state 44:43 or nationally that have seen the same increases in speed I'm just curious if 44:50 it's like just Madison or if it is something that's really happening and I 44:56 know that since the pandemic I've noticed that and red light running a lot 45:02 more so yes I haven't talked anybody recently but if you look at um numbers 45:08 when everyone was dealing with with covid um to now and how much it's 45:14 increased since it was before people just got into this habit of driving so fast because nobody was out there 45:21 stopping them right um and and it was just kind of the Wild West unfortunately and and people got into some bad habits 45:27 that are unfortunately still continuing to this day so I know that it it is not 45:33 um just a phenomenon in Madison it is there is research to back that up but as far as what's happened since then I mean 45:41 I haven't talked to any other agencies about what they're seeing but I suspect that they're probably seeing stuff 45:47 that's pretty similar to what we're experiencing okay thank you yeah people are in a hurry I don't know what the 45:53 rush is yeah it's sadly if sad sad but true 45:58 yeah um Lynn go ahead uh thank you officer for your 46:05 thorough report um this might be a question for the Alders on the committee 46:11 but uh i' would appreciate hearing anybody else's opinion have there been any ideas 46:19 around passive measures like speed Gates 46:25 everybody's going through it whoever is speeding gets a ticket sent to their 46:30 home I mean Illinois does it with the tools maybe we need to find coverage 46:36 maybe it's a federal program I don't know but can't stop being a 46:43 Visionary is that I'll just I'll just say that it's interesting that you bring that up I know a lot of people wish that 46:49 we had speed cameras or red light cameras uh that is not something that we have in Madison that is not a tool 46:55 that's available to us so um we have to just use the oldfashioned way of using a a laser and some cops uh 47:02 to try to cut down on some stuff so um that's way above my pay grade and and my position here at the department whether 47:09 uh speed cameras or red light signal signals and uh Tom Lynch could probably speak more to this than I 47:15 can we don't have that available yeah if you want to maybe comment on that Tom and if you also have any comments about 47:22 speeding in other um areas of the country because it seems like it's a problem nationally 47:28 um yeah I um I'll give a very brief answer it's uh 47:34 Redlight automated enforcement is illegal illegal yep in the state of 47:41 Wisconsin uh I think um communities within Wisconsin are trying to 47:48 tip get some pilot programs going uh Milwaukee has asked for a pilot red light running 47:58 uh twice in the two most recent budgets and it's been taken out and so uh we're 48:04 probably going to pursue the red light running first um before the automated enforcement um so it will it will be a 48:12 journey before we're able to use those tools any anything Tom with regard to 48:19 speeding elsewhere um I know it we had lots of studies done during Co and right 48:26 post Co I'm guessing this is a problem everywhere yeah you know I I I can't 48:32 really comment I'm in the midst of doing my my 48:37 annual report where where I check into all this research and I I haven't got to that 48:43 right okay well maybe we can talk about that at a f at a future meeting because I think it's I mean we hear that all the 48:49 time and and every time we were looking at um geometrics for reconstructions 48:57 were interested in slowing people down and you know helping create Traffic 49:04 Safety improvements that will physically slow Vehicles 16-year-old driver clocked 49:10 at doing 107 miles an hour the other night 49:15 yeah some place video rers not sure where that's navigate and 49:23 press tab for more options Denise Denise your microphone is is on thank you of 49:30 course okay thanks um so I I think it's um it's something that 49:38 uh is high on our agenda every time we look every time we have an 49:44 opportunity to help do something about reducing speed on a street or improving 49:50 traffic safety and and we'll certainly keep that in mind and I I don't want to 49:56 make work for for for anybody but I'm just curious and I know Yang's not here 50:02 this evening but you know Tom Moore or Tom Lynch um you know there are lots of 50:09 interesting data in these speed test 50:14 summaries in in your Grant summaries that show um Trends in certain 50:22 parts of the city with regard to highp speeed and I know we've looked at that 50:28 on East Washington for example um I'll use that because I think it's the best 50:33 and I know we've made a lot of changes on East Washington because of the high speeds so I'm assuming Tom that that we 50:42 look at that that you know you and the folks in the police department and jens's department or elsewhere are 50:49 looking at these results where people are going 104 miles an hour or whatever 50:56 or where where the city has control because I know you know there's certain um certain roads where the uh Wisconsin 51:04 Department of Transportation um is involved as well so I'm I'm sure that 51:11 that's something that you're looking at is that right Tom yeah that's right um and you're 51:17 right you know there's certain things we can do on certain streets some things 51:24 requires more going through the state but yeah it kind of gets back to like 51:30 the driver Comfort ver speed um a lot of these with the really 51:35 high speeds are the arterials and emergency vehicle routes 51:40 so yeah on some of these it's kind of difficult for us to do things that would 51:47 really slow down traffic um but it is something that we 51:52 look at we try to address some of it with signal timing um but you know if someone's not going 51:59 to obate the signals there's that possibility too um but yeah we kind of do know where 52:06 the really high speed the straightaway stretches between signals where people can really pick up high 52:13 speeds um we're always looking for opportunities to do something but yeah a 52:20 lot of times it's it's hard to find a project that'll you know if people are just going to complete the 52:27 disobey traffic laws and uh you know signals or it's it's 52:34 tough to tough to slow them down when we've got to keep it open for emergency routes 52:39 and things like that right yeah and and you know case in 52:44 point the um the person who ran the red light and caused the fatalities so you 52:50 know there was a traffic signal there and it was ignored so um 52:56 other comments or questions it's really disconcerting seeing some of that uh commentary and the the really really 53:03 high speeds um you know well and I'll just I'll just tell you that it's not it's not just these major roadways that 53:09 we all know about um our Northeast CPT team just did a um a project on Portage 53:16 Road hosted speed limit is 25 they made 12 stops I don't know how long they were 53:22 out there I don't think they were out there for very long oh 8: am to 10:00 a.m. 25 M mph speed limit 12 stops 53:29 highest speed was 47 low speed was 38 so 13 over was the lowest speed they 53:36 stopped and there's just a stretch of road that I mean I haven't thought about Portage Road I don't know about the rest 53:42 of you if it's not in your District maybe if you're an alder but you know these these things are happening 53:47 everywhere not just the main roads that we expect it on um but but other places 53:52 throughout the city yeah well it's a great reminder to us that we're on the 53:57 right track considering speed and and how what we can do to help reduce speed where we can and where it's appropriate 54:04 As Time said certain roads have to be left open and where their emergency routes they you know have to have clear 54:11 sailing for um emergency purposes but uh it's always high on our 54:17 agenda other other comments or questions for lieutenant 54:22 Hannah really appreciate you taking the time to put all this information in the 54:27 reports that I I don't know about the rest of you but I find it very enlightening to read the commentary on 54:35 each of those traffic grants because it's Illuminating yeah I agree that's why I 54:42 decided to start putting those in there because I think you get a pretty good flavor of you know a 4-Hour block of time and what's occurring on some of 54:49 these roads and it really is mindblowing quite frankly yep it is other comments 54:55 or questions for Hannah okay thank you very much we 55:02 appreciate it um and we really appreciate the time that you spent putting this information together and 55:08 coming to the commission to talk with us about it so not a not a problem and if anyone has any questions um please feel 55:15 free to give me a holler I'm more than happy to to go through some data with you and get you some more information if 55:20 you need it okay thanks so much Lieutenant thanks everyone okay 55:27 um next we have um agenda item five which is our um reporting in from 55:34 members who are also members of other boards committees and commissions um anybody have anything to 55:40 report this evening Harold just very briefly from 55:48 Board of Public Works last week um the sidewalk project along Noma road which I 55:57 don't think actually we had at TC but I can't quite remember um yeah so there's 56:02 a missing sidewalk on a coma Road there's a school there and so that was 56:09 approved and it will be built that's all I have okay thanks uh 56:15 Bill uh thanks uh and Harold I I I saw that and uh I paid attention to that on 56:23 my most recent drive down uh Monroe and that was a it's going to be a 56:31 significant Improvement I think especially by through school because there that is a lot of pedestrian 56:38 activity there uh and I think I think it's going to be a good project I'm very 56:44 that's going to connect fill in a big uh uh pedestrian hole that we had con 56:53 get that on Monro Street thanks for doing that Harold 56:59 thanks okay thanks Harold and thanks Phil anybody have anything else to 57:05 report this evening okay see no hands um next item 57:15 six is announcements by the chair and I I actually don't have any announcements this evening so that's going to go quick 57:23 um terms of future agenda items we have um a a couple of referrals potentially 57:31 as many as four referrals from the com Council this next time um complete green 57:36 streets update to the um guide um may be ready for the next meeting and um very 57:45 possibly the Midvale project as well as a um public hearing potentially to 57:52 remove residential permit parking from certain portions on Midvale and some 57:58 other Public Works um review and and feedback as well 58:05 um Denise yeah thanks an I'm wondering if 58:12 um and I can I can reach out to staff directly if this isn't an appropriate agenda item but you know a continued 58:19 issue of concern is sidewalk closures during um building construction 58:26 we've got two or three of them in our my neighborhood and I'm so in my work neighborhood that I'm so busy rerouting 58:33 myself to find an accessible route um so um you I'd like to know a little bit 58:40 about what the ordinances around that um you know what what's being worked out 58:47 for um you know for accessible passage uh when the the construction bleeds out 58:53 into the sidewalk so um yeah let me know if that's really something to take 58:59 offline or if that's something we can bring forward for both the knowledge base of the commission and also any um 59:06 any discussion sure we we have pedestrian detours during construction projects on 59:15 as a as a topic for a future agenda um but I can also look at maybe modifying 59:22 that a little bit Tom did you have a comment about that yeah Denise if there's something 59:29 specific you want us to address you can let me know but otherwise we can bring that as a topic to go over you know how 59:35 how we make these decisions with construction sites and what gets kept open what we allow to close and 59:43 Detour um but yeah a lot of these sites are 59:49 just so tight uh and there's just no space for the contractor to work so 59:57 um that's typically the reason but there's a lot of back and forth between the city and the contractor to try to 1:00:03 figure out what's the best way to get it constructed and what we can give up um but but I think it's a it's a 1:00:10 topic of great interest Tom so I think um where where we have an opportunity to 1:00:16 talk about it I think it it would be good to um to hear about it because 1:00:22 we've heard from um Bill brought it as well as UD Denise um and there was a lot 1:00:28 of discussion and agreement that this is something that we would be interested in in hearing about better understanding 1:00:34 the the the process and and perhaps how it it works with proag as well um yeah 1:00:42 yeah we can bring that as a future topic yeah Tom Lynch did you have something 1:00:48 yeah I'm sorry I had to step away to take a a phone call um so this is uh being looked at also 1:00:56 from engineering Jim wolf is looking at it as well as our permitting uh crew um 1:01:03 there is as Tom was saying kind of uh a reality that if we are going to approve 1:01:11 zero lot buildings you know right on the RightWay there has there'll probably has to be a staging area but um bill has 1:01:19 brought this up uh Jim has brought this up the mayor has brought it up um and so 1:01:25 um we we probably need we are not in 1:01:30 agreement internally yet on how to solve the problem let alone with with the 1:01:35 mayor so uh it could be a future uh topic um but there's there's a lot of 1:01:42 people that are trying to understand it okay well it sound it sounds like it's a work in process in in terms of how the 1:01:49 city is going to address it um so Denise it's it's it's a it's a great topic and 1:01:56 I'll I'll work on some wording in in terms of how I can uh how we can flush out what I put down there and and maybe 1:02:03 expand it a little bit I I'll send that to to you Denise to see if it if it um 1:02:08 um if it captures what you're talking about um and then we can we can uh we'll 1:02:16 keep it uh at it's at the top of the list right now of things that that TC is 1:02:22 interested in hearing about so does that work Denise that works great an thank 1:02:27 you and yeah Tom um I will reach out to you about the the couple sites that I 1:02:33 have particular concerns about both because of their longevity of having the sideway having the sidewalk closed it's 1:02:40 been a couple of years so um so anyway I'll reach out on the individual project 1:02:45 but I love that it's this is going to come forward to us as a group okay okay sounds good Tom did you have something 1:02:52 else yeah I just wanted to give an update on Midvale uh we we met uh City 1:02:57 staff met internally today um and we posted an update to the website but we will likely be bringing 1:03:06 this uh in a few months uh we so we had the public information meeting last uh 1:03:14 week and there was a lot a lot of feedback from that meeting and we want 1:03:20 to have time to to work on alternative um options and uh collect the data and 1:03:28 provide that feedback compile all that um so we're likely looking at bringing it to 1:03:34 TC uh late spring um hoping to uh get an 1:03:43 approval uh for a project and then likely bidding it in the fall for a 2026 1:03:49 construction okay so not next meeting huh it won't be next meeting no okay all 1:03:55 right um we've been hearing from a lot of people and and I know you heard a lot on the public information as well so in 1:04:02 terms of the future agenda I'll I'll move that further down the log Denise did you have something 1:04:07 else okay um anybody have any other future 1:04:14 agenda 1:04:20 topics I have a question yes ly I am 1:04:25 admittedly new to this commission and I am very grateful to be here I want to 1:04:32 know um if perhaps I could be briefed maybe not now but later on any plans to 1:04:39 slow down Packers Avenue Tom more is that something that 1:04:46 you could maybe connect with ly on sure we can uh we can meet about that 1:04:54 um you'd like to talk offline I I'm just interested if it's 1:05:01 been talked about if it's in the pipeline if it's ever gonna come up on a 1:05:06 on an agenda it's it's horrible it's like Frogger bille and I see a lot of 1:05:11 students coming across uh Packers um and Pennsylvania trying to 1:05:18 get to East High School and I'm an adult I'm a blind adult and I get across kind 1:05:24 of okay but I feel really bad for the students and others especially at 1:05:31 commercial but now Sixth Street is in untenable for drivers that's such a 1:05:38 blind curve coming from Quick Trip that it is it's a it's a major concern for my 1:05:46 neighbors as well as my family there any projects on Packers that are going to be 1:05:53 coming soon Tom um well on the Northern portion it would 1:05:59 be uh North South brt sure the the southern portion closer to 1:06:07 First Street I don't think there's anything planned um but this is something we 1:06:14 could look into more with Safe Streets Madison for any sort of smaller project 1:06:22 or or crossing project so I can put that on the list okay thanks Tom uh Robbie go 1:06:29 ahead actually I put my hand down I was just worried discussing things that weren't on the agenda right we're we're 1:06:36 really just trying to focus on things that can be put on agendas and and and I 1:06:42 think we may start talking about them a little bit too much but we're gonna try not to do too much of that yeah I I I'm 1:06:50 just you know sort of reminding everyone that we can't y about things that on the 1:06:56 agenda so y it's um Aiden tries to do that on the on the agenda where he says 1:07:02 commission member suggestions for item on future agenda for information only not for discussion so it's it's hard to 1:07:09 to place that line and stay on the correct side of it so um all right I 1:07:16 made some notes on those things and I think Tom Moore made some notes on them as well um anybody have any other future 1:07:23 agenda topics 1:07:30 okay I'm not seeing any hands and we need a motion to 1:07:35 adjourn Harold so moved okay Alder Martinez Rutherford second okay there's 1:07:43 a motion in a second I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote um unless I I don't think there's 1:07:49 ever been anybody opposed to a journey so thanks everybody have have a great evening appreciate it 1:08:24 it e Live chat replay was turned off for this video. 1:02:22