Transcript 0:00 e 0:57 hello everybody 1:15 2024 to order and Ariana if you'd read the instructions 1:20 please Welcome to our virtual meeting we're going to cover a few basic items before beginning if you lose connection 1:26 at any point during the meeting you can reconnect by clicking the link or calling the number in your original email to members and City staff members 1:33 if you able please activate your video and keep it on for the duration of the meeting staff if you are able please 1:38 activate your video when you are speaking use the raised hand feature when you'd like to be recognized to speak or ask questions staff click raise 1:46 hand when you are asked a question the chair will do their best to call on committee members in the order in which hands are raised lowering your hand will 1:52 take you out of the queue members of the public who have registered to speak the name you entered in Zoom must match the 1:57 name you entered in registration you will remain muted until called upon the clerk will tell you when your time is up 2:03 after speaking a member of the body may ask you a question if you need to share documentation with the commission please send it to the email listed on today's 2:09 agenda chair the floor is yours uh thanks Ariana before we call the rooll 2:15 um Eric Finch I'm gonna call on you I just got off the phone with Eric and and 2:21 Kaylee apparently there was some confusion about whether the mayor had actually signed the council proceedings 2:27 from last night um and I'm not exactly sure why you showed up in legistar as a 2:34 member if in fact you aren't a member um hang on one second um could you please 2:41 move Denise uh from attendees to uh panelist Ariana uh yeah it looks like 2:47 she accepted it so it should be any second now okay thank you um so Eric do 2:52 you wanna uh apparently Eric talked to Mike H and and has an update unless Tom 2:58 you have some different update Eric you want to yeah so the late yeah the latest 3:03 information I have is that uh the mayor has not signed the full proceedings from last night uh just the older 3:09 appointments so the resident appointments uh have not been signed yet so um the the new members are not yet 3:16 members for this meeting they they obviously will be by by the time the next meeting comes around um so because 3:22 of that uh the the new members um are not eligible to participate in the 3:28 conversation uh other than as members of the public and uh they're not able to uh Vote or or if for alternates you know be 3:35 become uh voters uh bill I think would still be you you would still retain your 3:41 old position so if you're all to vote uh and then finally if if uh the commission 3:47 wanted to it could uh make a special rule for this meeting allowing uh 3:52 particular individuals to participate in the discussion throughout the meeting in this case uh that being the the new 3:58 members um something like that's been done before and that may help facilitate their uh you know getting their feet 4:04 under them uh as we welcome them to the uh Transportation Commission sir um Tom did you have a 4:10 comment before we move on yeah actually I just want to uh first welcome Kaylee 4:16 and then apologize for all this confusion the council meeting got done 4:23 like at 12:30 last night and the the mayor has been out of town I think in Washington today um so then I just want 4:30 to do that and then the the body of the TC can decide if they want to allow Kaylee to participate in the discussion 4:37 or not but but welcome Kaye thanks for being and I'm totally yeah and thanks 4:42 thanks so much for your interest Kaye and uh the emails that I've seen and I'll be sending you one um myself 4:49 welcoming you and uh offering you a link to the handbook and etc etc so let's 4:55 call the role of the TC without and Lynn for 5:01 right now Aiden and then um we'll uh we'll move on from there so welcome 5:08 Kaylee and Aiden when to call roll sure uh so Juliana 5:17 Bennett who would count as excused yeah yeah MGR govinder 5:27 Rajan see yeah I don't see him you uh I don't okay at this time uh Dena Nina 5:34 Martinez Rutherford I am present Barbara Harrington 5:41 mckenny I don't see her an kovich here Robbie 5:47 Weber here Denise Jeffs I'm here Pepe 5:55 baros here Chris Mill here Bill Brer 6:02 here and Harold cams pres okay well bill um you can vote this 6:10 evening because we have two two folks not here um and we still have vacancies 6:16 technically according to um where we're at in the process um since Kaye was kind 6:23 enough to come and we have a lot of misconceptions about what's going on Harold 6:30 for that reason I would like to make a motion for a special role uh rule 6:35 allowing kayy to participate in discussion okay so basically Eric I 6:42 think we're gonna suspend the rules and allow Kaylee to participate in in the discussion would that be 6:50 correct uh yeah I think yeah I think you can do a um Motion in a second then uh I 6:56 would assume you could do an unanimous consent right but suspend the rules is that the correct way to say it uh yes it would be 7:04 suspend the rule uh and introduce a Special Rule to uh allow uh Kaye to 7:12 participate in the conversation are you okay with that wording har it's exactly what I wanted to 7:18 say okay thank you excuse me Al Martinez Rutherford I would be happy to second 7:24 that oh thank you so much any did you wish to speak to your motion at all Harold 7:30 just want to say welcome kayy yes thank you um I am going to assume unanimous 7:37 consent vote unless anybody wishes to vote no or abstain or a roll Co vote 7:43 I'll watch for hands okay seeing No Hands kayy What U 7:51 welcome again and this means that you can participate in the discussion ask questions make comments um sadly you 7:59 just can't vote this evening um and we can explain your alternate role unless that's already been explained to you um 8:05 at a later time um outside of the meeting um so uh we appreciate you being 8:11 willing to serve and we look forward to uh to your feedback um you I'm just 8:17 gonna um just gonna ask you you want to just tell us a little bit about yourself Kaye 8:24 as long as you're here and we're welcome in you sure thanks everybody I feel like I'm getting a lot of special attention 8:30 today um my name is Kaye Jameson I live um on the near East Side um first in 8:39 East Maine area um I have lived in Madison since undergrad love it here um 8:47 I am a public health uh person um and my 8:52 focus is in health policy Health Equity I did my Master's thesis on the ability of 9:00 public transit and act active transit to help people find Social connection um 9:06 and feel a sense of place and so that's those are some of my interests um in my day job I work in child care policy for 9:13 the Department of Children and Families um and I'm really happy to be here so thanks for having me okay thank you so 9:20 much so just raise your hand when you wish to speak and you'll end up in the queue um so did everybody have an opport 9:27 and again welcome Kaye every body have an opportunity to review the minutes from the last 9:35 meeting Chris approval of the minutes okay there's a motion um Bill second 9:44 okay there's a motion in the second any discussion Alder Martinez 9:52 ruford you're muted Alder I just wanted to 9:57 um recuse myself for not abstain thank you okay all right that's what I would 10:05 like to do on this okay all right we'll show you as OB staining um any 10:16 discussion okay I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote unless anybody wishes to vote no or abstain if so 10:22 please raise your hand okay 10:30 see no hand move on public comment there was one email public comment um and 10:35 didn't we have anybody registered to speak this evening under item one we do not not for item one 10:43 okay uh any disclosures or recusals this 10:52 evening okay see no hands we have one item on the consent agenda which is item 10:59 number two do we have anybody registered to speak on item two Aiden nope we do not okay uh did anybody 11:09 wish that to be separated from the consent 11:17 agenda okay seeing no hands can we have a motion to approve the consent 11:24 agenda Harold move approval okay there's a motion Chris second 11:33 there's a motion in a second I'm assuming no 11:39 discussion and I'm also going to assume a unanimous consent vote unless anybody wishes to vote no or 11:50 abstain okay seeing no hands that passes 11:55 unanimously all right so we move on to item number three do we have anybody 12:02 registered to speak on item three we do have one 12:08 person okay all right so we'll hear from Mike uh and possibly Tom who's ever 12:15 going to handle a presentation and then we'll hear from the public and then we'll have comments and 12:24 discussion so Mike go ahead yeah uh thanks thank you chair thanks every everybody I'm going to try to share my 12:31 screen here bear with me for a 12:36 second so my check follow with Metro Transit uh this is a a little part of 12:43 the bus Rapid Transit uh system that uh we've been kind of uh it's it's taken 12:50 quite a quite a while to get to building this um I'll kind of start from the top 12:56 is uh this is University Avenue at where Campus Drive splits off uh Babcock Drive 13:03 is over here as you can see Breeze Terrace is just to the West So currently 13:08 the westbound bus lane on University Avenue ends at Babcock Drive it becomes 13:14 basically right only for cars onto Babcock Drive uh buses continue West 13:20 from that bus lane they merge into the the general purpose lane and then there's kind of a bike lane that crosses 13:26 the railroad tracks and then that bike lane kind of Peters into a shoulder so our goal with the bus rapid transit 13:32 system was to extend that bus lane past Babcock Drive get it across the railroad 13:38 tracks across this crosswalk that uh connects with old 13:45 University and then that bus lane would kind of Peter out into a shoulder at that point buses would get really past 13:52 all of the congestion on campus they would get past that last traffic signal 13:58 in theory we could set up a q jump here to get them back into traffic but realistically we'd probably just let 14:03 them merge back and and it it wouldn't be a big deal um but we we'd get them through the congestion of the last 14:10 couple traffic signals on uh campus it's about 500 feet of additional bus lane 14:17 but it's extremely valuable bus lane because it's really uh there where we need it um the complicating part of it 14:25 was that it goes through this railroad crossing and so our our concept was to 14:31 just kind of piece it into the railroad crossing that turned out to be uh way more complicated than we were hoping 14:38 that it would be and so basically the city was uh ordered by the office of 14:44 Commissioner of railroads to fix a lot of long-standing problems with this 14:51 Crossing uh they did give us the ability to add uh add the bus lane um but they 14:58 also made us do a whole bunch of other stuff so um I'm going to kind of go into it but before I do um our initial time 15:06 frame here was we were hoping to do some construction over the 15:12 winter before we start conflicting with some other things um that time frame has uh kind of 15:22 kind of has has is not going to work out this will be a 2025 project uh so well 15:29 we do need to comply with the orders of the office of Commissioners of of railroads the OCR uh but there this is a 15:37 really complicated intersection there's a lot going on a lot of moving pieces 15:42 and you know there's always some details that we can uh we can work on and and 15:48 and try to do so I thought it would be good to get this on your Radars I get some comments if you have any or 15:55 thoughts uh to to make this as as best as we can make out of it um so with that 16:02 I'll I'll kind of go into some of the details here first of all this Crossing will get railroad Gates uh they they 16:10 ordered gates to be installed uh to protect the crossing that would replace the existing 16:17 warning lights which are the the flashing the flashing red lights would be replaced 16:23 with Gates bells and and warning lights associated with the gates um 16:31 there'll be some other signal changes that they ordered but the biggest thing I think is these two Crossings here so 16:39 uh I'm just going to use kind of their language and then kind of I'm going to intersperse it with our language uh they 16:46 call this Crossing on the west side of Babcock they call that the West Babcock 16:53 Crossing and then this pedestrian Crossing along the north side of University univ Avenue crossing the 17:00 tracks They call that the East Babcock Crossing now I would just call that the University Avenue sidewalk but that's 17:07 what it is in the record so if you read through the materials you'll see that referred to as the East Babcock Crossing 17:13 and then we have this really long big major Crossing which I believe is called the University Avenue Crossing or 17:19 University at Babcock or something uh so from the railroads perspective this is three 17:24 Crossings uh but from all practical perspectives it's one um it's one one 17:31 area and so the main uh thing that was ordered here is we were ordered to 17:36 consolidate these two Babcock Crossings East Babcock and West Babcock with with 17:43 one pedestrian Crossing that that serves uh 17:48 both uh both both movements here or wherever it is people are going uh these 17:54 these two pedestrian Crossings would be closed and then one would be opened in 17:59 the middle and that would connect back to uh back to the sidewalks on Babcock 18:06 Drive and on the west side it would connect back to the traffic signal between Campus Drive University and old 18:14 University uh so you know you're seeing here the the the yellow would be new 18:19 pavement that would be removed and replaced uh with a slight 18:24 widening so again the bike Lanes widened uh 5 ft or whatever it is to to convert 18:31 it from a a bike lane to a a bus lane um 18:37 and then there's a there's some work uh going on at the University in Babcock 18:43 Crossing as well so there's a a lot a lot going on here and we'd really have to zoom in on it but I'm I'm going to 18:50 focus on the highlights right now there's a crosswalk across Babcock Drive 18:55 just west of the splitter Island uh so that would be removed and replaced 19:01 with a crosswalk that's a little bit more parallel to University Avenue to 19:07 serve people walking east and west across uh on University 19:13 Avenue and put that crosswalk a little bit more where people would expect it 19:18 and then use the splitter Island as a refuge as well um this southbound 19:24 movement is is just bikes but uh it you know it it it still would perform that that that 19:30 function uh there's also a a ramp on the 19:35 gore here which is the the nose of the curb between Babcock Drive and Campus 19:43 Drive it was fairly important to remove that I think what's going on now is that 19:48 was kind of a way for bikes to get up onto the sidewalk and then use this this 19:55 sidewalk Crossing um but it's not it's not really up in any kind of official 20:00 way and so that would be replaced by this more normal curb ramp um and then 20:07 pedestrians and bikes if they wanted to could could could go up along this this new sidewalk along the southside of 20:14 Babcock Drive cross the railroad tracks at a 45 degree angle or sorry at a 90 20:20 degree angle and then continue West along University Avenue and to wherever they're going and obviously the same in 20:26 the other direction um so you know we've there are a lot of players that are interested in this 20:33 obviously the city has a huge stake in it obviously the railroad we've also been working with the UW um I'll just 20:39 share some of their comments I think you know they've they they've been good good partners and and helping us work through 20:45 some of the uh some of the very many moving Parts on this uh I'll say that 20:51 you know they are concerned about losing this uh West Babcock Crossing I think we 20:57 totally understand understand that uh that's there's obviously kind of a desire path to go up north along Babcock 21:04 Drive uh I and I think I think there's a a pretty 21:10 uh well I think there's a a pretty U pretty consistent U agreement between 21:16 the city and the U that that this Crossing along University Avenue on the 21:21 north side of University Avenue is is probably the most problematic part of what's there right now it's at an 21:27 extremely acute skew and so there's a a 21:32 high chance of somebody with their bike tires or wheelchair uh tires or or scooter or whatever they have getting 21:38 loot getting caught in the the flangeway of the railroad tracks um just because 21:44 they're they're so close to being parallel to each other and then and then the chance that somebody could could go 21:49 down or get kind of directed along the railroad tracks as opposed to along the sidewalk so I think that's that's kind 21:56 of the main thing there um you know thinking about desire paths 22:01 here I think there's there's kind of two main desire paths one is people walking 22:06 East West along the north side of University Avenue going from say the heart of w Campus West towards Breeze 22:14 Terrace old University camp randville or wherever they're going and then one is 22:19 uh people going north south so people coming from Babcock coming south and 22:26 then going crossing the tracks Crossing University Avenue and then going you 22:32 know either West towards uh Breeze Terrace old University Avenue Camp 22:38 Randle wherever or then you know going south to East uh so that that's kind of 22:44 those are kind of the desire paths north south and east west and and obviously the different permutations of that you 22:50 know from the from the north to the East and and whatever so again just wanted to 22:55 kind of get this on your radar and open it up for discuss to see uh what um what thoughts you 23:03 might have on this I see Tom we're g I'll I'll go to Tom for presentation but 23:09 we want to wait for discussion until after we hear from the public Mike oh oh great okay so okay I just want to 23:17 augment What U Mike said in that you know the U the OCR decision actually has 23:23 the full force of law um it's something that we we can't 23:28 not do as much as we would like to not do sometimes um and um the OCR is a it's 23:38 not like other agencies like the DNR other thing where you can kind of get in 23:44 a room and and discuss different issues the OCR is more of a has a a court type 23:52 of proceedings where you submit petitions and testimonies and and then there there's counter testim monies and 23:58 the like and so I I've seen some of the comments on this and I've heard a lot of 24:04 the comments saying well I don't like this or that and um you know we have 24:10 small Avenues um or maybe small modifications but um we we can't really 24:18 not comply with this order and so I just want you know that to be kind of a a 24:25 base so that um you know those testify maybe understand our position and and 24:30 the Transportation Commission understand our situation so thank you yeah very 24:37 helpful uh both Mike and Tom um Aiden who do we have to speak this evening on 24:42 this topic so we have Dan pensinger of for 24:48 cyia Place opposes and wishes to speak okay Dan go 24:53 ahead hi thanks for me speak today uh I have have worked or gone to school on 25:00 campus for about 17 years and I um primarily use my bike as my main mode of 25:07 transportation so when I was looking at uh this agenda item uh I was alarmed to 25:12 see that there was a proposal to remove the southbound bike lanane on Babcock 25:19 and also the signalized intersection um to cross University uh and uh from 25:26 language I guess I wasn't completely sure whether that was proposed to be a permanent or just during construction 25:32 phase um of this uh but in actuality I think it would be um much better to 25:39 actually take the southbound bike lane that's currently just uh designated by 25:44 paint and actually make that a protected Lane uh because I think that's a pretty important Cross Point for people on 25:51 bikes and micro Mobility devices which are very popular on campus um also uh I yes just thinking 25:59 about this intersection in general uh it would be nice to see some thought about 26:04 just the crossing of university for pedestrians uh that Crossing is pretty 26:10 dangerous because of car speed and the number of lanes I've seen many near misses and also cars that end up 26:16 stopping the crosswalk uh so I think um you know I would I would ask I guess the 26:23 Transportation Commission to consider what options are available to make that Crossing more visible and safer for 26:30 pedestrians and perhaps increase the priority uh so that there's less um you 26:37 know if there's less of a wait time at the signalized intersection you might have fewer people trying to cross on the 26:43 other East West um crosswalks there and have it be safer for 26:50 pedestrians thank you that was it thank you Dan does anybody have a question for 26:56 the registrant uh Harold go ahead yeah thank you for testifying then I just want to 27:02 make sure I understood what you said I think you said the South bike lane and that's referring to 27:10 the one on the south side of Babcock going west I 27:17 suppose like the counterflow bike lane along 27:25 backcock Dan go ahead 27:36 can you hear us 27:45 Dan Dan should have permission to talk um 27:52 let me just double check yeah Dan should be able to to 28:04 F if I could just quickly address one issue while we're trying to get Dan back on uh one one question was about the 28:12 bike and pedestrian access so I did have some notes on that drawing that were referenced to during construction so uh 28:20 that that area would still be open to to bikes and pedestrians after the work is 28:25 done but that was just during construction that was a tempor that would be a temporary okay Dan it 28:30 looks like Dan whoops where'd he go Dan it looks like you might be there now can are you able to unmute yourself there 28:36 you go hear me okay I'm sorry I uh there was a h Zoom request to become a 28:41 panelist and then I clipped it and it it kicked me out for a second um so I'm sorry I missed I think some of what 28:48 Harold uh was asking me um to clarify there's a there's uh on Babcock there's 28:55 a bike lane um on the right side going north and there's also a bike only lane 29:01 going south and my understanding from uh the diagram and the um text uh of The 29:10 Proposal was that the that southbound bike lane might be removed and so I was 29:16 concerned uh if that was planned to be a permanent removal along with the signalized intersection I think that 29:22 would be very bad for um people who are cycling or using micro Mobility devices 29:27 um on campus and the suggestion was to have them uh you know go onto the 29:34 sidewalk but that leads to uh you know a lot of conflicts with um pedestrians and 29:40 at certain times of day like between class it's a really really um crowded 29:46 area because there's all kinds of people trying to get to the next class and so I just think that's a bad idea to remove 29:53 the separate um cyclist infrastructure there and in fact I think it should be improved and not taken away thank you 30:00 thank you for clarifying okay anybody else have a question for the 30:08 registrant okay thanks very much Dan do we have anybody else registered Aiden we do know okay comments or 30:16 questions for Mike and Tom bill go ahead thanks again um I I think in all my 30:23 years of looking at OCR orders this is the most complic ated yeah 30:31 uh difficult location to resolve for safety of all users 30:38 including railroad gr Crossing uh which we have to keep in mind and that's the response of primary responsibility gocr 30:46 and they're they're they're looking at trying to look at everybody and to make sure that nobody gets uh involved with a 30:53 h great CR Crossing crash so um I guess to Mike or or or Tom is the Order 31:03 final yes it is okay all right so in other words the 31:09 only way to change anything is is uh 31:15 they're not open to any more appeals I guess or maybe there is but I I doubt that that would re do any good but but 31:22 the only way to circumvent or go against the OCR is to take them to court and that's not desirable at all um I don't 31:30 have very good luck with that so and as well as time and so forth so is is the 31:37 all of as far as the railroad grid Crossing uh is all the equipment on order now and and and when is that going 31:44 to be installed is that this 2025 we're hoping 2025 it's not it's not on order 31:50 yet we're still working through agreements with OCR and W or sorry with wsor and and yeah okay 31:58 okay yeah yeah this is this is a this is an extremely challenging and I understand pedestrians uh changing 32:06 pedestrian movements is uh as far as moving them I there will be 32:15 quite a bit of fencing correct so that people will not be able to cut across the tracks correct that is that true 32:23 yeah I kind of skipped that part um but this this pink dotted line here is is 32:30 the existing fence it's a it's a pretty standard black metal fence with some 32:35 more ornate brick uh pillars in between and so it would be closed off here where 32:43 the existing Crossing is and opened up where the new Crossing is we're also looking uh to see if it could be 32:50 extended on the East End a little bit here to prevent people from walking yeah 32:56 around it think we were to keep trying to keep pedestrians from doing U bad 33:02 things I think we have to have fence I don't see any way around it yeah yeah 33:07 okay thank you Tom did you Tom and Eric both raised their hand bill they may have some um answers for you with regard 33:15 to the um OCR decision go first 33:22 yeah we had a we have about a I can't remember if 33:28 it's 45 days to either request a rehearing or um I then a little bit 33:34 longer to file an appeal um in this particular instance this order was 33:39 issued right when we were trying to execute our construction agreement with FTA and FTA was already um quite 33:48 concerned about this issue and so um I think it we had concerns if we 33:55 filed an appeal it would have jeopardized some of our funding and so we just yeah chose not to um so it's 34:03 it's kind of set in stone we actually are having to file an extension I don't 34:08 know if Mike mentioned that or not because we supposed to some of this stuff done it looked like the order said 34:15 you were supposed to have it done by the end of this year so I know that's possible so and I I I saw a lot of 34:22 discussion about funding and OCR was not happy with with the 34:28 you know you got the 160 million you you take care of 34:33 it yeah it's of looking for additional funds from other sources and that was not successful I 34:40 assumed we actually had to pull uh all of these 34:45 improvements fully from the project and so all of them we're ordered to do them but they're all being paid for the 34:52 Madison taxpayers the federal government's not paying any because yeah that's what I suspected yeah we had to 34:58 do that just to keep things moving forward right yeah okay thank you Eric 35:04 did you have any other comments about this yeah uh I was just going to say in in terms of suing the OCR uh the city 35:12 did last Sue OCR in 2012 and we got a favorable 35:17 decision um the OCR is restricted to considering primarily safety and then 35:24 secondarily considering convenience uh in their proceeding and uh in that case they were not uh 35:30 found to have uh sufficiently uh focused on safety and and instead they took an 35:36 arbitrary action so um when considering these things and and the Transportation 35:42 Commission uh considering you know uh what what commission members recommend 35:48 um just wanted to put that uh context in there yeah thanks thanks uh I I 35:54 appreciate that because I think Eric you know is the challenge to work with the with them and they have a little bit 36:01 different role than many other uh regulatory bodies in the state it's kind of unique say but challenge to work with 36:10 so this isn't the only location we may disagree with OCR is fting on so 36:16 thanks okay thanks Bill um that's all you had 36:21 then yep uh go ahead Harold yeah thanks um starting with a question Mike you 36:28 said there's going to be additional Gates or a gate can you just point that I I couldn't quite figure out where 36:35 exactly those will be yeah um 36:40 so uh so this this this will become a gated Crossing and so here's here's the 36:46 railroad tracks here we'll have Gates uh eastbound approaching the railroad 36:52 tracks and then also Gates westbound approaching the railroad tracks and then 36:57 also gate uh southbound for Babcock Drive because this crosswalk for bikes that go 37:04 southbound to eastbound uh that that movement is too close to the railroad track so they will 37:10 need to get gated as well um I I do think I have a drawing here if you want to see more I could I'd have to find it 37:17 though no I think yeah that's okay um then the other question 37:24 so from my reading of the order is yes the consolidation of the two East and West 37:31 backcock Crossings that's part of the order what I didn't quite figure out did 37:37 they say which one you have to consolidate like because we have to 37:44 consolidating both of the the both so we closed two and open one so we have to close both West and 37:50 East and then we're able to open one new one okay and they ordered you to close 37:56 the West one like there was not an option to only keep the West one and close the other two correct basically 38:03 yeah there was there was basically a few sketches that has been been that had gone around and they had said that you 38:10 have to design it like this sketch and um uh that that sketch basically showed 38:18 these this one Crossing open and this other Crossing closing I think you know it it there there could be a 38:26 a you know how how we interpret that is could we don't know exactly how Loosely or how 38:33 tightly we can we can interpret that I know for sure we can't have two 38:38 Crossings um you know if we were to have one and it were to be closer to the west or even at the West bcot Crossing it's 38:46 possible that they may be open to that I think we'd have to we'd have to go back to them and and see what they would say 38:53 uh we'd have to confer with the with the railroad again um but that was that was basically the the 39:00 order to to conform to a a very loose sketch that was submitted at one point 39:07 um that had these two Crossings closing and one one new Crossing 39:13 opening okay I think that might be worth pursuing based on what you said the 39:20 university pointing out that that West Crossing I mean it shortens those design 39:27 pass going north south north west and all that I guess you'd have to have a 39:36 longer crosswalk longer sidewalk on Babcock side but then you could skip 39:42 that section along University Drive so I think in terms of cost it might I guess 39:47 I'm not sure if there's enough right away Along back BC drive to extend That Sidewalk all the 39:54 way seeing what looks like Tom has yeah Harold looks like Tom has his hand up go ahead Tom yeah I'm not sure the how 40:02 major this change is but if it's if it's a relatively large change we we actually 40:10 have to repetition and and go through the whole it's a year-long process it's kind of um 40:16 burdensome Mike were you tracking on Harold and how different uh yeah I I 40:23 think I think Harold what you're saying is to is to it's similar to what what we talked about with WS keeping this 40:30 Crossing open uh and then going ahead and closing that one but just having this one here and I think that would we 40:38 would not have the sidewalk along the fence along south of Babcock Drive I 40:43 think we would instead direct people up up towards this sidewalk I think staff's 40:48 concerned with that would be uh would be jeopardizing the desire path along the 40:53 east west route along the University Avenue but I think we're open to looking at that uh I think those are kind of the 40:59 two major questions that we've asked ourselves internally is how would that 41:05 jeopardize the East West movement for example would it would it uh cause people to walk in the in the road uh 41:13 particularly they'd be walking in the bus lane which would be which would be uh of of concern to Metro from a safety 41:20 perspective uh and then uh secondarily what would what would be the outcome 41:25 with the OCR would it require a new petition or would they consider to be a 41:31 minor minor adjustment to what to their order I mean with regard to the desire 41:37 path I'm kind of thinking this is I think what bill you had pointed out with you are you going to be able to extend 41:43 that fence I feel right now it's a relatively small Gap from where Babcock 41:48 and University meet and where that new sidewalk would start so that seems like something where like oh I'll just walk 41:53 through the grass or the bus lane but if that sidewalk along universities all 42:01 gone I feel like that's at that point and it's not much longer to walk along Babcock and then make the crossing at 42:08 the west side I would be less concerned about that and I get the point about 42:13 repetition but maybe that's something yeah I mean if you need to do that then obviously that's out of the question but 42:19 if there is flexibility to that I think I mean I'm curious to hear what other people think but that seems the better 42:26 solution 42:32 that's what I had okay thanks Harold uh Chris go ahead thanks um I have some 42:39 thoughts about uh bike paths biking routes that is probably going to be hard 42:45 to communicate but I will do my best um so I think part of the thinking here is that if someone is biking uh from the 42:51 East basically in the bus lane um that they might 42:57 follow this new sidewalk and new train 43:03 crossing um my my thought is that if someone is heading W westbound on 43:11 University they will either be heading down Babcock drive so they will turn onto 43:17 the the existing bike lane on Babcock Drive or they will want to head up 43:24 Campus Drive and I'm thinking in that case the 43:29 ideal option would be for them to continue down Babcock Drive um until that point of the the 43:38 track crossing so and then turn left toward Campus 43:46 Drive so what I'm getting at is I would think that that the new train crossing 43:53 should be fairly wide uh to the extent that you can make it a 43:59 pretty wide Crossing and then that path to Campus 44:06 Drive uh west of that that point where it crosses the track should be large 44:12 enough to handle people walking and biking did that make any sense at all Mike I yeah I think I I think you got it 44:19 and I think you basically got it right I think our so for bikes heading 44:24 west there'd be kind of old University or wherever there'd be kind of two paths 44:30 the more all ages and abilities type of route would be turning right onto P Babcock Drive biking up Babcock Drive 44:37 turning left at the new crosswalk of Babcock Drive using the new railroad 44:43 crossing going along that wide sidewalk uh along University Avenue and then 44:49 using this this crosswalk to get to this wide sidewalk and then going wherever uh 44:56 some cyclist would would probably just stay in the bus lane up until the old 45:02 University uh intersection and then turn left or whatever one other thing I probably should have mentioned earlier 45:08 is that the U is planning on extending their Campus Drive path and so uh when 45:14 that's completed there should be a a route up Babcock Drive and then turning 45:20 to the West up by the curve here that will get people all the way to the West 45:26 basically parallel Babcock dri so that will be a completely separate option 45:31 compared to this um but otherwise I think you understand it the way we do I think we're on the same page I I guess 45:37 just to clarify I would I'm suggesting there is only one place to Veer right 45:44 off of University and that would be onto the right hand side of Babcock Lane and I'll send you a sketch okay 45:51 great all right thanks Chris uh bill go ahead uh thanks thanks 45:57 again um I I I like uh what Harold has said and I I kind of like to endorse 46:04 that also I I think from OCR standpoint what they're interested in is closing 46:10 Crossings and and I think uh as long as you're you know if you they're looking 46:16 at only having one and I think the the one on the west is more valuable I think to U and to to the city and I I think if 46:24 you make that a a wide uh for bikes and pedestrians I think that would be would 46:30 be highly desirable and I think OCR would would maybe a go along with that without any significant objections at 46:38 all as long as they can get the the East one closed I think is what they're really trying to accomplish so um I 46:45 think that's I think that would be what Harold ising would would uh would be worth 46:51 looking at thanks 46:59 thanks Bill um Robbie go ahead yeah um I I guess I'll third that 47:07 um and the other the other reason that having the 47:14 existing uh Crossing slash crosswalk um 47:21 across um Campus Drive to the Energy 47:27 building and old University Avenue um and also the Engineering campus um in in 47:36 its current location is that it avoids bicyclists who are going to go down bad 47:42 po Babcock make a left make a right and then make a left again to get across to 47:49 Old University Avenue or the breeze Terrace the energy building in that 47:55 wedge or for the Engineering campus I mean it just seems like a little bit of a awkward movement to have to do a 48:03 zigzag instead of just going down Babcock and making one left and having a 48:09 straight shot all the way across so I I understand that if we can't you know if 48:16 it's going if the OCR is going to make a big deal out of this that we may not be able to do it 48:23 but that the Western access I think is a more 48:30 natural path for people to use so I I I 48:36 know that to get to Old University Avenue that is a huge connection for 48:44 people who live in the Regent neighborhood or are going down Breeze Terrace or anywhere in that area the the 48:54 stadium the Engineering campus or anything like that that's really the only way to do it um I mean I used to 49:00 Veer across three lanes to get into the to get onto Old University Avenue but um 49:06 you know I'm one of those bicyclists who who's willing to do that I think most people don't and it doesn't feel 49:13 particularly comfortable or safe so I think going down Babcock and then Crossing is is a much more natural 49:20 um option for people so if if possible I I would 49:27 support keeping that one thank you thanks Rie Harold go ahead yeah sorry 49:33 one more inspired by what Chris said and sorry Chris I'm just repeating what you were saying so for the people who 49:41 go Westbound and decide to take the bus lane to the crossing and then make that 49:48 left turn I guess accommodating that with one of those ramps to get off out 49:55 of the bus lane um no matter if you keep the west or the 50:02 the middle Crossing I think that would be good to incorporate that into the into the design because otherwise it'll be 50:08 awkward to like only have the curb cut right at the Crossing because you have 50:14 to make that duck handle turn that makes 50:22 sense other comments or questions 50:28 Mike Tom did you get the feedback you needed think we got 50:34 it thank you okay sounds like we might see this back again at some 50:41 point right thanks much uh so let's move on to item 50:47 four which is the Safe Streets Madison Badger Road sidewalk project do we have anybody registered to speak on this 50:55 Aiden oh we do not I'm sorry we do not no okay um so Mario 51:03 are you g to handle this yeah I'll take this one uh so this uh project let me go 51:10 ahead and share my screen 51:20 here this is a Safe Streets project uh the Badger Road sidewalk uh sort of Park 51:27 Street and Badger Road there's a there's a Burger King uh at this corner uh to 51:33 the to the West is that Park Street and Badger Road intersection to the east is the New Black Excellence uh Center 51:40 that's being constructed right now along Badger Road uh by the Belt Line and so 51:47 this project is to connect these two you know that new sidewalk with this intersection uh through the Burger King 51:55 and we uh initially you know this was this was budgeted around 60k you know it 52:02 is just a sidewalk uh but looking into the design a little bit more we ran into a couple couple of issues with it uh 52:10 number one is that this is that entire Terrace is Mo most of the Terrace is in 52:17 private property where we need to go so we're drafting up an easement uh and you 52:23 know real estate folks said you know we got to buy the land for this easement so it's going to be about based on the bank 52:30 across the street that's sold a few years back uh it's going to be around 74,000 for that easement uh if those 52:39 rates hold um could be less but we want to you know budget for the worst case 52:45 scenario and then uh the estimate did come a little high as well just because 52:52 uh there were some grade issues in here uh the Highway of the Burger King is 52:58 quite steep going away from the sidewalk so we need to actually cut into Badger 53:03 Road and make some grade changes there so that came in at around uh around 53:09 88,000 uh so our new estim our new estimate is $162,000 for this project uh and that's 53:16 why I'm here sort of seeking a motion to just sort of re-approve this project with the understanding that it will be 53:23 at a at a much higher cost uh than initially uh thought we 53:29 thought okay thanks Mario before we go to comments or questions Renee do you want to talk about the importance of the 53:35 connection here yeah absolutely so um you know a lot of times a project might 53:41 be over under a little bit but obviously as Mario said this one's pretty significant but we still think it's a 53:48 critical project the um Center for black Excellence will be building a sidewalk 53:53 connection on their property but without this it isn't going to connect down to 53:59 Park Street uh because there is just a little bit of sidewalk um and then there'll be this Gap and um obviously a 54:08 lot of people are going to walk through that Burger King parking lot if we don't get a sidewalk in but that's parking lot 54:15 crashes aren't something that we talk about a lot here but they are um not 54:21 insignificant safety issues as well so we feel like the time to do this is is 54:26 now um to get this built even with that additional 54:32 cost thanks Rene um Carl go ahead yeah thanks I wonder in the big picture how 54:41 did we end up with this situation where we have this sidewalk 54:46 stub and clearly the property line it looks like maybe Bader Road was widened 54:53 at some point and so I guess it was dedicated to another travel Lane and is 54:58 that something that we can consider 55:04 undoing so that is a good question about the history of how this developed and I 55:11 don't know if anyone on this call can answer that or not I don't know the 55:18 history but I can tell you that there is a stra there's like a through Lane a right turn lane and a left turn lane at 55:23 this intersection right which seems like a 55:28 lot Tom has his hand up maybe he can help with that yeah I I I can't help 55:34 with absolute certainty right but this is town of Madison area you know what I 55:40 mean and so it's likely that the initial U approach was built with the belt line 55:46 while this was part of the town of Madison I I suspect and Mario could confirm that while perhaps we could 55:54 narrow the approach and change the curve that 55:59 would probably just add cost you know right now if we're we're trying to retrofit something into what's what's 56:05 there but so that's uh that's it it would had 56:11 cost okay okay thanks uh bill go ahead could you just 56:19 point out where the uh B Burger King's lat line is onto on the east side is it 56:25 is that at the top of the drawing or it's a right right there yeah right there 56:32 that's their is that their property 56:39 line somebody's moving a cursor I guess and I Mario are you in charge of theor is is 56:47 it at station 23 plus Z or very close to that right there okay all right so yeah 56:55 you're the sideway is going to take up quite a bit of property 57:00 yeah thank you okay other comments or questions it 57:05 seems like this is um Al go go ahead thank you I might have missed this if 57:11 you guys mentioned it already but where does the funding come from is this a general fund for this so this would come 57:19 additional funding from Safe Streets Madison so we would just need more than the 60,000 that came out that was 57:26 approved last year for this project we would need to um allocate 100,000 is more and it would come from 57:34 the 2025 budget correct correct I you know well we have to do a full accounting for 2024 but it looks like 57:41 that that we that's all gone and so we would need 2025 budget okay thank you so 57:46 much capital capital budget right uh Harold go ahead yeah inspired by that 57:54 question would the project still have rated above the funding cut had the true 58:02 cost been known so I would say this would be a little bit more like a couple 58:08 of other big sidewalk projects like the one we have one that we're doing over on the S Sten Road Frontage Road um to 58:17 connect where the tiny house Village is going where the it did score lower because it's just the way the our 58:23 scoring metric works for these Pro projects once they get up over 120,000 58:29 they get a very low score even if they have a high value okay right 58:37 thanks uh bill go ahead yeah thanks and I I think uh I'm in favor of of doing 58:44 this project I think it's necessary particularly because of that we're having a significant uh Improvement of 58:53 with the uh the new center that's going in and I think it's it's absolutely critical that this sidewalk be uh in 58:59 place when that opens because I think we need to have the pedestrians uh that are 59:06 accessed both coming and going from that down to uh uh Park Street I think it's 59:11 it's critical but it's a a significant Gap that needs to be filled 59:18 thanks yeah thanks Bill I I agree it seems like a very important connection to me um so other comments or questions 59:27 uh Robbie so you'll have to excuse the fact that I have a lot of trouble reading um 59:33 engineering drawings but I was looking at Google Street View um for where this 59:38 is and is the sidewalk proposed so we're 59:44 going to be acquiring some property from Burger King is the sidewalk right now it 59:50 looks like there is parking lot and then a planted 59:56 Terrace that I'm not sure how wide it is and then the road correct correct yeah is the proposal 1:00:05 to acquire some of the parking lot or is 1:00:11 it or is the sidewalk going to be right next to Badger 1:00:16 Road the sidewalk is going to be about 3 and a half feet off of Badger Road 1:00:23 basically right behind the curb uh so we're still going to be within that uh 1:00:29 that planted Terrace it's all going to go away uh basically and just be a sidewalk but uh it will run through that 1:00:37 Terrace and we won't have to take any of their parking lots um well that's too bad 1:00:43 um the reason I say that is that putting the sidewalk right next to Badger Road I 1:00:50 mean it's better than what is there now but it's going to be incredibly uncom 1:00:56 fortable I think to walk so close to what can be a very busy 1:01:02 road and um I'm imagining the winter when 1:01:07 plowing comes in and snow and slush and salt and gross stuff gets thrown up on 1:01:16 the sidewalk or you get splashed walking along the sidewalk next to the road so 1:01:22 anyway I was just trying to figure out exactly where the sidewalk was going to to be um and it's really too bad that we 1:01:28 can't they've got such a gigantic parking lot it's too bad we can't get 1:01:34 some of their parking lot and move move it on the other side of the planted Terrace yeah if we could take all these 1:01:40 spots here that'd be great I will say that it does kind of slope back pretty steep here from the street uh so we'd 1:01:48 have to kind of we we really don't like to put sidewalk below the street level 1:01:53 and that's what we would have to do to do that so you know I don't know if it would necessarily work but in this case I 1:02:01 think the solution to the problem you're suggesting would be to bump out the curb 1:02:06 into Badger Road eliminate a lane and just build the sidewalk the right way but you know we're doing what we can I 1:02:13 think in this scenario unfortunately okay Chris Chris pakowski you had your hand 1:02:20 up yeah just real quick um we're we're we're trying to kind 1:02:27 of do the minimum here to get the sidewalk in now um if we if we you know 1:02:33 bought the full 8 foot Terrace um we would be looking at damages for the 1:02:38 parking lot and and that sort of thing so um I do believe that you know if if 1:02:45 this property redevelops then that would be the time when we would uh you know get our more standard Terrace and 1:02:52 cross-section in there typical section yeah yeah I was just thinking about that that this might be some future 1:02:59 Redevelopment and we might be able to get something a little bit better but thank you thanks Robbie uh Pepe go 1:03:10 ahead thanks chair um I have a couple of questions so 1:03:17 this just like Robbie this might be just me being really bad at reading this engineering um plans but um first 1:03:25 question is is is part of the same project making or building painting Etc 1:03:32 any kind of Crossing like Crossing across Badger Road or is it only for the 1:03:38 sidewalk on one side and connecting to the corner with Park and Badger it's only for the sidewalk on 1:03:45 this side uh there's a sidewalk already on the other side uh I think we had talked about a mid block Crossing if if 1:03:53 everything went through and and we you know you guys voted this down or something we could do a bid block 1:03:59 Crossing I guess at instead but that was only an or option I think is from what 1:04:06 we discussed um but it's worth looking into I think 1:04:12 mhm and this might be very close I mean if if we're talking about only the section that is next to the Burger King 1:04:18 land um or lot then it might be really close to the corn maybe it's not worth 1:04:24 it doing another mid Crossing there but I guess connecting to my second question is it looks like this plan specifically 1:04:31 is only for the section where the Burger King lot is what happens to everything 1:04:38 um up Badger Road so um maybe I'm wrong here with Direction sord that's like 1:04:43 East Northeast um to pointing to the right of the map like I'm guessing the rest of 1:04:49 the sidewalk will be will be the the the new development in charge of building the rest of the sidewalk there I'm kind 1:04:55 of like basing on looking at Google Maps and seeing how important it would be to expand expand this connection all the 1:05:02 way from the corner to the um High Crossing uh over the over the belt line 1:05:09 can you I know this probably not part of the same project but can you can you share a little bit of how that all 1:05:15 connects uh Chris has his hand 1:05:21 up yeah so I think kind of our long-term 1:05:26 Corridor view of Badger Road would be there would be a multi-use path on the 1:05:32 North side and a s sidewalk on the South Side all the way from from probably fish 1:05:38 hatch to um Rimrock and um we'll be kind of 1:05:45 implementing that through various projects you know this is like one little piece of the 1:05:51 sidewalk here um we have two tap projects to build a path uh along Rusk 1:05:58 avenue and Rimrock um and then we're working with uh the 1:06:04 fire department and their uh project uh to the west of Badger Road to make sure 1:06:10 that part is in so I think over the course of four or five different projects that would be kind of the plan 1:06:16 to kind of to build that cross-section through right I remember um couple 1:06:22 couple uh transation commissions ago we looked at the one at Rusk and badger in 1:06:29 that corner but I don't remember what remind me please Chris uh do we talk about south on the the sidewalk on the 1:06:36 south side or was that project focusing on the North side only that was the north side only okay 1:06:43 yeah okay and is there still like a missing link that there's no project accounting for that section or are we 1:06:50 hoping that that new development is is taking care of that new sidewalk on on the south side so there between the 1:06:57 Burger King and then the center for black Excellence would get sidewalk all the way to the railroad bridge and then 1:07:05 we would have to get it over I believe to our 1:07:10 overpass this is the site plan from that uh development this kind of helps 1:07:17 by yeah so ultimately we'd get the sidewalk over to the to the 1:07:23 overpass on the south 1:07:30 side sweet yep no this is 1:07:39 great awesome thank you thanks P other comments or 1:07:49 questions because of the increased cost we would need a motion to 1:07:54 approve the project at the increased cost Harold I would move to approve the 1:08:01 project at the increased cost and Bill I would second that okay 1:08:09 Harold did you wish to speak to your motion yeah it seems like an important Gap filling project especially with the 1:08:16 new development happening there and yeah it's unfortunate that past decisions 1:08:21 have made this more expensive but it's still worthwhile thanks thanks 1:08:33 discussion okay I'm seeing no hands I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote unless anybody wishes to vote no or 1:08:39 abstain or wishes a roll call 1:08:47 vote okay I'm seeing no hand so the motion is carried thanks everybody 1:08:55 okay next item is review and approval of the TC annual work plan um and I want to 1:09:01 thank everybody for all the excellent suggestions we had back um in late June when we reviewed this last time and um 1:09:08 it took a while to get back here for a lot of different reasons but um as I 1:09:13 went back through my notes and watched the discussion again uh there was really 1:09:18 a lot of thoughtful comments and excellent suggestions which have been incorporated into the changes so what 1:09:26 you're seeing in this Redline version is just the changes from what you saw at the end 1:09:31 of June and there's a link to the June discussion so you can see what that what 1:09:37 that looked like back then which was a really busy document because it was a comparison of the old TC work plan uh so 1:09:45 we're looking at a work plan from um just through June of uh 2025 and we'll 1:09:52 look at it again before then um Bill did you have comment before I keep going I would like to make a a friendly uh 1:09:59 change to your red line that okay can I make my presentation first sure yeah 1:10:05 absolutely okay um I'll try and keep it brief um well I I could just say that 1:10:12 that the changes are pretty well um delineated in the redline version um and 1:10:18 I went back and I and I have all the conversations here in terms of what went 1:10:23 into those changes and I just want to say one interesting comment that I thought of um that I want to talk to 1:10:30 Eric about offline and maybe talk to Christy Kumar and and and Rebecca he offline as well was I had added 1:10:37 something in from the TC ordinance uh into the racial equity and social justice section last time and and Chris 1:10:44 brought this up and Christy chimed in and and it was noted that uh this 1:10:50 comment only listed two groups of people and it wasn't really wide enough to cover everybody so uh we're taking it 1:10:58 back out for that very reason so an interesting thing for us to think about going forward as we look at ordinance 1:11:05 changes is to make sure that the um the Civil Rights division has an opportunity 1:11:12 to look at these things and remind us of how inclusive we need to be as we're 1:11:17 looking at ordinances so that was a new thought that I wanted to bring forward so we can think about that going forward 1:11:24 so I think changes are are pretty well um outlined so bill um go ahead with 1:11:30 your comments I think uh one of the one of the changes was the addition of of 1:11:35 the transition plan of taking it the council uh yes you mentioned in there of 1:11:42 the proag and I'd like to add that before you say uh word proag is is from 1:11:49 the United States access board BR so it's it's clearly understood where that 1:11:56 what that document uh is what that document is it's not you know it's it's 1:12:02 kind of a interesting term so okay so in front of public right of way 1:12:08 accessibility guidelines say the United States access board public right of way 1:12:13 accessibility guidelines that that's the only change I just just to clarify and 1:12:18 this's sure all right um that's a very friendly friendly amendment to to our 1:12:24 work other comments or questions Carl yeah one question about the new 1:12:32 section at the bottom of page one major special projects for this work plan year 1:12:38 I was wondering would say the Safe Streets for all would that fall under one of these 1:12:45 because I think that work is hopefully all under progress right now and it 1:12:52 seems to fit into similar categories such as curb management plan and the reconnecting communities 1:12:59 Grant so I'm going to defer to Renee or to Tom because that Tom that's not what 1:13:07 I basically did Harold was I looked at Tom's director reports and I pulled out 1:13:12 the projects that he reports to us on periodically and and those are 1:13:17 government grants and I guess I didn't look at it as a project and it's not something that's I don't think Tommy 1:13:24 normally comment M on so um Renee or Tom your thoughts about adding Safe Streets 1:13:30 for all uh would they be safe streets for all uh 1:13:36 projects um I'll defer to to Renee first I kind of 1:13:42 uh um I'm kind of of the opinion of that this all really fits under Safe Streets 1:13:48 and our vision zero plan but but they are very distinct projects and I think 1:13:55 Rene's thought about it as well so Renee yeah I mean we have kind of four and a 1:14:02 halfish years um of project work with our Safe Streets for all Grand so it 1:14:07 definitely could be detailed out as its own thing in the work plan for periodic 1:14:12 reports on the various components because different components will be starting over the next several years 1:14:18 so yeah I'm I'm happy to add it so Safe Streets for all projects would that be 1:14:23 the right way to say it yeah I think that would be fair I'm not I'm not necessarily 1:14:30 suggesting adding it because I mean you know if there is a project where you're 1:14:35 rebuilding a street with under the guise of Safe Streets for all then that project is going to come to us but as 1:14:42 you said I feel like Safe Streets wall might have some other components it's it's not just specific projects so I 1:14:48 don't know I don't have strong opinions whether it should be on there I was just curious why it was not on there yeah 1:14:54 yeah I I mean I think as harl said there there are the more typical infrastructure parts that would just 1:15:01 kind of go through the normal like any other projects and then there's some other things you know like updating the 1:15:06 H and and doing some planning work and some demonstration projects so I think 1:15:13 it's fair to put it on there because obviously some of those types of things would likely be coming as they um you 1:15:21 know even if it's just the evaluation report or something 1:15:27 so yeah if you think so Renee if we if we call it safe streets for all projects yeah that sounds great okay 1:15:36 other comments okay so what I have is 1:15:44 um the um addition of United States access board just in front of uh public 1:15:51 right of way accessibility guidelines under the Ada transition plan and adding 1:15:57 Safe Streets for all projects to uh the specific major specific projects at the 1:16:04 bottom of page one anything 1:16:13 else are you comfortable making a motion with me making those changes and then 1:16:18 sending a aen to update that copy in uh 1:16:23 budar 1:16:29 Carl I'll make that motion okay so motion uh with the two 1:16:34 changes that were suggested Alder Martinez ruford I'll second okay there's a motion 1:16:41 in a second further 1:16:48 discussion okay I'm seeing no hands I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote 1:16:53 unless anybody wishes to vote no of 1:16:59 Saint okay I'm seeing No Hands um thank you very much to everybody for the 1:17:06 thoughtful comments and the great participation in in putting this work plan together um I'll update it um later 1:17:15 on and and get it over to Aiden to to put into uh into listar both the redline 1:17:22 version and the clean version and then ask Aiden to uh send it over and and get 1:17:28 the clean version up on the TC website and then over the course of the next few 1:17:34 months we'll have an opportunity to look at it again as we plan for the next year so thanks thanks everybody very 1:17:45 much okay next we have update on Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1:17:50 project what that projects Tom yeah I'll go ahead and do this this will 1:17:57 actually be a little bit of a presentation um you know the Wisconsin DOT 1:18:04 has and is doing quite a bit in um the South Hast region over the last couple 1:18:11 years um so I'm going to start the 1:18:17 the slid show um did you all see that slight 1:18:25 Advance sometimes I share in yep okay yes okay so um these are 1:18:32 some of the major Madison area projects in the the coming years uh the ones that 1:18:37 are uh perhaps have a thinner line or or more 1:18:43 city-led and City sponsored and the ones with a thicker line are the ones that 1:18:48 are U sponsored by the Wisconsin do uh so actually there's you can see 1:18:55 there's a lot and um and so we'll be getting emails from 1:19:00 people who are complaining about construction for for the next 10 years right 1:19:07 um um ones I'm want to focus on right now are going to be the Wisconsin do 1:19:13 projects which are um the interstate nor ston Road and southst Ro 1:19:20 on the interstate I I want to kind of highlight things that are of interest in 1:19:27 that the north portion of the interstate project which will include the um the 1:19:32 151 interchange that'll be from 30 to 35 note that the badger 1:19:39 interchange and which includes kind of that Milwaukee Street bridge over the interstate is scheduled from 38 to 45 1:19:47 you know so that's like way far out there right so I don't know if it's a good thing that we're talking about it 1:19:52 now or a bad thing right but at least uh we can see pretty far down the pike of 1:19:58 what's happening and then um s North Sten road 1:20:04 is um from 28 to 33 and South Sten road is probably from 30 to who knows when um 1:20:12 let's start with the I 399 94 quarter study um they just issued a final Eis 1:20:21 for this project last week it went before the Transportation uh projects commission uh 1:20:29 Monday and it was recommended for approval it still has to be incorporated 1:20:35 in the state budget before they can begin implementing it um but that will occur this summer uh 1:20:44 key Madison area elements include heer Road interchange which um many 1:20:51 stakeholders in Madison particularly in the American Center really uh wanted uh 1:20:57 a revised 151 interchange which I I think I've shown you before and you can 1:21:04 see a picture of it here while it's bigger and um higher it it does 1:21:11 introduce a more urban ele element for East Washington Avenue so overall I 1:21:17 think there are some positive benefits to it a revised Badger interchange and then in Milwaukee Street interchange 1:21:25 which would be in the 2040s um while much of this is way in the 1:21:33 future uh wisot would like to negotiate a cost sharing agreement for the hepco road interchange in the first quarter of 1:21:40 2025 so that's um pretty soon so even though this construction is way in the 1:21:47 future um the heer road interchange probably could occur between 28 and 32 1:21:53 they would like to and negotiate that this is uh the 1:21:58 recommended alternative there at heer Road note that it just shows The Interchange and this project actually 1:22:05 ends up being a bigger deal than just that interchange right because you have Portage Road which is unimproved that 1:22:11 leads to the W hospital and you also have hepker road 1:22:17 which is unimproved which leads to Sun Prairie and all that commercial area so um while they have a concept for an 1:22:25 interchange there's a lot of supporting infrastructure that that goes on with that 1:22:31 um the Sten Road North study was they issued their release their environmental 1:22:39 document or it was signed last Friday actually I think Friday quite 1:22:44 late it also went before the transportation projects Commission on 1:22:50 Monday um it does not need 1:22:55 the budget approval um associate with the state 1:23:01 budget like the I9 3990 94 project does 1:23:07 because um it's it part of it's part of their Majors program and it has a separate uh 1:23:14 funding pot um there may be things in this project that you many perhaps might not like however 1:23:23 I'm going to say that probably this project went as well for Madison as it could have um it could have been much more 1:23:32 disruptive and had much higher impacts than it it will 1:23:39 um key elements of this uh on the North St road which is basically um basically 1:23:46 from Highway 30 to the north there's one added Lane each Direction it has an at 1:23:52 grade intersection at the Sten Road East Washington Avenue uh that was perhaps a major concession to 1:23:59 Madison for that they do have a separated shared use path on the east 1:24:04 side of the corridor except ad Json to the airport and they have a grade separated head bike over pass of East 1:24:13 Washington um what I've shown here these are Graphics that came from the 1:24:19 environmental assessment and they're not um um they're a little bit pixelated so 1:24:25 you can't really see the bicycle pedestrian infrastructure on it so 1:24:31 um I I'm showing the the bicycle pedestrian 1:24:37 infrastructure highlighted right here this is right at Highway 30 so you can see on Highway 30 they have a a grade 1:24:44 separated Crossing of St Road um notice that they also have a 1:24:51 path on the east side of Sten road that leads to East Washington um at East Washington you can 1:25:00 see that uh that that path that goes um to the East Washington St Road 1:25:06 intersection um there is a RAID separated Crossing this ones above East 1:25:12 Washington um it it curly kind of cues down over 1:25:18 where the the Subway sandwich shop is and then it goes to the to the north 1:25:25 uh while this has um um one added Lane in each Direction 1:25:31 and it's it's a rather large intersection like I said compared to 1:25:36 some of the other Alternatives such as diamond interchanges and the like this 1:25:41 one probably is has the greatest fits in 1:25:46 the best contextually to what Madison uh wants as I said this uh I'm not sure if 1:25:53 I have another slide I don't so I'm gonna go back up um Tom can 1:25:59 we can we stop for a second Tom alderfield has his hand up yes I can wait here if you prefer to 1:26:06 take questions at the end or I I I think I have a very small presentation on i39 1:26:13 and 94 and a very small presentation on stoen rot nor study my the presentation 1:26:19 on South study is quite long and detailed and so this would be a good time to take questions okay let me just 1:26:26 ask do we have anybody registered to speak on this Aiden we do have one person y okay so 1:26:35 our Alder our normal process would be to have the presentation then have um hear from the public and then have comments 1:26:42 and questions understood and happy to wait thank you chair does does that work yes 1:26:47 that works okay go ahead Tom okay write down your question because I I've got another 20 slides 1:26:55 um uh this is the typical section I I'm really not going to go through this uh 1:27:01 too much but it's available um 1:27:07 so as I said the um wiza has been very focused on Dane 1:27:14 County projects uh we were hoping that after they got approved for the norst road and the interstate that they 1:27:21 would there'd be a slow period um but there's not right they're um they're 1:27:27 moving moving forward with the South Sten Road they had a a public meeting 1:27:33 that was very well attended for a Wisconsin DOT public meeting I think two weeks ago at lafala High 1:27:41 School uh I'll give you some information from that um right now they'd like they 1:27:47 have about five or six conceptual Alternatives they would like to narrow 1:27:53 it down to three by this March okay and then they would like to select a 1:27:58 preferred alternative by August of 2025 and while that seems like oh that's 1:28:03 pretty far into the future that's really light speed and Dot time and that's that's 1:28:11 kind of light speed in educating the public of what's going on and how big these improvements could be 1:28:19 um we do not the city does not have to to comment but but uh the process will 1:28:26 not wait for our comments right the process will go forward and our opportunity to influence those 1:28:32 Alternatives is kind of now um the purpose of need is to improve 1:28:38 safety and Mobility for all modes of travel improve Community connectivity guide by local plans and goals 1:28:46 um just for context just so that we kind of understand um you know what are we 1:28:53 talking about kind of what's the heart of this project um right 1:28:58 now St Ro functions like a an 1:29:04 expressway uh with great intersections uh I don't know what the official speed limit is but I I I suspect that most 1:29:11 people drive 50 if you look this is um Sten Road looking South if you look to 1:29:17 the right we have commercial types of properties that are um kind of like the 1:29:23 blaines farm and fleet you know in the A1 Furniture and those types so it's on the right it's more 1:29:31 retail the type one story retail you know um to the left you find a lot of 1:29:36 light industrial like omatic pumps um there's another pump manufacturer uh you know you know light 1:29:45 industrial industry that's um you know it's things that all communities kind of 1:29:51 need um at the same time we look at this context right now uh the 1:29:57 planning department is also going through the southeast area plan and they just had their kickoff meeting for the 1:30:03 southeast area plant last week unfortunately you know they it's going to take them about probably two years to 1:30:11 go through their Southeast area plan and um the Wisconsin do is probably going to 1:30:17 make a preferred ter selection B 1:30:43 did we lose Tom Tom did you did you freeze up or something uh did we lose 1:30:51 time well I don't know AR um it looks like yeah it looks like 1:30:57 Tom's Frozen unfortunately so Tom might have to log out and log back 1:31:03 in can I don't know Tom if he can hear us or not looks like he just popped off 1:31:09 and he'll come back on again um yeah so what Tom is locking back in I 1:31:17 want to report that the the current speed limit for ston Road uh is 55 m per 1:31:23 hour that's the Point okay yeah Tom Tom okay Tom's back 1:31:29 all right you froze up on us there Tom we can't hear you though you're 1:31:35 gonna have to 1:31:45 unmute can you get yourself unmuted to yes now I okay there you go so I I 1:31:53 think my uh my computer uh froze up so I'm I'm 1:31:59 wondering if someone could perhaps present the PDF 1:32:05 that's in the lisar for this item can somebody either Aiden or Yang 1:32:14 or somebody u pull that up for Tom and share 1:32:20 it screen shared for him I'm happy to do that so let me bring 1:32:27 that up and uh yeah get to it thank you thank you so much 1:32:39 J apologize for this 1:32:46 technology well you know this is why I worry about self-driving cars you know if I'm in a self-driving car and it 1:32:53 does this what happens you know I don't know that was a side comment that one 1:32:59 was for free I happen to share those same 1:33:06 concerns about self-driving cars myself yeah 1:33:23 Yang are you able to share the PDF there he comes good 1:33:31 okay thank you Yang oh you're welcome let me get to the 1:33:38 the page under our enter full screen as 1:33:48 well go to the next slide y next slide yeah 1:33:55 okay so um I was going to progressively disclose this but there's really um five 1:34:02 main Alternatives that they're studying 1:34:10 um I'll wait for Yang to one of them is essentially the existing Corridor right 1:34:19 the way it is um and on the left you can see the schematic where we have have a 1:34:24 signal at Buckeye we have a signal at FL we have front edge rows on either side okay the signals have relatively 1:34:32 long signal Cycles like about two minutes um alternative one is that it's 1:34:39 at 45 miles hour alternative to um kind of a is at 1:34:46 35 miles an hour kind of giving a nod to some of the city of Madison's comments 1:34:53 collusion the judge also said it left a lot of 1:35:01 um the alternative three um basically would keep um the the 1:35:08 frontage Ro configuration on the west side which you know would serve 1:35:14 um blaes farming Fleet and the like but then some of the lower traffic 1:35:19 generators like lumatic pump um a rental and that kind of thing um might have 1:35:26 direct access onto on Sten Road alterner 1:35:33 four um basically would create I'm going to say somewhat of a Parkway but it 1:35:39 would eliminate the front Insurance um um so basically we would have direct 1:35:46 access um you know businesses like U farman 1:35:51 Fleet or um A1 Furniture or something to that effect would have direct access 1:35:57 onto Sten Road it would be 35 miles an hour and um basically the the area taken 1:36:04 up by the um front edge roads would become be 1:36:12 become open space an alternative five is H something that um we have kind of 1:36:19 asked them to consider and it it functions very similar to a one-way pair system in that U if 1:36:29 you put the the roadways on the outside um the distance between the Northbound 1:36:34 and the southbound is not that much different than the distance between Johnson and gour and so you could 1:36:41 actually have two one-way streets I think this is called uh W is calling this a a wide 1:36:51 Boulevard is it wide Boulevard I think it is uh just to provide a a little bit 1:36:59 more user friendly thing uh the thing about all five that's that's interesting 1:37:04 is that the Green Space would be in the center right we would have direct access on the Highway 51 but the um the 1:37:12 signals uh notice that instead of one signal at at Buckeye Road we would have 1:37:18 two signals right and the one signal that typically would be a six to8 phas 1:37:23 signal signal and would be 2 minutes like an all four is actually two 1:37:28 separate signals and they're two to three phases and they're maybe a minute and 20 second cycle length so it it 1:37:36 would function a little bit more efficiently for progression and the like a Yang next 1:37:46 slide uh this is a a handout this is actually when you want to try and figure 1:37:52 out what are the Alternatives uh this slide actually provides a very good 1:37:57 summary of of the um six Alters that are being considered right now uh you can 1:38:04 see all four and all five have um direct 1:38:10 access both have direct access onto Sten Road one places the green on the on the 1:38:15 outside one places the green on the inside okay next slide 1:38:25 um all four uh we we are trying to find 1:38:31 good existing examples of what all four would look like um there's a couple 1:38:38 of roads at service light industrial like in presentant Pleasant Prairie so 1:38:44 this is a picture of that it's not exactly like all four would look like 1:38:50 because we don't have as much direct access onto the street stre in this picture as perhaps there would be with 1:38:56 the Stone Road alternative next 1:39:02 slide uh this is um something that Liz Kalen found this is Highway 50 in 1:39:08 kosha again you know most of the the green space is placed on the outside of the roadway uh we have direct access on 1:39:16 onto it and not as many driveways as perhaps might occur next slide 1:39:26 this is a similar to all five okay and this one is in um in Bloomington 1:39:33 Indiana I think it's called Miller showers Park but you can see we have 1:39:39 kind of oneway streets on both sides uh with a a path on on the east side of the 1:39:45 park and then we have you know trees or something in the middle um next slide 1:39:57 um this one is something this is actually a project I worked on when I worked for a different employer did the 1:40:04 traffic analysis this is lick Ron Greenway and Cincinnati Ohio and so this 1:40:10 really functions kind of as one a oneway pair you can see that we have direct 1:40:16 access onto the oneway pair um with margin marginally spaced driveways um in 1:40:23 this particular feature um it's a um there's a drainage feature I want to um 1:40:31 kind of offer a taste of reality in that this is a beautiful picture right and probably we would not get something 1:40:40 um this attractive let's say for sod right is we're probably not going to have a drainageway and walkways and like 1:40:47 but we could have some type of green area that um you know that is 1:40:54 um more than than a gravel Sher uh next 1:41:05 slide generally all the Alternatives with front edge roads which includes 1:41:11 Alternatives one through three relocate them near the intersections and so this 1:41:17 shows what that might look like uh near Buckeye Road so there you could see you 1:41:23 know there's an auto parts store there in the southwest quadrant you could see 1:41:28 how you know that would be routed to address the problem of kind of where you 1:41:35 know the the confusion that occurs when fren R join a cross street directly adjacent 1:41:42 to the main intersection uh next 1:41:50 slide alternative three impossible possibly alternative four could include jug handles um so a Jug Handle is 1:42:01 um similar to what Junction Road has with Mineral Point Road right now where 1:42:06 the cross street has a bridge over the main roadway and then um 1:42:13 from the main roadway to get to the cross street you would uh take right turns onto these side 1:42:19 roads this is just a conceptual Jug Handle at Bucky 1:42:24 Road next 1:42:30 slide one thing that the um project team in the southwest region of wisot has 1:42:36 been very U amendable to is considering 1:42:42 additional um cross street connections here you have potential ones um 1:42:48 generally these cross streets I think um alternative three includes 1:42:53 Alice Avenue and then Alterna four and five could include all the 1:42:59 others um so that provides more Crossing opportunities uh note that what the 1:43:06 cross streets would do is you know they they would make this into more of an urban street right but if you're in a 1:43:12 neighborhood adjacent to St Road you may not want all these cross streets you can 1:43:18 see how they would say why would we want more cross streets um and so 1:43:23 so there's a little bit of tension in that there's a desire to make this into 1:43:29 more of an urban street but then a lot of um adjacent neighborhoods are used to 1:43:35 the way things are and wouldn't want to necessarily change um the 1:43:43 environment uh next 1:43:49 slide one thing that uh was not incl 1:43:54 uded at the um public information meeting and um we had hoped had been 1:44:03 dismissed was um the concept of a super Street um a super Street um uses a a 1:44:12 series of kind of left in and um u-turns to 1:44:21 eliminate um the need to serve cross streets so for for motor vehicle 1:44:28 operations it's very um effective at um reducing 1:44:35 delay on the main volume I think they can be um 1:44:42 confusing um I can provide a little bit more um summary there with the next 1:44:51 slide 1:44:56 so let's say if you were on um I believe this is a flam 1:45:02 Road um if you were heading south on Sten Road and you needed to go to flam Road 1:45:09 you would just um go south and take a left right if you needed if you're 1:45:16 heading south on on Sten Road and you need to go to the west side of FL you 1:45:21 would go down and take a r so you see how from Sten Road the access 1:45:27 to the two side roads is um pretty straight forward however if you're on 1:45:32 flam Road and you need to cross flam Road um it's it's more difficult you 1:45:38 would actually have to take a ride at Stone Road and then take a U-turn as you 1:45:44 can see in that top box and then travel back down and take a right 1:45:50 turn so uh this is a Wisconsin do2 slide you know it would maintain the frontage 1:45:58 roads um you know they say it's there's safety and operational benefits um there's also indirection 1:46:06 benefits or indirection considerations why don't you do the next 1:46:13 slide y so I'll give you an example you know 1:46:19 I'm I'm the father of four kids and they're they're all out of the house and 1:46:24 paying taxes and leading productive lives and I'm glad for it but I always think 1:46:29 about you know what was it like when they were in high school and so this is 1:46:36 U the the attendance shed for a lafalot high school student 1:46:44 right you can see it in Orange on on the right and so a student um going if let's 1:46:53 say they were driving to school at lealo which is that orange kind of rectangle 1:46:59 thing um they would travel West on flam Road they would take a 1:47:07 right they would then make a uturn and then they would take a right 1:47:14 again so so you can see that um it it doesn't doesn't cross it 1:47:23 it's and so in in some ways there's a you know I want wiiz to be fair to us and 1:47:32 things we're asking them to consider so I want to be fair to them as well so this does 1:47:38 provide operational benefits but in in essence it it almost separates the west 1:47:44 side and the east side of Stone Road more because you can't go across any um next slide 1:47:54 um there is a way to cross as a pedestrian you you typically in these I 1:47:59 guess you cross um diagonally so to the 1:48:04 um on the illustration on the left this was an illustration by Kon you know you 1:48:11 would in order to cross Sten Road you would you'd have to be on the the left 1:48:16 side of the intersection cross there travel across this median then cross 1:48:21 again uh it's the the one on the left is a little 1:48:28 bit more um it's probably showing it a little bit 1:48:33 better than it actually would be because uh that illustration shows only two 1:48:39 lanes in both directions instead of three lanes in both directions and then you can see the curb radii at Corners 1:48:45 are very uh tight which would we would like to see in a downtown but on the 1:48:51 design vehicle for the these intersections would be a semi and so the radi would be much higher so the 1:48:57 crossing distances would be quite High um the picture on the right is a a 1:49:03 picture I took I think a year ago while I was down on flam road and it was a 1:49:10 parent with some kids trying to cross it so you know these are these are the users that we're trying to get you know 1:49:16 across so Road and then on the left is kind of what the super Street would 1:49:23 would would do uh next slide 1:49:32 um uh Wisconsin and the public positions are are really quite varied uh some can accept a lower speed 1:49:39 facility uh some are advocating for maintaining Mobility um I I'd like to say you know 1:49:47 wisot is a well first I want to say that wisot has a given us unprecedented 1:49:54 access into their process we've probably been invited to you know anywhere from 1:50:00 15 to 20 design meetings for this project which is quite a bit um wisot 1:50:06 does not it's not a single body it's it's a it's a group of people right and I'm going to say that the the people in 1:50:12 the southwest region are very um accepting of um some of our suggestions 1:50:19 and responses to that and I'm going to say that there's some people in central offic that are more responsible for the 1:50:25 full Statewide that have stronger reservations about what Madison is is 1:50:30 asking for uh next 1:50:36 Slide the um wi one thing that they do do is they 1:50:41 they place a strong emphasis on what they get on these these little Survey Monkey surveys right and so we think oh 1:50:49 so you got a survey monkey and you got this that doesn't necessarily reflect the the city's position but um I think 1:50:58 wizard believes it it it really does kind of reflect um what many people in the city 1:51:05 think so uh this is a survey that they conducted post uh 1:51:13 Pim the um the blue bars represent the the TAC 1:51:18 loak and CAC but basically what you you know are fancy 1:51:24 acronyms for basically City staff and officials and and so the blue represents 1:51:30 kind of a group of up to 16 right whereas the yellow is more the public 1:51:36 the average public person right and so um that I think right now that's at 300 1:51:43 or a little bit more so you can see where most of the 1:51:50 the public officials or say staff on the left greatly favor reducing the speed 1:51:57 you know greatly favor reducing the speed 75% uh however you can see that the 1:52:02 public is 5050 uh why would we want to reduce the speed right it's just going to take us 1:52:09 longer to get places and so the neighborhoods don't necessarily um can't necessarily 1:52:15 Envision why speed reduction would be a big thing right um 1:52:26 if you look at the front edge roads uh I think a lot of City staff are saying why do we need the frontage roads right 1:52:31 because if if you count the the frontage roads and then the mainline Lanes you 1:52:36 have 10 lanes of traffic 10 Lane traffic Lanes to 1:52:43 um serve 50,000 Vehicles that's a lot of pavement to Ser 50,000 vehicles and so a 1:52:49 lot of the the city officials and representatives feel like we should maybe investigate something 1:52:54 other than those fren roads but um if you look at the yellow you could say 1:52:59 which is the you know the neighborhoods they say why would we want to get rid of the fren roads they've done us well for 1:53:06 40 years you see what I'm saying um and then the same thing with the the new 1:53:12 intersections um you know City uh staff and officials think yeah it would 1:53:20 be good to to have some intersections between these this mile spacing which is in blue 1:53:27 but you can see in the yellow where some neighbors hoods to say why would we want a street that connects to that freeway 1:53:36 over there we we we kind of like our neighborhood blocked 1:53:41 off um so this is a a survey that they've done this is interim results 1:53:46 it's not the the final survey um then next slide yeah 1:53:55 the survey is still open uh you can take this 1:54:02 um and I think that QR code will work I I I developed that last night um like 1:54:09 the Transportation Commission you guys have a voice and what happens in Madison Transportation right and so if you if 1:54:17 you feel like there's value in having a slower stro and road I would encourage you to take the survey you know uh 1:54:23 because uh you perhap you know as a Transportation Commission you probably 1:54:29 understand the transportation issues facing Madison more broadly than someone who um is just used to seeing 1:54:36 transportation from a small portion of the city so um like I'm I'm gonna 1:54:41 say you know we will probably respond to wisd on these Alternatives in an 1:54:47 official capacity but they do place a lot of emphasis on what the survey 1:54:52 monkeys happen and so I would encourage you to um participate if you have feelings regarding 1:54:59 this um next 1:55:06 slide um the staff recommendations right now 1:55:11 is that we've been advocating for a slower more urban 1:55:17 facility uh we believe that Alternatives four and five probably have the greatest potential to meet this 1:55:24 objective um we we might have a slight preference for alternative five just because the um 1:55:32 having two Snappy signals you know that one-way pair 1:55:38 is it's kind of an attractive um operational concept that 1:55:44 we could see you know for as well you know 1:55:50 um we just saw the super Street maybe yesterday or two days ago I 1:55:57 think we have some strong reservations regarding the super Street in that we're concerned about pedestrian bike 1:56:03 Crossings but then also you know we're hoping that you know the West neighborhoods and 1:56:10 the East neighborhoods could be linked to a greater degree with a with 1:56:16 the with the project and and yet in essence it seems like the super street 1:56:21 is actually separating them perhaps a little bit further now that's that's my opinion so 1:56:27 I I don't want to be I mean you guys can determine if the right the U-turn and 1:56:33 the right is easier or not um next question 1:56:39 next slide some some considerations you know 1:56:46 some people um because these are questions that um come up 1:56:55 um in 2021 late 2021 wiot said um why 1:57:00 don't we just give this road to you right um we would like to 1:57:07 uh and if if they gave the road to us you know then we would perhaps have a a 1:57:13 little bit more influence on it um at that time we kind of said we're not sure 1:57:19 we really want this road um part of it was um then all of a sudden we have to 1:57:25 plow it right we have to sweep it it's about a half million dollars in annual Opera 1:57:31 expenditures um about $5 million in annual maintenance expenditures associated with patching and the like 1:57:37 and then at 2062 uh we would be responsible for reconstructing which would be100 million 1:57:44 right um then then there's maybe this you know 1:57:52 and I there's a little bit of a philosophical thought is that well you 1:57:58 know Wisconsin Department of Transportation provides transportation for the state but part of the 1:58:03 state is Urban Roads right in urban areas and you know shouldn't they 1:58:08 investment in solving Urban Transportation so there's a little bit 1:58:14 of philosophy in that um if we were to have it it it doesn't necessarily 1:58:20 guarantee we'd be able to reduce capacity or have full discretion over 1:58:25 what's happening because you know Stone Road will still be on the national highway system and 1:58:32 while we are we have some latitude on joh noan Drive there's many things that we can't do on joh noan drive that we 1:58:38 would like to um because it's still on the national highway 1:58:43 system and then a lot of people or some people have thought well if we did this 1:58:49 alternative five where we have a very large medium uh maybe maybe Wisconsin do 1:58:55 could give us that RightWay and we could build buildings in that RightWay and it 1:59:00 could be just like Jonathan B um and I you know that might be an 1:59:07 opportunity way in the future but I think initially we probably have to 1:59:13 um make decisions as if that's not a possibility um it's really 1:59:19 uncertain um first was would have to say that we they would never need that 1:59:24 median for future needs which um you know that's a that's a pretty strong commitment right um vacating that right 1:59:32 away would you know could be a 10year process um oftentimes we might have to 1:59:37 purchase it if it's gonna be um and so you think about well how much would it cost to purchase 30 acres and you know 1:59:45 it could be significant and and thought is if if we were to assume the 1:59:50 jurisdiction of this right why would we choose you know Sten Road over Park Street or East Washington you 1:59:57 know Park Street and East Washington are also state roads um and we probably have 2:00:02 a little bit greater interest in those than we might in St so those are just kind of a like an 2:00:08 aster sidebar um next 2:00:15 slide and then we have a bunch of exercise which we're not We're not gonna we're not going to go into the to the 2:00:20 exercise um so if we could go uh Yang to that one 2:00:27 slide that kind of is a schematic that shows all five Alternatives that's probably a good one just to have up on 2:00:33 the screen while we answer questions and have 2:00:39 discussion he why don't we hear from the public first Tom that'd be 2:00:45 fine Aiden who do we have registered to speak 2:00:52 Gabriel Hill of presidential Lane neither supports nor opposes and wishes to 2:01:00 speak hello can you hear me okay yes we can go ahead hi so my comment is mostly 2:01:06 in regards to this South sudden Road part from 18 to 30 and all the options seem pretty bad uh the no build option 2:01:14 option one and option two all don't address what I think the I don't want to put any words in the alers uh mouths but 2:01:20 I think they talked about more a desire of like connection across the uh the 2:01:26 road between districts um oh I had it pulled up uh 15 16 and 16 um I don't 2:01:35 know if those alers are here today but they they can comment more on that but uh the footprint remains ridiculously 2:01:40 large in those three options uh it's a 275 ft across both Frontage roads and 2:01:47 the main Highway this is more than the Belt Line and as we know it's too big for what the road needs uh my data is a 2:01:54 little bit out of date but I think the road gets uh 10,000 less cars per days 2:02:00 that cars per day than roads like East Washington or University Avenue so it just seems like overbuilt for what's 2:02:07 need for those options then alternates three and four just turn Sten Road into a design that is similar to the roads 2:02:13 that consistently appear on our high Injury Network and it would create way more conflict points both for turning 2:02:19 Vehicles pedestrians just in general options three and four just would turn it into kind of 2:02:24 another um I want to say like East Washington where you really it's it's prevalent on 2:02:31 our high high Injury Network um alternate five seems like the worst of all options it retains the large 2:02:37 footprint adds the most conflict points and is sure to appear on our high Injury Network if we build that uh the green 2:02:45 space that the document talks about creating would never really be used because it's it's frankly it's an island 2:02:51 um it's not like the image that's shown where it's like a nice like River I'm 2:02:57 getting Echo okay it's a nice River and it doesn't really like have it's not 2:03:03 like the the the other image where it's like kind of in a an area that has nice 2:03:10 things around it so it's just like it would just be this island of Green Space uh what I'd like to see as a goal for 2:03:16 this area is to try to bump any through traffic out to I90 where it really needs to be like if you're going from 2:03:23 um what is it like Sten or what McFarland and you're going uh north of 2:03:30 Madison you really shouldn't be taking this road um it doesn't make sense to 2:03:35 have it go through the city when we can when we already have a bigger better faster road that that is almost the same 2:03:42 time uh right nearby so um uh I'd also like a goal to be allow 2:03:49 the interconnectivity across the road and that the olders have asked for I think again I don't want to put words in their mouth keep the safe Street and 2:03:57 allow space for local trucks to still have access to businesses H and reduce the size of the road uh to a size that 2:04:03 fits the needs uh now I'm not a traffic engineer but I think like reducing the speed limit uh to 40 or less would be 2:04:09 great um this would make gmaps uh Google Maps route people up to I90 if they're 2:04:15 going through uh a reduction reduction to one lane in each direction would be great um and on Lam and Buckeye add 2:04:23 grade separation like I think was talked about in the project that would be excellent uh or if that's too expensive then the truck friendly roundabouts that 2:04:29 we see out near um out past the belt line on Mineral Point that they added I 2:04:35 don't know if that was I don't know whose District that falls under if that was ERS that's the state that added that but um also naring the frontage roads 2:04:43 could be done uh nobody really parks on those and the traffic is uh minimal for their size um I think Dutch style 2:04:50 Frontage roads could allow for better access to the businesses for both trucks and customers 2:04:57 um and oh sorry I have more but my time is up that is your time thank you so much 2:05:04 uh questions for the 2:05:11 registrant okay thank you very much uh so comments or questions for 2:05:16 Tom alderfield yes go ahead you're you're first on the list sure thank you 2:05:22 chair um thanks for the presentation Tom lots of good info I'm wondering about the timing of that bridge over ston road 2:05:29 just South of Highway 30 I know that it's in the transportation Improvement plan for I believe 2030 the year 2030 2:05:37 but to what extent is that timeline driven by potential construction along 2:05:43 the ston road Corridor that the state may be making decisions about yeah so I'm going to say uh two 2:05:51 things and I want one is if G Gabriel Hill stays 2:05:56 on uh I'll I'll answer some of his questions because I I think he had some 2:06:02 interesting things to say and then for you alderfield are you are you speaking 2:06:09 specifically of the 94 project because um there's so many projects it's easy to 2:06:17 get through the uh the Milwaukee Street bridge over 2:06:22 the interstate right now is um is scheduled for very late you know 2:06:30 2042 very long um yeah I understood that part no I mean the um pedestrian bridge 2:06:36 over ston Road South of Highway 30 as part of the Sten Road Corridor piece of all this so that would I I think that 2:06:44 would be in the 2030s I I'm not sure I think that's an that particular one I think is an 2:06:50 underpass so that would be an hon pass and 2:06:56 then um over East Washington it would be an 2:07:02 overpass um I believe that North St road is it's part of their major program I I 2:07:08 I believe it's planned for the 2030s but I haven't um seen a a sequencing 2:07:16 schedule for for that I think anodally I think I remember I a conversation from 2:07:23 talking with the do project manager saying that they might start at the North End because that's simple you know 2:07:30 the North End is is much simpler than uh the area by East Washington and Highway 2:07:35 30 but I I could go back and ask if they've developed a staging plan for 2:07:41 them so it is um the city's own transportation Improvement plan that 2:07:46 engineering maintains that currently shows I think a bridge uh crossing ston 2:07:52 under Highway 30 El I could totally be misinterpreting that if it's planned for 2:07:57 2030 but I guess it sounds like the state is going to be the one who makes a 2:08:02 decision about the timing of it even if the city prefers 2030 huh I think um I I 2:08:09 haven't looked at that but we've been in coordinating with you know Chris pakowski the 2:08:16 um I think the state is willing to put the underpass there but they are not 2:08:22 willing to um connect the underpass to our path system and so engineering has to put in 2:08:31 the Sip money so that we can pay for the path connections to the 2:08:37 underpass and and this underpass I don't know if it's an underpass or overpass I I really should 2:08:44 know that um we have been discussing this for about four 2:08:49 years um and so I think Chris pakowski put in their budget so that we have 2:08:55 funding available to make a commitment to the dot that we yes we will pay for 2:09:01 the connections to the son pass okay um I'm probably start an email 2:09:08 thread between Chris and yourself and I and talk through this more thank you 2:09:13 Tom thanks Alder um Alder Martinez Rutherford go ahead yeah Tom I I probably missed that 2:09:21 cuz ADHD and everything but uh the only place that I really saw 2:09:27 um pedestrian infrastructure was when you showed the um the super Street which 2:09:35 seems Terrible by the way um but I'm just I'm mostly concerned about getting 2:09:42 students across the street safely back and forth especially they 2:09:48 around flam are they taking that into 2:09:54 consideration um yeah so I'll I'll talk a little bit about all of the um 2:09:59 Alternatives will have much better longitudinal bike pet accommodations and 2:10:06 they will be protected uh I think they haven't developed them exactly but they would be be consistent with all ages and 2:10:13 abilities right um I think the cross streets what you say is uh correct 2:10:21 that's more challenging and 2:10:26 um I think um um when you have an AG grade 2:10:33 intersection um it's very difficult to get 2:10:42 um students across or or any pedestrians across right if you have a jug handle or 2:10:49 a grade separated intersection all of a sudden the the conflict exposure is 2:10:55 quite a bit less but then all of a sudden you have a different type of facility right you have something that 2:11:01 borders on an expressway not an urban Broadway and so uh I'm going to say kind 2:11:06 of the executive branch of the city has tended to prefer kind of more urban atg 2:11:15 grade um Solutions um you know both are kind of 2:11:21 that could be explored easier Crossing for pzs and 2:11:26 bikes if you have a Jug Handle but then all of a sudden then you have an expressway type of 2:11:33 facility hey um on that note and you mind if I just make um three comments 2:11:39 regarding Gabriel Hill's testimony sure that's fine he uh looks like he's still 2:11:45 listening there Tom okay good uh so one um I I feel like um what he said about 2:11:51 alternative five is correct um if we were to have a wide median um it's unlikely that that Medium 2:11:59 would be activated you know it just probably wouldn't be activated we would still have the advantage of U two 2:12:05 separate signals right um the width of the quter is kind of the width of the quter um they have 250 fet 2:12:14 and and they're probably not going to give back any more than 200 you know they're going to keep the 250 ft it's 2:12:19 just what where do we and how do we want the facilities to be in that 250 2:12:25 ft um and then many people say well why do we need 2:12:32 an expressway here and Expressway um on the interstate and um 2:12:38 you know initially I look at the maps and I say yes I I agree with that but the funny thing is is that no one in the 2:12:46 East Madison neighborhoods have have access to the interstate right so the Interstate basically might might serve 2:12:53 people from some prairie or a DeForest but our Madison neighborhoods don't have 2:12:59 access to the interstate and they never will so what ends up happening is is St Road 2:13:05 um you know I but like we like to point fingers on the cars that are on St road 2:13:12 and it says it's those people that are causing the problem but those people are really our people you know I mean it's 2:13:18 us that are filling Stone Road which is why you know was not wanted to give us that room because they say it's your 2:13:24 people that are on this road why don't you just take it um and then the the volumes um the 2:13:31 volumes on St Road are are pretty much comparable to what we have on University 2:13:37 Avenue and right now on University Avenue we have three lanes in both directions and there's congestion and so 2:13:44 as much as we want to fight it you know we're probably going to end up with three lanes on S Road 2:13:51 particularly if it's if it remains in the Wisconsin Dot's jurisdiction um you know 2:13:59 we you know it it would be nice to have everything as a two-lane roadway like Sherman Sherman Avenue but uh it's 2:14:05 carrying you know close to 50,000 um cars a day um one one antidotal thing 2:14:15 is with the the introduction of the flex Lane um St world and the bell line are 2:14:22 actually carrying a little bit more traffic and East Washington is actually carrying a little bit less traffic um which I guess if we had our 2:14:33 our DRS that's not a bad thing for us um having less traffic Lo on East 2:14:38 Washington is probably um better because we have more urban concentration on East 2:14:44 Washington thank you for allowing me to just address those yeah no helpful information other 2:14:51 comments or questions for Tom and feedback on what you you prefer 2:14:57 um carold yeah thank you um yeah lots of 2:15:04 projects lots of materials for digest I'll start with the north Sten Road 2:15:10 study can you clarify the bike path so 2:15:15 you said there will be a bik path but there will not be one along the airport is there map of this to figure 2:15:23 out there is if if you email me I can perhaps provide you I think 2:15:33 um they um we have consistently said that we 2:15:38 wanted to provide a um a path 2:15:45 um adjacent to Stone Road similar to what occurs on Highway 12 to Sock City 2:15:52 you know that's I mean it's not a great place to bike but it's a safe place to 2:15:58 bike um the airport has consistently said that we can't have a 2:16:04 path um because it introduces a new youth you new youth 2:16:11 right um it's been our position right that says well no there are already 2:16:17 pedestrians and cyclists on Sten Road particularly in the runway clear areas um because um 2:16:25 you know UPS has a new um facility on northstone road and it has shift work 2:16:31 and people sometimes have to walk to that shift work which is terrible but 2:16:38 um I think uh you know federal agencies have deference to federal agencies and 2:16:43 so um the Federal Aviation FAA 2:16:52 you know has kind of said to fhwa that you can't do this right you it violates 2:16:59 our standards and so we are not going to allow that that's what the airport has 2:17:04 said uh we have not been able to push that because 2:17:10 um of kind of the current Dynamics with the airport the county the city and the 2:17:18 state uh we could add a comment to that um and try and try and get that it uh 2:17:28 there's a basically the Gap in the bike path goes from Kinsman I think to about hepker um to wiiz Do's credit from 2:17:37 hepker to the north they reintroduce or maybe it's from Hanson to the north they 2:17:43 reintroduce that path and um and goes 2:17:48 further north and so um if you'd like to talk more about that I 2:17:53 would we we've given our comments they've said no we have different County 2:17:59 leadership right now and they have an environmental document where we can comment on and we could actually push 2:18:06 that issue um a little bit more the the 2:18:12 FAA came out with new advisory circulars I think in 2019 or 2:18:18 2020 which um we're a little bit more 2:18:25 restrictive um so like you know basically I had people looking at 2:18:31 airports around the nation that had paths you know off the runways thinking well there we're going 2:18:37 to show them and um but there's there's new guidance out there that's a little bit more restrictive than what was 2:18:43 allowed and previously yeah that 2:18:49 seems inom rible to me you have like a six Lane Road and on the other side like 2:18:55 it's on the east side of the highway you have a bike path and that is somehow a problem that yeah I have a hard time 2:19:03 comprehending that so yeah maybe we can connect yeah so please do that please 2:19:09 please email me yeah po it up in my task 2:19:14 list yes okay um next so so Sten North is also adding 2:19:23 a lane a general travel Lane is that correct it it is yes even 2:19:30 though volumes are drastically lower and even with DOs often optimistic 2:19:37 projections for travel volumes even say like oh yeah it's going to be like 20 something thousand and there're still 2:19:44 adding a lane uh actually I I I think it's much more than 20,000 I think um 2:19:55 I'm writing this on I'm writing down airport my notes 2:20:01 just a b but I'll still forget so you still should email 2:20:08 me the um I I think 2:20:18 um wi Wisconsin do um first the traffic fall the traffic 2:20:26 forecast we like to blame it on Wisconsin D but really they're are traffic forecasts right they are 2:20:32 prepared by the Madison planning organization which is kind of a a separate but underneath 2:20:40 the city of Madison um the people that prepare those traffic forecasts are 2:20:45 like um they're competent they do their job well right I think what happens is 2:20:52 that um I think the city of Madison is willing to live with more congestion than what uh Wisconsin do is willing to 2:21:00 live with as well as fhwa is willing to live with like whereas we are saying 2:21:07 well you know if there's a roadway On the Border if we can reduce 2:21:15 capacity the city of mass will say well let's see if we can do it maybe maybe it's not that bad U the Wisconsin 2:21:23 DOT um is not that way and then the Federal Highway Administration is not that way we are 2:21:31 going to be undergoing a an Administration change which is probably going to be more traditional in their 2:21:38 view of Transportation more motor vehicle Dominator rather than not so I I 2:21:46 kind of anticipated to be that way again you know we could change all of this if we 2:21:52 were willing to accept jurisdiction of the roadway but then again if we're going to accept jurisdiction of roadway 2:21:59 let's let's do Park Street you know let's do something that's perhaps a little bit more important to the city 2:22:07 right yeah I mean I looked at I'm I'm reasonably sure that what they have in their Maps is like along the airport 2:22:13 it's like 13,000 Vehicles protected to go to like 15 oh you're talking about up there uh yes the yeah I I not sure we're 2:22:21 we're adding a lane up there we're adding a lane through this that you're seeing right here okay yeah yeah it's 2:22:30 more of the heart from 30 up to let's say Anderson you know that's kind of we're at in where that map has it at 2:22:37 like 28,000 projected in 2050 and currently 2:22:43 25,000 yeah really nor north of kinsman it's it's essentially a rural roadway 2:22:49 right and we will never really develop north of kenman because we have an 2:22:54 airport there right and so the characteristics north of 2:22:59 kinmen are going to be more similar to like what highway 12 is Sock City right 2:23:06 and and they probably won't change just because of the airport so the additional Lane would be 2:23:12 only up to East Wash then no I I I think it it extends you know the approaches 2:23:20 scen sections um will be important to them I suspect that it it 2:23:28 um probably pushes through Anderson and then they probably do some 2:23:34 geometric magic to bring it down to two lanes in East Direction north of kinman 2:23:40 um I'm not sure if I have a detailed PDF of the proposed Lane configuration you 2:23:47 can see even with this graphic right here that um came out of their 2:23:53 environmental document it's it's somewhat pixelated so it's it's difficult to to see exactly what's 2:23:58 happening but but right here you know if you zoomed in you could 2:24:04 you could see that we have three lanes in both directions uh not not two lanes in both 2:24:12 directions um yeah I guess feedback on the Alternatives like I think getting 2:24:19 rid of the fronted Road is a good thing we definitely don't want to have 45 M an hour 10 Lane like 6 plus 2:24:29 4 that seems bad it seems very unfortunate that we get all this new 2:24:34 green space but it will be wasted space and not really change 2:24:42 the feel I mean if there is any possibility that that green space could 2:24:47 be used for something it seems like it might be easier in alt four where like as you said the area plan is being 2:24:55 developed as those property redevelops if you suddenly have an additional I don't know how many feet that is that 2:25:02 could maybe be gradually that seems maybe slightly more realistic than having that island and doing something 2:25:07 with that but if that's not feasible anyway then yeah I'm not really sure if 2:25:13 I I find your argument about the signal phasing for the 2:25:19 Crossing pretty strong one even though yeah I don't like what it looks like in 2:25:24 alt five necessarily I have great concerns about the crossings I mean 2:25:30 wiard says it's about safety and Mobility but for whom really seems to be 2:25:35 for car occupants primarily and I just looking at those design Alternatives thinking about what it's like to C I 2:25:42 mean I know what it's like to cross there now and it's hard to imagine the new options making it much safer or more 2:25:50 comfortable for people going across as you said north south seems great Improvement but Crossings are not and 2:25:59 probably alt five might open up some possibilities more so but yeah it's not 2:26:06 great right I'll leave it at that for now 2:26:11 thanks thanks Harold other comments or questions for Tom or preferences 2:26:21 lot of information Tom uh Robbie go ahead yeah I'll just jump in um 2:26:30 with I guess an an opinion that um yeah 2:26:35 I'm I'm disappointed that there isn't a possibility for redevelopment 2:26:42 um all for what you end up getting is 2:26:52 um you know basically a roadway with 2:26:58 no I guess visual narrowing because the all the 2:27:05 uses are so far back from the roadway 2:27:10 yes you're going to have green space but it just is open space so you end up 2:27:16 feeling it feels like a big h way um with a bunch of green on the 2:27:23 sides kind of like an interstate feels 2:27:30 um all five the one advantage is that it looks 2:27:36 like we might be able to have more Crossings and 2:27:42 also you could if you were on a bicycle or on foot or anything else outside of a 2:27:49 car um you could take 2:27:55 those one-way streets one by one instead of needing to cross the 2:28:02 entire space in one big swoop 2:28:08 so you would start near where the land uses are that also provides a little bit more 2:28:17 I guess visual interest maybe Hues that there 2:28:23 are land uses there even though right now they're all pretty low 2:28:30 density um there's at least some cues that there are people 2:28:36 and uses next to you and then you would cross one a oneway street and then you 2:28:45 would be in a green zone and then you would cross another oneway 2:28:51 Street um and then you would be next to other uses so I 2:28:58 guess neither four or five are great but my understanding is that four gives you 2:29:04 the possibility of a few more Crossings and I think that 2:29:10 the options for people um using slower 2:29:15 speed Transportation will make it easier to cross the entire Corridor in all five 2:29:22 and in all four so that's I guess one advantage that I 2:29:28 would see of that one thanks Robbie you uh use the words I should maybe mention 2:29:36 that you know maybe to augment the um the survey monkey that they're 2:29:43 they're conducting I'm we will send a I will send a letter under my name kind of advocating 2:29:51 for certain things and you use the word visual narrowing and I think that's a good word I'm going to find a way to fit 2:29:59 that in the in the letter um probably being honest with the land uses that we 2:30:04 have there now they have such big parking lots in the front we may not get that right you know we just we just 2:30:12 um we we just might not guess you know farming Fleet um has great tools but 2:30:18 they have a big parking lot right and so they you know we just won't get there 2:30:24 um I think you do make an interesting point like even with a left turn lane 2:30:30 right al Five a pedestrian would cross four lanes right but um you know with 2:30:37 all four they would cross perhaps nine to 10 lanes so it's kind of the 2:30:42 difference between crossing Johnson Street versus Crossing East Washington right 2:30:48 and you know Johnson Street has its own problems but it's easier to cross in East Washington I think and so that's a 2:30:56 that's an interesting 2:31:02 thought okay other comments or 2:31:08 questions uh Pepe go ahead thank you chair um thanks Tom for 2:31:16 the presentation um just a quick question on alternative five I know you you mentioned it and and some other 2:31:23 people have mentioned it too but um can you elaborate on the fact that it's like it wouldn't be developed like what are 2:31:30 we meaning by like developed meaning like actual construction there but to 2:31:36 kind of further my question does that mean that no no path no like running 2:31:42 path slash trees or something can be built in that median to make it more 2:31:48 appealing for like people for going there or something like that to be utilized I I think it um when I mean not 2:31:55 developed meaning we would probably wouldn't get to put buildings there okay 2:32:00 so um I was a project manager for the 2:32:05 manona D drive project right and you may not know that but that used to be Highway 51 so the the rideway was held 2:32:13 under title the Wisconsin do and so we um 2:32:20 to kind of manage the parking spaces or whatever we actually gave a little bit of that rideway 2:32:26 to um some of the adjacent land owners so they could keep some parking and we 2:32:32 actually had to pay the the Wisconsin DOT like $300,000 or something like that it was not it was not inexpensive and 2:32:41 that's on a road that was not even their Road you know I mean Min drive wasn't 2:32:46 their road but and so um I think as much as we would like to you 2:32:54 know develop the medium of s and Road and perhaps it's a long-term 2:33:00 dream I don't know if it's I don't know if we should allow dreams to affect our 2:33:06 decision you know the reality is that probably in the near term it would have to have a transportation use which 2:33:13 couldn't include paths it could include trees it probably couldn't include 2:33:18 transferring own ship so that someone could build a building in the middle if you know what I 2:33:26 mean so then building a path or putting trees there would be considered development no I think those those would 2:33:33 be legitimate uses um putting a Starbucks coffee to proba 2:33:41 right right that kind of thing you know we probably couldn't do that yeah and and and you know I generally just to be clear I generally agree with what has 2:33:48 been said you know like it's like looking at like imperfect Solutions of course like none of them is like just 2:33:53 the ideal one trying to find ways around it um you know where where I come from 2:33:59 you can see um highways where people drive probably faster than 35 or 45 mes 2:34:06 an hour with medians like that where you would guess like oh who would like to go 2:34:12 running or for a jog in there and you would you would guess no one but the the fact is that 2:34:18 just opening those spaces and if you have enough safe Crossings people will go there and you 2:34:25 know spend spend some time over there and run in the median and and if you put benches people will sit there and read a 2:34:31 book um yeah I'm just trying to think around Alternatives if if we were to go with um alternative four or five you 2:34:37 know what I 2:34:45 mean that all you had then paye okay thanks Harold go ahead yeah along 2:34:53 those well somewhat similar lines um if you could maybe go to the next slide 2:34:59 that has the renderings of the four or five Alternatives 2:35:08 um yeah that one perfect thank you yeah I don't want to over interpret that or 2:35:14 maybe I'm squinting too much but I mean I am noticing that the paths 2:35:20 vary between the Alternatives and so I think when you provide feedback to wiart 2:35:26 making sure that for example if alt five happens and it seems like the only white path is the one in the middle which like 2:35:33 what happens at the intersection whereas on the side it looks like it's only regular sidewalks so I think making sure 2:35:41 that in any kind of configuration we have two-way bike paths 2:35:47 on both sides of the road I think I think is really important because yeah the crossings are going to be difficult 2:35:53 so we have to ensure two-way mobility and access on both sides there should be 2:36:00 plenty of space to make that happen unless you have even more rage roads I 2:36:09 suppose okay all good comments all great suggestions other comments or questions 2:36:17 for Tom 2:36:23 okay I'm seeing no more hands did you get what you needed time did you need 2:36:28 anything else tonight no um maybe just I'll alert the 2:36:37 the commission that I'll price will probably send a letter to influence the dot in the next 2:36:45 month you know to help them screen I um I would encourage the the Transportation 2:36:52 Commission that if you have opinions to do the survey because which 2:36:58 not takes those surveys seriously um and then maybe just a 2:37:05 foreshadowing that we will probably have to negotiate some type of cost sharing 2:37:10 agreement with the interstate okay any last comments or 2:37:18 questions before we move on 2:37:23 okay thanks Tom uh Renee East Madison 2:37:30 bikeways yes welcome and Sean is here too um okay hey Sean so we are just 2:37:36 coming back we um want to finalize um our plans for a smithin so that we can 2:37:44 get them designed and contracted out and Sean has taken the lead on probably the 2:37:49 biggest thing that we want to talk about which is the diverter test um that we 2:37:55 came and got your input on and now have concluded the test and Sean has some results so I'll just turn it over to him 2:38:02 for that 2:38:09 part first step is to unmute okay um uh yeah so here's our um kind of the 2:38:17 results and recap of the uh diverter test and 2:38:23 um some other options as well um in addition to the diverter that we wanted 2:38:29 to share so um little bit of background uh we have um 2:38:37 $125,000 available funding from a grant U we 2:38:43 contracted with tool design uh group um they did a study and came some recommendations for East smithin best 2:38:51 board to do some uh improvements um we 2:38:57 did uh hold a Pim on uh June 3rd this 2:39:03 year um we created a project website for this to keep uh people informed and up toate um the link is in there if uh you 2:39:11 want to check it out you can also just Google um East Smithland bike Boulevard City Madison it should pop 2:39:16 up um so here's kind of the timeline of the diver test that was kind of the main thing that 2:39:23 um I guess uh was was impactful from the 2:39:30 uh from the recommendation study from tulle so um we kind of first presented 2:39:36 these options uh to this group um in July end of July um we collected some 2:39:44 data um in September before installing the test um we put the test um in 2:39:52 October um then we collected uh some data um you know so we can do before and after data and then um we removed the 2:40:02 test um about a week or so ago um for for the winter 2:40:07 season um just a reminder on what the test was um we chose um or this group 2:40:15 chose the option um with having the bikes go on the the right and kind of 2:40:20 doing an island um so we um set that uh the test up like so um in this 2:40:30 um uh in in the graphic here um the other option that we had contemplated 2:40:36 was uh having bikes uh kind of on the left side of the 2:40:41 island um but this uh this was the option that we we tested I think uh operation went pretty well um here's 2:40:49 pictures um that I took of the tests um and action so um set up uh delineators 2:40:57 and some temporary signs and uh yeah here are here are the results um 2:41:04 so we did some before and after data um I took um the Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday uh 2:41:14 volumes because those are what we consider our normal travel days so we took those days and kind of averaged out 2:41:22 um the trips um and kind of broke it down each hour um and uh you know we we did do um 2:41:31 the 800 and uh 800 blocks of Dayton and Mifflin um but we also did the 700 and 2:41:38 900 block I thought that might be too much information overload so I uh just 2:41:43 presented the 800 block which is where the diverter was um in this so 2:41:50 uh um you know our main concern you know was uh what you know was going to happen with these trips you know if we divert 2:41:57 all the trips going um westbound you know what was uh going to happen was 2:42:03 Dayton Street going to be um affected you know what were the impacts going to be and um we found that uh you know the 2:42:11 impacts to Dayton were actually um relatively minimal their volumes are uh 2:42:17 pretty low on Dayton Street um still below a th we saw that added about 200 2:42:23 more trips um per day and then um in General on myund we saw trips you know 2:42:30 decrease by about 700 um in this uh 800 block so uh that 2:42:38 means um 500 trips you know give or take were um diverted kind of out of the 2:42:44 neighborhood you know we assume to Johnson or East Washington which is um I think good getting the trips out of the 2:42:52 neighborhood um we did do some speed studies and 2:42:57 um found that the speeds did not change um too 2:43:02 much um it stayed relatively the same actually decreased in some cases um a 2:43:09 little skeptical about this uh value in the 700 block of East Dayton after um 2:43:15 that seems uh kind of to be an outlier but just wanted to show that um that's 2:43:20 that's what we got um and uh so that was kind of the data 2:43:26 um we also you know we had we had the survey um we had a um a little uh board 2:43:34 out there actually might go back to uh our graphic here um we we put out 2:43:41 actually a little sign um with a link to the survey so people that were biking 2:43:47 were able to um find the websites and go to the survey and uh a lot of people did uh you know 2:43:55 there was a QR code that worked for a while um that you know people were able to scan or they could type in the 2:44:00 website uh link so we put that out so it was kind of easier for people to fill out the 2:44:06 survey um we had about 136 people uh 2:44:11 fill out the survey um it's actually a pretty um 2:44:19 you know I guess it was about what we expected you know it was a little less than 50% were biking 2:44:26 um looks like about 35% were driving a motor vehicle um and then the rest we're 2:44:34 um walking um and uh you know the majority of 2:44:40 people traveling um was a by a boat was by a motor 2:44:45 vehicle as well um that was kind question to um the big one I want to draw the attention to is question three 2:44:52 where we just um kind of flat out asked um do you support the diverter um or 2:44:58 not um we got about 60% of the people uh voting to um support that diverter and 2:45:06 um about 35% posing and 5% um said they 2:45:12 could live with it so assume they were um you know they didn't really have a 2:45:19 too much of an opinion um and uh um we have some other 2:45:26 potential improvements that um you know we're looking to do you know like I mentioned earlier we have a 2:45:33 $125,000 um to work with so um we estimate you know the diverter would 2:45:39 maybe cost around 30 to 40,000 so that would leave us you know with some more 2:45:45 um you know some more money to do other improvements uh some other recommendations that were in the study 2:45:53 from to the tool Design Group was to create a mid mid block Crossing in the 2:46:00 uh the Thousand block um near lapam Elementary School um so um we kind of have a design 2:46:08 like this and maybe do a raised Crossing if possible uh depend on um you know 2:46:15 grades and the drainage but um if we can we certainly would like to and then um 2:46:22 bumping out ingr saw um shorting those Crossings into school improving those um was another 2:46:29 thing that was called out so those were um other improvements that we 2:46:35 um we're looking at and um I know actually Renee had a slide 2:46:42 that did not make it in here so sorry Renee um they had a couple other improvements I think um one of them was 2:46:49 a stop sign at uh um investigating stop signs at Dickinson Mifflin um we've 2:46:55 heard that um we we've had that request a few times 2:47:00 you know so looking into um that to see if that makes sense I think we were just 2:47:06 experiencing a lot of traffic being diverted um that way because there's no 2:47:13 longer um eastbound left turn at Balwin so I think people are using Dickinson to left turns so seeing a little more 2:47:20 traffic um so that was one of the things that uh um we were also going to look at 2:47:27 with the study um Renee I don't know if you had other um options as 2:47:33 well um looks like she left her desk so oh now she's 2:47:41 back sorry my battery was dying there um I just wanted to say yes the other thing 2:47:46 I wanted to mention was the bicycle wave finding w to also be a part of this project to help people navigate um when 2:47:53 they're not using they're choosing not to use East Washington or during the peak hour travel when the bike lane is 2:47:58 not available um the only other thing I would mention is these uh these 2:48:04 improvements were chosen during our public meeting we did ask people to kind of rate some of the potential 2:48:10 improvements and what they would prioritize since we would not be able to do all of the projects that um we might 2:48:18 ideally want to do in this Corridor and then of course we have already done um some changes to the stop sign adding the 2:48:25 stop signs for forway on Baldwin which were very popular 2:48:33 so um so I think um what we were looking for 2:48:38 um was a um a vote I guess to kind of to approve that 2:48:44 diverter um allowing us to implement that 2:48:50 um and uh oh yeah staff's recommendation I think is to or staff's recommendation is to approve the diverter um based on 2:48:59 the data we saw and the um results of the survey um I think it's a good change to 2:49:06 implement um on Mifflin Street so um we're just looking for a recommendation 2:49:13 from the body to for that let me just clarify what about the 2:49:19 rest of the um East smithin bike Boulevard improvements that you were talking about yeah I mean I think 2:49:26 ideally um also the installation of those two improvements um along with the 2:49:33 the way finding would be our ideal to include I think uh the 2:49:40 from the diverter was the the the bigger question but ideally we would have everything approved and then we would um 2:49:47 enter into final dis design work on all of those so that we can get them contracted out and 2:49:52 built so it would be the um you're asking for an approval of the East Mifflin bike Boulevard improvements 2:49:59 would that be the right way to say it yeah I think that would be fair and um I guess I to add on to I 2:50:07 think um the um because we had another option 2:50:12 before what last time we came here um I think you know maybe approving 2:50:19 this diverter option would also be what we're looking for or what we'd recommend 2:50:24 um I think from what we saw this this seemed to work pretty well um you know 2:50:30 because bikes didn't have to um know they were able to kind of stay you know on the right and go through instead of 2:50:37 having to kind of weave with cars a little bit um I I thought it worked out 2:50:43 um a lot better for that but um if there is a um 2:50:50 you know there is a preference for the other option um you know we we could that that would 2:50:56 be fine too but yeah just a preference on the option would be 2:51:02 good so um what I have let me just summarize and see if we have what you um 2:51:10 what you're looking for um you're asking for a motion to approve the East smithin bike Boulevard improvements which would 2:51:17 include everything you talked about the way finding um along with the recommended East Mifflin diverter design 2:51:25 would that be right I think that yeah that's it okay 2:51:32 Robie well I had a question first um sure did Sean did you say that or Renee 2:51:39 did you say that you um presented some other options 2:51:44 besides the diverter um and asked people which ones they liked but you would not be able to 2:51:51 do all of them did I misunderstand that no that's correct at the public meeting 2:51:56 we kind of talked about various you know kinds of improvements that could be made 2:52:02 but we also had people kind of think about which ones they thought would have 2:52:07 the most impact on their trips um and improve safety from what they're 2:52:13 experiencing themselves and so you know just saying like obviously there's a lot 2:52:20 of improvements that could be made along the stretch but we have a limited budget so okay so I guess my question is are 2:52:27 you presenting us tonight the ones that were most popular when we vote when we 2:52:33 make a recommendation do we need to specify anything 2:52:39 besides this package of improvements or have you already given us the ones that 2:52:46 were most popular and yeah these are ones that um we had considered and that 2:52:52 also that we thought as staff were important but also met you know with 2:52:57 what the public was thinking they were experiencing as well so these are the ones that we think we can do within that 2:53:04 $125,000 budget that we have and I think what the public was thinking aligned 2:53:09 pretty well with what the city was thinking we did have to rule some things out you know due to feasibility like the 2:53:15 entire Improvement would be more than our budget so I think this aligns with the public and with staff recommendations both this whole package 2:53:22 would be 125,000 okay I just wanted to be sure that we didn't have to make further 2:53:29 winwing in our motion nope okay um with that with that question answered if it's 2:53:36 all right I would um like to make a motion to recommend the package that um 2:53:46 has been presented to us tonight including the diverter and the staff 2:53:51 recommendations for additional um 2:53:58 improvements okay so 2:54:03 um sorry I had a cat on my lap and he was getting in the way of my writing um so you're recommending I'm 2:54:11 sorry I I did we have someone with a public comment I thought Aiden had told me May I'm so I'm so sorry Aiden was 2:54:19 there somebody that wanted to speak tonight on this we do we have one person 2:54:24 well then okay we should have we should have should have said that a long time ago so I will withdraw my motion until 2:54:30 we hear from the public thank you Robbie um let's go ahead so we have uh Dan P pensinger of 2:54:39 for cyia play supports and wishes to speak hi thank you yeah I'm still here 2:54:45 as well uh I just wanted to say that I've used East Mylin um quite a bit uh 2:54:52 this past fall and it's been very nice uh to have the diverter um I think it's 2:54:59 uh reduced uh some of the through traffic on East mithin and made the bike Boulevard more safe and comfortable for 2:55:04 me so I just want to reiterate support for it and thank you for uh doing the 2:55:10 test with it appreciate it thank you I'm sorry about that I I 2:55:15 didn't realize that there was someone waiting to speak on this um any questions for 2:55:25 Dan thanks for waiting with us Dan um okay Robbie did you 2:55:33 wanna sure I I will make a motion to recommend the package that uh traffic 2:55:40 engineering has uh presented to us tonight including the diverter and additional improvements 2:55:54 okay so what I have is your recommending approval of the uh package that t 2:55:59 traffic engineering presented including the diverter and additional improvements do we have a second for 2:56:13 that Chris yeah second did you wish to speak thanks 2:56:18 Chris did you wish to speak to your motion Robbie no I don't think so okay thanks 2:56:30 discussion okay I'm seeing no hands so we have the motion is recommend approval of um the package that traffic 2:56:37 engineering presented including the diverter and additional improvements any 2:56:43 further discussion okay I'm going to assume a unan consent vote unless anybody wishes 2:56:50 to vote no or 2:56:56 abstain okay thanks Renee thanks Sean the motion is carried and thanks again 2:57:02 Dan for waiting to have your opportunity to 2:57:07 speak okay next item eight we have a reminder uh to commission members of the 2:57:13 annual statement of Interest form and the reason this is so important is that 2:57:18 you are required to file a statement of interest every year filing deadline for this year is January 7th um my email 2:57:26 came on November 22nd I'm assuming everybody else's came on the same day but the key thing is that failure to 2:57:34 submit this statement of interest will ultimately lead to revocation of your committee appointments so everybody 2:57:41 please go ahead and fill that out and Kaye I don't know if you you have to 2:57:46 fill it out again but they do make a comment in the email that even if you filled one out earlier if you get an 2:57:53 email from the clerk asking you to fill it out again they apologize but you might have to do that so um just uh 2:58:01 watch your email for that Kaylee to see if you get anything from the the clerk asking for another uh statement of 2:58:08 Interest form does anybody have any question about it Eric is on as 2:58:14 well I have seen people kicked off bcc's because they didn't file our statement of Interest form so it's real important 2:58:21 that you do that uh hey B go ahead thanks chair uh yeah only a quick 2:58:29 reminder where where is who is this email coming from because my email just gets so much spam I I sure it came from 2:58:37 clerk cler gotcha that's was gonna help me find it thank you and it came it came to me on 2:58:44 November 22nd but Clerk sounds good okay uh 2:58:52 Eric well I just was going to say if anybody has uh particular questions or anything on that I'm always happy to 2:58:58 answer them so uh so you know if this needs to be on there or doesn't need to be on there um feel free to shoot me an 2:59:04 email okay thanks Eric Robbie go ahead Pepe I sympathize and I um just typed in 2:59:12 in quotes statement of interest and it came right up in my okay 2:59:19 good tip thank you good tip yeah I looked for cleric and I found it right away too so thanks both all right 2:59:26 excellent okay anybody anybody else have any questions okay 2:59:32 thanks all right uh item nine is uh updates from BCC members who are members 2:59:40 of other Transportation related bccs and I'll just add that Lynn Olen who is our other new commission member is also a 2:59:47 member of the Disability Rights Commission so we'll have that connection with her um on TC as well anybody have 2:59:55 any updates for us 3:00:00 tonight not see any hands give it another minute okay we'll 3:00:08 look for more updates in again in the future um only 3:00:14 announcement I had was the the three changes that were approved at the common Council last night with regard to 3:00:21 committee me um membership so bill was moved from the second alternate to a 3:00:27 resident member um and Kaylee uh Jameson was appointed as the first alternate and 3:00:33 Lynn Olsen was appointed as the second alternate so we look forward to um 3:00:39 continuing Bill to have you um involved on TC and Kaylee and and Lynn we look 3:00:46 forward to um having you involved and uh thanks again uh to Kaylee for coming 3:00:55 tonight okay um no other announcements from 3:01:03 anybody okay uh terms of future agenda items we have some ordinance changes to 3:01:10 chapter 11 and 12 of Madison Municipal ordinances that might be coming our way 3:01:15 paid parking for Wilson Street lot um um review and approval of some Metro 3:01:20 Transit bus stop changes um review and approval of updates to complete green streets uh 3:01:27 safe routes to school planning project uh update on Transit equity for people 3:01:33 with disabilities one of the new items in our work plan um and a couple other 3:01:38 things we're working on uh three three different things that we're working on with um folks from the Department of 3:01:44 Civil Rights and of course we have the list that's posted in legistar that um I 3:01:52 track of suggestions that we've had from commission members over time and we've 3:01:57 crossed up a couple of them and we're we're working on them as well so any 3:02:04 other suggestions for future agenda topics 3:02:13 tonight no okay we covered a lot of ground tonight a lot of good discussions 3:02:20 as always so we need a motion to adjourn 3:02:27 P um just just before my motion to adjourn um sh quick question I noticed 3:02:33 that the TC placeholders in the calendar uh go only until the end of this year so 3:02:40 I was wondering when the next TC meeting would be the next TC meeting is on 3:02:45 January 8th and Aiden and I just talked today and he's going to be sending out new placeholder uh sending out 3:02:51 placeholder um calendar invitations for all of 2025 for you okay excellent 3:02:57 appreciate that I motion to adjourn sure okay thank you um is there a second Al 3:03:04 Alder Martino excuse me Alder Martinez retherford I will second thank you so 3:03:10 much I'm going to assume a unanimous consent vote and thank you all so much 3:03:16 uh for hanging with us tonight lots of great discussion as usual so see you next time and happy holidays everybody